Kevin Libin: A question of loyalty
Tim Fraser for National Post
Outspoken author and former politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali challenges the long-standing Canadian approach to multiculturalism.
Kevin Libin Oct 21, 2011 – 9:26 PM ET | Last Updated: Oct 22, 2011 1:11 AM ET
Calgary — The concept of citizenship is a curious one for a nomad — at least that’s the word Ayaan Hirsi Ali used to describe herself in the title of her latest memoir. Ms. Hirsi Ali spent her childhood shuttling between Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Kenya, before fleeing an arranged marriage that would have brought her to Canada, settling instead in the Netherlands. There, after attending university and becoming a member of parliament—speaking out against radical Islam and its threat to Dutch culture—she stepped down from politics and nearly had her citizenship revoked (she had used false information on her refugee claim 14 years earlier). After appealing to France to grant her citizenship, she ended up in 2006 in the United States.
Perhaps a life spent without a permanent link to any one country, though, has at least given Ms. Hirsi Ali a perspective rare among prominent Western intellectuals. Arriving in Holland for the first time, she recalls first encountering the expectation that she would curb her ethnic loyalties in favour of a nation state, and finding it nothing less than bizarre.
“They don’t prepare you for that,” she says. “The first few years you spend in conflict because you are completely and utterly loyal to your clan and tribe and everything that you’ve learned before, and you get to this point where, as a citizen, you’re basically being asked to be loyal to strangers.”
The need for liberal, secular democracies like Canada to prepare themselves for immigrants who might come unready to accept citizenship responsibilities will likely be one of the warnings Ms. Hirsi Ali brings to Calgary on Tuesday, where she’ll be speaking at a sold-out dinner officially launching the Manning Foundation for Democratic Education. Exploring tensions around multiculturalism will be one of the focuses for the foundation, named for, and led by, Reform and Canadian Alliance party founder Preston Manning, which will put as much emphasis on its own scholarly work as it will on granting funds to other non-profit policy-minded groups.
The selection of Ms. Hirsi Ali as the celebrity to kick off the event is an intriguing one: Opponents once frequently labeled Mr. Manning’s parties as intolerant. Former Liberal cabinet minister Elinor Caplan called their supporters “Holocaust deniers, prominent bigots and racists.” The National Anti-Racism Council of Canada and Toronto columnists branded Reform as “anti-immigrant”—and there were occasional members who lent credence the charge: Toronto Reform candidate John Beck withdrew his candidacy in 1993 after saying that immigrants could bring “death and destruction” to Canada, and that they were “overpowering” Canadian culture.
And yet, Ms. Hirsi Ali, with her deep black complexion and lilting Somali accent, will be the one arguing next week that Canada needs to be more careful in its immigration policies. She warns, in fact, that if we are not, then we very much could risk violence and terror. And, she believes that if Canadians don’t stand by their founding heritage, we could well find ourselves overpowered by foreign and illiberal cultures.
Anyone passingly familiar with Ms. Hirsi Ali’s history would understand: she became the target of death threats after co-producing a film about female subjugation in the Dutch Muslim community; her collaborator, Theo van Gogh, was shot to death and nearly decapitated in 2004. A note pinned to his chest with a knife, by his murderer, warned that she, as a “soldier of evil” would be next. She has been living under bodyguard since.
The culprit’s name was Mohammed Bouyeri, but Dutch society and its vision of multiculturalism played an integral part in allowing radical Islamists like Bouyeri to make Holland their host, she believes. It was Europe’s long, painful and often bloody experience of transcending the clannish loyalties of the feudal era and establishing instead the notion of citizenship in a nation state that permitted the development of Europe’s modern, relatively peaceful societies.
“In Europe, people also lived in tribes and had enormous religious strife, worse than anything you’ve seen in Somalia,” she says, an education she gained only after enrolling in university, not from her orientation as an immigrant. “This whole evolution, the wars and everything that led to the nation states, and the model….that’s not something that just sprung up, a blessing that happened to the Dutch. This was an outcome of generations, of centuries of hard work.”
But arrangements created by man can be undone by man. And efforts by multiculturalists to revitalize sectarian allegiances—to mother countries over adopted homes; to ethnicity over state—can only risk arousing more violence, she’s certain.
“You will see more and more people fighting for religion and blood and culture and all these things as a motive to commit violent acts, saying they have no other option but violence to make their statement,” she says. “That means the parliamentary model, the model of dialogue, that is going to be undermined by both sides”—the jihadists and the European traditionalists, both.
As evidence, she cites not only the Muslim radicals like Bouyeri and the Khadr family that set up their own radical shop here in Canada, but the Norwegian terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik, who has confessed to murdering 69 people as a reaction to the rise of European Islam and in the name of, according to his rambling manifesto, medieval Catholic crusaders. She believes there are many others in Europe who think like him.
“He is talking about the Knights of the Templar. That is pure regression. He’s not a worshiping Christian but he’s become a political Christian and so he’s reviving political Christianity as a counter to political Islam. That’s regression, because one of the greatest achievements of the west was to separate politics from religion.” Multiculturalism, she states plainly, is “going back in history.”
If western, democratic countries like Canada intend to stay the way they are, Ms. Hirsi Ali says, they must be less generous when it comes to indulging their multicultural guilt. It is misplaced anyway: Canadians and Americans may owe something to aboriginals, or to the African Americans descended from slaves, but we owe, she says, no special privilege to Pakistani or Algerian immigrants that should tempt us to indulge any potentially illiberal cultural demands. Her own decision to emigrate to Holland was not to cash in on colonial guilt, but to seek the privileges of Dutch citizenship. Reportedly pregnant (her husband is British historian Niall Ferguson), she says she will raise her children to be faithful to the United States above all.
“If my child were to join the military to pay taxes to commit to public service in any shape or form, it’s not going to be public service to Islam or Somalia, it’s going to be American,” she says. “I don’t know if you can imagine how radical that sounds. If my mother were to hear this or my father or any Somalian, they’d think this is madness. This is blasphemy. This is totally infidel.”
Because not all immigrant parents can be expected to be as strict about teaching citizenship is why government must ensure it does the proper job, she says. More controversially, that will often mean readjusting our vision of individual rights. Muslim-only schools must be eliminated outright, something she had tried to do as an MP in Holland, only to run up against the constitution. So she favours changing the constitution, if that’s what it takes. Because, she insists, not only must multiculturalism be abandoned; assimilation must be mandatory.
“Rights and freedoms, because they are developed by mankind, are dynamic. The questions we are facing today are very different than the questions [we] faced 50 or 100 years ago,” she says. “I think we haven’t risen to the challenge, because we’ve shied away from valuing cultural heritage for what it is. Some purists will only emphasize the law and they’ll say ‘As long as these people adhere to the law, fine, as long as they don’t kill, fine, you can do whatever you want.’ I think that’s wrong…what is neglected is the systematic education that is needed.”
Ms. Hirsi Ali has always made few bones about the fact that she sees Islam as inherently radical and uniquely dangerous to the Western way of life, and as a refugee from a strict Islamic upbringing in which she was beaten and brutalized (including forced female circumcision), she can speak this way with a credibility, freedom and authority that few intellectuals enjoy. An atheist now, she still argues that Muslims would be at least better off converting to Christianity, if they require some kind of faith. Those Muslims we might be inclined to call “moderate” she has called, instead “passive”: they don’t follow all the rules of Islam; if they did, they’d be as militant as Bouyeri.
And so at times she seems almost at peace with double standards, where Jews and Catholics would be free to enroll their own children in religious schools, and wear whatever modest head coverings they choose, while Muslims would not. It’s possible in certain countries, she says, “because there’s a Judeo-Christian cultural history, to allow Jewish and Christian schools but not allow Muslim schools.” But if fairness is our priority, or if we consider the ideal a perfectly secular state—as she would prefer—then all religious schools, and all religious challenges to a secular civilization, must go.
Such trade-offs are naturally uncomfortable in societies like this one, which are unused to such things: one where citizenship both grants individual rights—empowering women like her—yet revokes other rights, such as the right to cover one’s face or select one’s school of choice. Ms. Hirsi Ali, raised outside our rights-centric western culture, can no doubt accept the sacrifice more easily than born-and-raised Canadians can. In time, should we find our way of life increasingly endangered by the insidious effects of multiculturalism, the way her own life has been, she’s certain we’ll come to see things her way, too.
National Post
On Twitter: @kevinlibin