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ROTP 2010-2011

With the long awaited selections boards on the horizon, I would just like to offer some small advice to help alleviate the anxiety you will all most likely be feeling.

If you read that someone on this board received an offer or did not receive an offer, don't jump to any conclusions about your own status! Last year people were freaking out that they hadn't heard yet where others had, when the fact was that not all recruiting centres had received the list of offers yet. You will be contacted either way, so while waiting is the worst part of it, don't jump to conclusions that just elevate your stress levels.  :nod:

Best of luck to all!
- Heff18  :salute:
Great Advice Heff!  Thanks! By the way, what does "slightly above useless" mean?  Yup, I creeped your profile.  ;D
Well i got my interview set haha two days before the deadline.... this is cutting it close but as long as i get through ill be happy
Hey guys,

I am currently applying for ROTP for signals officer first then intell second. (was gonna go combat arms like infantry etc but my eyes are too bad  >:( ) THE WAITING IS THE WORST. I seem to remember recruiter told me I would find out during march, but i don't remember where exactly. If some one could clarify that for me, that would be AWESOME. Im kinda worried about my marks not being up to snuff. Good luck to all you guys and if someone could clarify when were supposed to know approximately.

PS If we get rejected, do we find out at the same time as we would if we did get in?
TFLY said:
Great Advice Heff!  Thanks! By the way, what does "slightly above useless" mean?  Yup, I creeped your profile.  ;D

I've heard some guys at Civvie U using it to describe themselves cause of their rank (Ocdt.)

Not sure if that applies to RMC as well :P
ReidMeyers said:
I seem to remember recruiter told me I would find out during march, but i don't remember where exactly. If some one could clarify that for me, that would be AWESOME. I'm kinda worried about my marks not being up to snuff. Good luck to all you guys and if someone could clarify when were supposed to know approximately.

PS If we get rejected, do we find out at the same time as we would if we did get in?

My RC and a RMC coach that recruited me have told me to expect a call by the end of march. Don't freak out if you haven't received a call by then because another recruiter told me that in the past they have sent out acceptance calls as late as June.

Like Heff said, You will get a call no matter what. Whether it be for offer or to tell you you didn't make the cut.  If you are seriously worried about your status you can always go to your local RC and ask them to give you an idea of how competitive you are. However, If the personnel at your RC are always busy, don't bother going. If the personnel at your RC don't like you, don't bother going.
wow, I don't think i could keep my sanity until June  :-\. Man I hope the guys at my RC don't hate me for whatever reason  :-\.

Thanks for the help :)
I did my CFAT in October and was scheduled to have the medical and the interview in early November but they were cancelled due to a missing security clearance forms in my application. I had kind of given up hope on RMC for the past three months and was really looking into other universities. AND THE RECRUITING CENTER CALLED ME TODAY FOR AN INTERVIEW ON WEDNESDAY! I am so happy but nervous beyond words.

Looking around in the forum, I see that many people are already going to ACS and whatnot (I have a friend who's done it or doing it soon). I applied for Pilot, but because I'm being contacted so late for an interview, does this mean I'm probably not considered as a candidate for pilot?
I had originally applied in November of last year but being unsuccessful in my CFAT I had to rewrite the test. The second time I wrote it I passed. The wait is killing me. Is anybody else planning on going to RMC?
Yes, we can say I am ''planning'' to fo to RMC...

On the other hand I'm planning to go to another College as trust worthy as the RMC.  Maybe it is the reason why I'm not getting killed by the wait...

Or maybe it is because I feel revolted a little...don't you?
calamityjoe said:
Yes, we can say I am ''planning'' to fo to RMC...

On the other hand I'm planning to go to another College as trust worthy as the RMC.  Maybe it is the reason why I'm not getting killed by the wait...

Or maybe it is because I feel revolted a little...don't you?

revolted? On what account?

Klark_Brockie said:
I had originally applied in November of last year but being unsuccessful in my CFAT I had to rewrite the test. The second time I wrote it I passed. The wait is killing me. Is anybody else planning on going to RMC?

I'm planning to go to RMC. No that's not right, I'm dead set on going to RMC. In fact, the only university I applied to was RMC. But I'm not worrying because I know EXACTLY what I will be doing if I don't get in.
Just a quick update on my situation:

I got cleared by my allergist yesterday, saying that I no longer have allergies, and have no need to carry epinephrine. That was Thursday. I literally ran from my Doctors office to the RC, showed up all sweaty and panting only to have the receptionist tell me that the Physician's Assistant, the person I had to see, had gone home early. I then got the recruiter who interviewed me to take the paperwork for me.

I called this morning, and the physician's assistant had not yet received it from the recruiter. I'm currently trying to get ahold of that recruiter and kicking myself for leaving that letter with some one other than the guy it had to get to. Today is the deadline, and the physician's assistant who is sympathetic to my case said he would have it purolated so they would receive it at the RMO Monday morning, making me good to go for the first round of selection.
Hey Murch, I'm in the same boat...I had the Medical staff who did my medical and the Captain who did my interview both trying to see if they could get my stuff to the MO today.  The problem is, they are not answering the phone in Ottawa and they are not sure if they should just fax it with out knowing if the MO will even be able to look at it today.  I have a few hours of holding my breath to find out if I made it.  (talk about under the wire!)

Good luck!
I'm in the freaking out boat right now too! I'm supposed to be at aircrew selection on Monday and they 're Purolating the plane tickets, medical stuff and the claims forms to me. It's supposed to be getting here today, but it's an our past when the Purolator truck usually arrives, so I think I'm going to call them now.
I know you'll think I'm going into the wrong line of work when I say this, but I hate not knowing what's going on and not being able to do anything about it!  :(
TFLY -- it sucks eh? We get cleared by medical (I've been trying to sort this for about 2 months now, just took forever to see the right doctor) and now we don't know if we will make the first round! I don't know what your Recruiter told you, but the Captain dealing with me did explain how the selection works. Even if we miss the first round, there is still a pretty good chance we can get picked up becuase (for whatever ridiculous reason after going through this long process) people decline the offers, or they don't get enough suitable applicants for a trade. I have Infantry as a third choice, and Armored as a first. I think my chances will be good that I may get a call in June asking me if I would take an offer for Infantry. We'll see how the chips fall I guess. Best of luck!! Hopefully we both made it.

X2012 -- That is rough! Hope it works out.
its okay.... guess what? My medical came back approved thirty mins before my interview was about to be cancelled!!! But everything for me worked out and I'll be on the selection board!!! Best thing is to be as optimistic as u can!!!
Huzzah! It's great to hear that things finally worked out just fine for you in the end...

Welcome aboard HMCS Waiting-for-the-call! :D

By the way, does anyone know whether RETP candidates are selected at the same time as ROTP candidates, or some time after?
Smackimus said:
Huzzah! It's great to hear that things finally worked out just fine for you in the end...

Welcome aboard HMCS Waiting-for-the-call! :D

By the way, does anyone know whether RETP candidates are selected at the same time as ROTP candidates, or some time after?

I like that HMCS waiting for the call hahahahahhaha
Brandon177 said:
I just rejected acceptance to RMC does this hurt my chances for being selected for Civ ROTP.

I guess the selection board has taken place already?