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Replacing the Subs

So, what, when the world, particularly the automotive manufacturing stream, pretty much shut down during COVID because of a chip shortage, we could have solved everybody's problems but nobody asked? People really didn't have to take delivery of vehicles with functions not working because of a lack of chips? Who knew.

I'm not convinced we have sufficient domestic heavy manufacturing capacity or the supply stream, particularly steel, to rise to the occasion. I stand to be pleasantly surprised. Even with the few auto assembly plants we have, probably half are Canadian subsidiaries of offshore companies and I wonder if an emergent relationship has even been thought of.
Most of the covid shut downs were based on control. This caused supply disruptions.
Like most Canadian things manufactured/raised dug up ends up in other countries.
A quick search will come up with semiconductor manufacturers here.
Agreed. Painted black and able to dive deep.

Anything else?
Does it have to be black?
Yellow Submarine Animation GIF by The Beatles
In a sudden emergency, it will be easy to take over existing plants run by hostile state actors. The challenge is with the automation, they could be remotely hacked and conduct self sabotage or just shut down.
And you might be right, and I wasn't thinking of a hostile foreign owner (which shouldn't be operating here at any time under any circumstances0, more a situation where, say, Toyota or Honda had its own reasons to be not totally on board with a particular Canadian military or foreign affairs position. 'We need you to start building tanks. Umm, it would be bad for us and we don't agree'. I suppose we could simply seize the assets if there was legislation allowing that.
And you might be right, and I wasn't thinking of a hostile foreign owner (which shouldn't be operating here at any time under any circumstances0, more a situation where, say, Toyota or Honda had its own reasons to be not totally on board with a particular Canadian military or foreign affairs position. 'We need you to start building tanks. Umm, it would be bad for us and we don't agree'. I suppose we could simply seize the assets if there was legislation allowing that.
Many of our mines are owned by Chinese interests and I suspect other industries as well. So they could shut them down from afar.

Saab putting forward its proposal for the Victoria class replacement.

One thing that is becoming clearer to me is that there are a limited number of yards internationally that are capable of supplying subs of any type.

It is also becoming clearer that, for whatever reason, and I am guessing the CT of the Moskva is related, submarines are becoming increasingly popular.

Supply limited.
Demand increasing.
Timelines lengthening,
Costs rising.
Options falling.

Similar situation with respect to every other equipment shortage in the CAF.

UORs are probably not what they used to was.
One thing that is becoming clearer to me is that there are a limited number of yards internationally that are capable of supplying subs of any type.

It is also becoming clearer that, for whatever reason, and I am guessing the CT of the Moskva is related, submarines are becoming increasingly popular.

Supply limited.
Demand increasing.
Timelines lengthening,
Costs rising.
Options falling.

Similar situation with respect to every other equipment shortage in the CAF.

UORs are probably not what they used to was.

PS -

What would an SSK / USV task force look like? The Surface Vessels would announce there was a sub in the area but their noise and movement might obscure the SSK and provide Air and ASW Defence as well as launch platforms. The sub houses the Combat Information Center or whatever the CP is called.
PS -

What would an SSK / USV task force look like? The Surface Vessels would announce there was a sub in the area but their noise and movement might obscure the SSK and provide Air and ASW Defence as well as launch platforms. The sub houses the Combat Information Center or whatever the CP is called.
That is not really how it works.
I've said this before and call me a pessimist but:

Canada will be out of the submarine business once the last one goes. The GoC has zero interest in it and quite frankly this GoC is more interested in showing off socks, mugging for the camera and telling everyone how to conduct their business.