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Respect our values or Leave

George Wallace said:
Why do they come to the West if they are not tolerant to the ways of the West?  Conspiracy theorists would say that it is a means for Islam to gain world domination through infiltration of other societies.

And there's a pretty decent chance they may be right.
George Wallace said:
Why do they come to the West if they are not tolerant to the ways of the West? 

Because our Constitution would give them the backing to say and do as they please (within limits) - they've been slung out of places somewhat less permissive than ours is, so here they come.

This is unacceptable and our politicians and courts should send that message, loud and clear.
This is rather saddening. Just another example of how "multiculturalism" will be the end of us.

Someone needs to stand up an say "This is our country. You need to learn about, and respect our values and integrate into our society. If you don't like it why are you still here? Don't let the door hit your rear on the way out".

Makes me want to go into politics honestly.

EDIT: To add to this, Sharia law has absolutely NO place anywhere in the West. We should not grant people special privileges to impose religious driven laws that circumvent our own. Again, this is our country.
Jim Seggie said:
This is unacceptable and our politicians and courts should send that message, loud and clear.

I agree.  It is time our government developed some cahones.
Jim Seggie said:
This is unacceptable and our politicians and courts should send that message, loud and clear.

I'd go as far as to say the people should have a an all out revolt, something similar to the Tea Party to the south. The Government works for us after all.
" The de-classified Intelligence Assessment obtained by the National Post says extremists have been encouraging Muslims in the West to reject Western society and to live in “self-imposed isolation.” The report focuses on groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which do not advocate terrorist violence but promote an ideology at odds with core Western values."

I would have to say that based on what I had read, the Muslim community in Canada has been encouraged by outside influences to perform these ideas for what? To see if our society will cumble under the sandal of some radical group? Nonsense. It is our core beliefs and values in our society that will keep our society together. My :2c:. Ubique
This is rather old news. It is common in the hardliner community to get a wife who does not speak English and keep her at home without TV so she cannot learn our ways. The countries of origin change as the years go by. They sponsor them for citizenship as a spouse, but I always thought this was their weakness. Make the spouses pass a test to earn their full citizenship by learning about our laws(especialy divorce law), language and culture.

57Chevy said:
A short video regarding the alarmingly low fertility rate of Western societies compared to Islam.

Unable to view the video at this time, but I would like to add that this is not an Islam vs West problem.  Lower birthrates in the West are more attributed to the economic situation of the population than the religious.  No matter where you go in the world, you are likely to find that the poor have higher numbers of children than the rich.  To say that Islam or any religion has a higher fertility rate than Western religions is a red herring.  We only have to look at places such as India to see the statistics to back up the poverty vs rich claim.
George Wallace said:
Why do they come to the West if they are not tolerant to the ways of the West? 

Same reason we dropped commandos behind enemy lines in WW2  ;)
Journeyman said:
I can't imagine much of a political future if you're going in honestly  ;D

*rimshot*  Hey-ooooooooo!  You are correct, sir!
" The de-classified Intelligence Assessment obtained by the National Post says extremists have been encouraging Muslims in the West to reject Western society and to live in “self-imposed isolation.” The report focuses on groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which do not advocate terrorist violence but promote an ideology at odds with core Western values."

The de-classified Intelligence Assessment obtained by the National Post says extremists have been encouraging Quebecers to reject Canadian society and to live in “self-imposed isolation.” The report focuses on groups such as the Parti québécois and Bloc Québécois, which do not advocate terrorist violence but promote an ideology at odds with core Canadian values.
Rifleman62 said:
The de-classified Intelligence Assessment obtained by the National Post says extremists have been encouraging Quebecers to reject Canadian society and to live in “self-imposed isolation.” The report focuses on groups such as the Parti québécois and Bloc Québécois, which do not advocate terrorist violence but promote an ideology at odds with core Canadian values.

Such is the country that WE have allowed this to become.
George Wallace said:
Such is the country that WE have allowed this to become.

Reminds me of the old political saying, "Someday they are going to get good government, and they are not going to like it."
Definitely pot stirring here but don't we already have religious extremists  isolating themselves and rejecting western ways.

Otherwise known as the Mennonites, Hutterites, Dukobhours... etc.