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Reserve candidate with civilian job involving pornography

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I applied for the reserves this summer, and I wonder if a part of my civilian job could interfere with my chances to be accepted, or could result with a release if it is found later on.

I am a programmer-analyst for a web developer company. The new project that I must work on is a video on demand website for a movie distributor. That distributor has a wide diversity of movies, from sci-fi to horror including adult movies(pornography). We do the website, and the maintenance. I'm not involved with creative tasks (designing pages, photoshoping pictures, etc), I'm only programming the system. But I may have to watch the movies to ensure quality control i.e. be sure it works and that the movies are in a good quality (picture quality-wise, I was told I was a B-movie distributor).

I know that the Canadian Forces policy prohibits the use of the Internet to view sexual materials in any form "for non-work-related use, regardless of the legality of the material." [1] I know that this part of this policy is related to the use of net porn on the Canadian Forces network, or a CF computer, but I want your opinion about the way this new contract could interfere with my future reserve military career.

I know I'll be fired if I refuse to work on that contract, but I'd rather be searching for a new job than ruining my efforts I made this far to join the Canadian Forces.
Kyu said:
But I may have to watch the movies to ensure quality control i.e. be sure it works and that the movies are in a good quality (picture quality-wise, I was told I was a B-movie distributor).

How do i get that job and do you think my girlfriend will understand  ;D
Let me get this straight: you'll be doing this on non-military time using non-military resources?
From what I gather from your post it shouldn't be an issue. The citation you linked to was an article about DND personnel using a DND laptop to access pornography. Obviously, when on a DND computer, and accesing the DIN you are not allowed to view any inapropriate/ non work related material.

What you do on your own time, on your own personal computer is pretty much up to you. As long as you're not breaking any laws, which it doesn't sound like you are then you shouldn't have a problem.
Additionally,  and not because I'm advocating hiding anything,  but....  how would the CF ever know?

You're a web-developer.  Unless you are a porn-star currently, and asked to identify your current position, its leadership and other responsibilities, etc,  I'm not seeing how the CF would be aware if you did work in Porn.    Porn is not illegal in Canada.  (Well some of it is, but I'm sure you have NOTHING to do with that, right?)

Don t sweat it.
You work for a company that has a client .....
One of your work assignments is to maintain someone else s website.

The fact that this business deals with some adult movie content should not be a problem.
If your smiling face happens to be in the movies ... then you may have a wee problem.

Uhhh... for the next stag - samples?
Shamrock said:
Let me get this straight: you'll be doing this on non-military time using non-military resources?

This is what I'll do at my civilian job, when I'm not on military duty.

Meridian said:
Additionally,  and not because I'm advocating hiding anything,  but....  how would the CF ever know?

If there is an investigation about that website for any reason (Actor/actress under 18, fraud, etc...) my name WILL come up because I must write my name on any piece of code I write. This is to assert the company's copyright on the code, and to help people who will work on that code next, so they will be able to ask me questions about that code.

geo said:
Don t sweat it.
You work for a company that has a client .....
One of your work assignments is to maintain someone else s website.

The fact that this business deals with some adult movie content should not be a problem.
If your smiling face happens to be in the movies ... then you may have a wee problem.

Uhhh... for the next stag - samples?

I just wanted to be sure. I don't intend to be in any movies. And no, I can't give any samples...  ;D
Even if you were a pornstar you could probably still get into the CF no problem...They would roll out the red carpet and be like welcome to the combat arms hahaha....
tannerthehammer said:
Even if you were a pornstar you could probably still get into the CF no problem.

You would probably end up as a poster boy for CFPSA or CFRG.... unless you look like Ron Jeremy.. ;D
This is starting to sound like a WW2 recruiting poster.  "Only men with massive organs need apply."
Ahem. Had a friend who would say....

"It's not how big it is, it's how mad it gets"
No need to hold up traffic by staring folks. The tow truck has removed the wreck. ;)


MILNET.ca Fun Police
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