I was hired immediately but I do understand the frustration sometimes with the PSC HR policies. PH only works IF the manager chooses to use it. Obviously, DND is going to support CF veterans and that is proven. I have been at a few talks about this topic and they're saying 70% success. Warning- Before you invoke PH, be aware that "EXTERNAL HIRING" currently has a moratorium on new hiring, they can only fill vacant positions. To further complicate the problem, because of the austere budget, HR is recommended "INTERNAL" hiring process to offset the effected PS positions being targeted for termination.
You have 5 yrs from release to invoke and lasts 2 yrs. Be aware, it is in effect by the date the doctor signs and dates the letter you provide to the HRO, that part is not well known. It might be wise to wait for the PS to settle it's position terminations before invoking PH for yourself if you still have time. Remember, you first must meet the essential criteria before you are considered for PH, write your resume accordingly. You are up against some very creative writers!