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Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

Springroll said:
The Wiccan Rede(Rule Book) summed up says "Ye Harm None, Do what Ye will". In other words, as long as I do not hurt anything, I can do what i like. Another good one is the rule of three. Anything I put forth will come back to me times 3.

So why join the Armed Forces?   It would be against your Religion, as it is for Jehovah's Witnesses.  You would be putting others in danger with your beliefs.  You could not be relied upon to defend yourself in the face of an enemy.  If you did, then you would not be true to your faith.  Much, I suppose, could be said about Terrorists who have warped Islam to justify their Jihad.
Springroll said:
Then you are unaware of the true workings of Wicca then.

The Wiccan Rede(Rule Book) summed up says "Ye Harm None, Do what Ye will". In other words, as long as I do not hurt anything, I can do what i like. Another good one is the rule of three. Anything I put forth will come back to me times 3.

I wear a pentacle, I like to burn candles(as most women do and I do prefer partylite), I do not sacrifice anything(that is against the rules) and I do only good spells, not any to hurt or harm anyone. I also do not do spells against someones wishes...that is also against the rules. Here is a good link to learn about Wicca. You will see that there is a huge difference between what your are writing(which alot people think is true) and what is actually true. The media has painted such a horrible picture of "witches" that they assume all ride broom sticks and and are green faces with warts all over, and that is so far form the truth.


Edited to add: but worshiping a statue of a dead man with blood dripping down his face, is okay?? I am only asking, not looking to be attacked. I used to be Anglican, so at one time, I too believed in Jesus and all of that.

Springroll, I am NOT going to have a pissing contest with you on the topic of witchcraft, etc, You go ahead and do what you want. If it makes you feel good to cast spells, and all that goes with it, fill your boots.
but drawing pentagrams, darkness, candles, sarcrifices, spells, and outright witchcraft is NOT a religion.

So I guess the Pentacostal Church (pentagrams a plenty there), and any religion that uses candles (um, the Big 3 certainly), are also then NOT a religion?  What do you think prayers are?  They are exactly what Springroll does every time she calls a circle and casts a spell.  Spells can be chants, singing, saying a repetitive phrase, and going through rehearsed motions.  Sounds sneakingly like a prayer to me.

So why join the Armed Forces?  It would be against your Religion, as it is for Jehovah's Witnesses.  You would be putting others in danger with your beliefs.  You could not be relied upon to defend yourself in the face of an enemy.  If you did, then you would not be true to your faith.

In the same vein, then why would a good Christian join the forces?  After all, isn't it preached to love thy neighbour?
I suspect each of us will know if our faith choice was the right one, if , in your last dying moments, it still offers you compfort.  I suspect a mere mental fascination might fall short on that occassion.

Perhaps you folks who have taken the time to consider the need of faith, regardless of form, might be equipped to answer my question put forth in the thread "unlimited liability".

either way, I hope those last few moments go well for each of us.

I feel your pain....Just deleted a long post on the veracity of the "Wiccan Rule Book" because I didnt want to get into it with Springroll

My main issue is that the so called Wiccan rule has about as much veracity as a book on the Language or Relgion of the Klingon Empire....

The body of work it is based upon willfully misinterprets the archeological and historical record and warps it. Inconvienient facts like the complete inability of historians to identify a pan-Celtic religion complete with Horned God and Mother Goddess are simply ignored......

Bah, I'm away the pub for a pint

First Primarch of the Church of Enlightened Guiness Consumption and Arch-Decon of the Holy Pythonic Rite
snippy? That wasn't snippy. We've been over the same ground twice before. Both times I mentioned that I think all organized religions are simply another means of controlling the populace and that Krishnamurti's teachings are the closest thing to common sense: Your Truth is not my Truth. (Although, a great deal of his stuff is repeats from Jesus, Kung Fu Tzu, and the Gautama Buddha - deliberate, or otherwise.)

You've broadcast your atheism twice before. As I said: Good for you. Lemme know how it works out.
I been there, it didn't work, and now I'm progressing. I've moved beyond Athiesm, beyond Agnosticism, ann now I'm finding my own Truth. I'll keep you posted on where I end up, if you care.

You want to talk condecension? That's when I start using terms like, "lad", "youngster", or "bozo".
Jumper said:
Did you happen to see the two part series on the History Channel that aired about two months ago on the DaVinci Code and the book it was based on Holy Blood, Holy Grail? All the supporting evidence supplied to the authors for the The Holy Blood and Holy Grail was fabricated the whole thing was an elaborate hoax. It was a really good program!

No I didn't see it.  Would you happen to have a link to it? The only one I can find is Beyond The Da Vinci Code by the history channel.  Was that the one that Richard Leigh, one of three authors of HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL, make an appearance in the series?

Let me know, as I am intrigued.


[quote author=Springroll]
The media has painted such a horrible picture of "witches" that they assume all ride broom sticks and and are green faces with warts all over, and that is so far form the truth.

Is it?

Just one question, what in the name of God, caused you to stray from Christianity, and become a witch? The whole aspect of "wicca" seems so cheesy and fake. Casting spells, chanting? Sounds like a re-run of "Charmed".

You say that you -believed- in Jesus and all that. Past tense, meaning you no longer believe in Christ. That's fine, and I understand where people may question many aspects of Christianity, but which aspects of "Wicca" seem more realistic and logical than Christianity? I'm not arguing that Christianity is the supreme religion, I am just interested as to why you made the switch.

I have to admit I've met a few hot wican chicks who where definetly into the LOVE stuff  ;D sometime two or three at a time...
Strike said:
In the same vein, then why would a good Christian join the forces?  After all, isn't it preached to love thy neighbour?
A good Christian fights for what he/she believes in. If believing in protecting their fellow man from harm, then that makes them a good Christian, and makes joining the CF a logical choice... both career wise and religion wise.

They could also become padres  :P.

However if Springroll believes that bringing harm to others is against her religion then she must conflict with her husband on many occaisions, unless he is a warlock. ::)

"However if Springroll believes that bringing harm to others is against her religion then she must conflict with her husband on many occaisions, unless he is a warlock."

- Maybe he does not know she is a witch, you know, like the USAF astronaut guy in that TV show.

- Or was that a genie?

- Witches, genies, .. whatever...

My paladin on world of warcraft puts all the warlocks into a hurt locker.

Springroll, Fry. I want each of you to roll a d20 and see who makes a saving throw.

Sorry it's just all this talk about spells and witches and doing good in the name of god and all that - IN a thread about politics...
Haven't we learned our lesson?
Fry said:
Is it?

Just one question, what in the name of God, caused you to stray from Christianity, and become a witch? The whole aspect of "wicca" seems so cheesy and fake. Casting spells, chanting? Sounds like a re-run of "Charmed".

You say that you -believed- in Jesus and all that. Past tense, meaning you no longer believe in Christ. That's fine, and I understand where people may question many aspects of Christianity, but which aspects of "Wicca" seem more realistic and logical than Christianity? I'm not arguing that Christianity is the supreme religion, I am just interested as to why you made the switch.

I guess I lost my faith when "God" stopped seeming so wonderful to me. He had "stripped" me of almost all of my loved ones that meant anything to me and never offered me guidance or support when I asked for it in my prayers. I have lost 8 extremely close people to me in the last 10 years(3 within a month of each other) and I do not see how if he loved us, that he would do that to us. Is he not supposed to be great and wonderful?

My husband is well aware of the path I have chosen to take, as are my children, but I do not push my ways on them. I truly believe that my children will believe in whatever religion they choose to and all I can do is answer their questions as best as I can when they ask. My daughter and youngest son still like to say grace at meal time, so we do that. My daughter attended a christian based preschool because she wanted to. I do not feel that Wicca is the only "true" religion and so I do not go criticising others for their religious choices as I expect them not to criticise mine.

Now for me joining the military, I am doing it since it has been something that I have wanted to do for the last 14 years and I do not believe in having regrets. I am fully aware that I may have go against my beliefs to protect myself, my buddies and my country.
I am going to try and bring this back on topic by saying that I personally don't feel that the "new" religions have any affect on Canadian society other than brining in more diversity to the table. Now they obviously have an affect on individuals as has been demonstarted in the posts making fun of my beliefs.

Strike, you had it right on!!

So much for religious tolerance, eh?!!
Wesley H. Allen said:
With all this talk about religions and all, I'll keep it simple by saying it here - a famous quote "there is no such thing as an athiest in a foxhole".



Repeating a tired old cliche doesn't make it any more true. And it's atheist.
Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers    -    http://www.maaf.info/

Reading all the posts putting down wicca is kind of funny. "My superstition is better than your superstition!!"

But I agree that the inclusion of new and different religions can only be a good thing to increase peoples awareness of others and make the organization more inclusive. Traditional christian sects don't have a monopoly on wanting to serve their country.
sigpig said:
Repeating a tired old cliche doesn't make it any more true. And it's atheist.
Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers     -     http://www.maaf.info/

Reading all the posts putting down wicca is kind of funny. "My superstition is better than your superstition!!"

But I agree that the inclusion of new and different religions can only be a good thing to increase peoples awareness of others and make the organization more inclusive. Traditional christian sects don't have a monopoly on wanting to serve their country.

Interesting how you promote Atheism in your first paragraph, then say you agree with the inclusion of religions can only be a good thing to increase awareness.

I guess we all have to find a way to get our post count up.


*gong* *gong* *gong*
Send out the dancing poodles in ballet skirts and cut to a commercial, this lady's had enough to drink.