Hey guys, just had some questions for anyone willing to answer it!
So I applied for ROTP as an Armour Officer and Artillery as my second choice. I heard back from CFRC Hamilton 5 days after I applied to schedule my CFAT. It's on the 12Th and I'm really pumped. However, when talking with my recruiter I decided to ask some questions. I found out that I did not meet the academic requirements for RMCC and he told me that I will be going the CivU route. Now my questions for you guys are;
1) Do I still require the RMCC academic requirements, or I am just held to the standard of my CivU which I am applying to? Reason I am asking this is because I have 2 credits remaining for my OSSD, and if I could ditch my current math course and pick up 2 more writing centered courses, I could have my OSSD finished in a matter of weeks as I am doing ILC courses to finish off my OSSD.
2) If I didn't make the cut for RMCC, why am I getting pushed through the process so quickly? If I understand correctly, the ROTP Academic Questionnaire goes to RMCC first and if they find you suitable, they pass it down. So I must have been found suitable for something no?
3) Since I live in Ontario, do I have to apply for Ontario Universities or can I go anywhere in Canada as an Officer Cadet under ROTP? I applied to Acadia in Nova Scotia and am expecting a conditional offer from them some time next week, subject to submission of my final transcripts.
I am just curious as to what my chances are. Preparing for the worst, hoping for the best.
Hope to hear anyone's thoughts on the matter soon!