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ROTP 2011-2012

2011Applicant said:
So I'm gathering that when the admissions board at RMC make their decision, they will notify us via our file managers?

Yes, you will get a call from your file manager no matter what the selection board's decision on you is. Hopefully it will be good news though.

It sounds like it's only a month or so until most of you will know, so good luck to everyone waiting.
Dou You said:
Yes, you will get a call from your file manager no matter what the selection board's decision on you is. Hopefully it will be good news though.

It sounds like it's only a month or so until most of you will know, so good luck to everyone waiting.

Thats not true exactly, I first applied for MPO two years ago and was not selected in the first round and was notified by mail that I'd hear yay or nay at the second round yet I never got any notification. Don't be afraid to call if you don't hear by June.
Rogo said:
Thats not true exactly, I first applied for MPO two years ago and was not selected in the first round and was notified by mail that I'd hear yay or nay at the second round yet I never got any notification. Don't be afraid to call if you don't hear by June.

Oh my bad, I was under the impression that everyone got a call. That's what I was told by my CFRC when I was waiting for my offer last year.

Oh well, I guess my advice now would be like what Rogo said and call them. I wouldn't be able to wait until June though, so I'd say call every couple of weeks once you see others have started to receive their offers on here. Once again, good luck.
Dou You said:
... so I'd say call every couple of weeks once you see others have started to receive their offers on here. Once again, good luck.

...taking with a grain of salt what we hear on here, though.  I mean, one guy says he's already received his offer- although I have to agree with nairna that it was likely RMC/CFRC/RMO/Someone in the chain deeming him suitable at their level, rather than an offer to enroll in the ROTP.

As far as most of us gather, ROTP Selection board should be happening any time now/soon, with offers coming out soon after via CFRC, either written or by phone.
jwtg said:
...taking with a grain of salt what we hear on here, though.  I mean, one guy says he's already received his offer- although I have to agree with nairna that it was likely RMC/CFRC/RMO/Someone in the chain deeming him suitable at their level, rather than an offer to enroll in the ROTP.

Yeah, I saw his post and I'm pretty sure he means he was found "acceptable" for ROTP not "accepted". Because in other posts I have noticed that it mentions when the board is sitting and none have said this early, so for someone to say that they are accepted already is most likely just misinterpretation...but like you said, you never really know.

All in all, you'll be able to tell when the "bulk" of the offers go out, as there will be a steady flow of excited posts on this forum stating acceptance into ROTP. A couple weeks after this (if you still haven't heard) is when you should start calling every other week or so. But then again that's just my two cents. Cheers.
jwtg said:
...taking with a grain of salt what we hear on here, though.  I mean, one guy says he's already received his offer- although I have to agree with nairna that it was likely RMC/CFRC/RMO/Someone in the chain deeming him suitable at their level, rather than an offer to enroll in the ROTP.

As far as most of us gather, ROTP Selection board should be happening any time now/soon, with offers coming out soon after via CFRC, either written or by phone.

Well I'm just going with what I was told. I may have misunderstood, but I'm almost sure it's what I heard. I am, however, applying as AERE with a fairly solid app, so considering AERE isn't too competitive, it might of been a "You have a good chance to get a call" kind of thing.

Just passing on what I understood
I'm really feeling the nervousness now myself. I mean, I don't think there's any outright reason for them not to accept me. They said that the big problem with my application was a low math score, well my math is now an 80% on my transcript. I mean, my file manager told me that he wanted to give me a job, given my Cadet experience, my volunteering and the general quality of my application. I'm also applying to the junior ROTP, since I want to go for the prep school in St. Jean.
Well as I am sure most of us know by now, its less about how good a candidate you actually are, its about how well you stack up against everyone else. It sounds like you have a strong application, but that is meaningless until you consider every other application taken in this year. Try not to be too nervous; that is just wasted brainpower. Everything is out of your hands now!
So I was told today I should be finding out results beginning of April.
As for what pudd said. That is totally true. Your acceptance will depend on how well you measure up to the rest of the applicants.
Good Luck to everyone! Time to play the waiting game.(Did my over the phone interview today and passed, told I got merit listed.)
Everyone ought to get a call, as Dou You stated you should call ever so often after mid april to check or once the steady flow of YAY I GOT IN messages start to flow in.....
Hello ROTP hopefulls,

I figured it was about time I chime in with the group while also awaiting my phone call or letter. I was told by my file manager that the decision process would begin March 20th; whether it begins that day or close to it, I imagine we should all hear before mid-April.

I am applying for a spot as an Aere; to attend Carleton.

A Sunday? Well, everyone has heard a variety of dates but it seems sure that results should start coming out by the end of the month/early April.

Excitement builds!
Your file managers will not call you on saturdays or sundays, they don't work weekends. Logic boys and girls, logic.  :facepalm:

Also, congrats for Carleton. Good group of ROTP peeps here.

Also 2x... Happy Green inhebriated midget day!!!  :st.patty:
I thought it was a bit odd to have something like that start on a Sunday!

Thanks! I have heard so many good things about Carleton and Ottawa, I am very excited. Anyone else out there reading this also hoping to be attending an Ottawa school through ROTP?

Happy  :st.patty: to all as well!!
I was just curious, I have my first year engineering in the process of being completed. If I get accepted to ROTP and get RMC will I have to start my degree over or will I continue on as a second year. My degree is at Memorial University of Newfoundland and I have time in the CF already.
It's been half a decade since I graduated from RMC, but when I was there they rarely accepted transfer credits. This isn't to say they won't, but it detracts from the whole 'treat me like I'm a piece of cow dung for a month' experience... AKA, FYOP. They'll probably just have you continue at civvie school because we all know the government doesn't like to spend money needlessly  :P
Clancey01 said:
I was just curious, I have my first year engineering in the process of being completed. If I get accepted to ROTP and get RMC will I have to start my degree over or will I continue on as a second year. My degree is at Memorial University of Newfoundland and I have time in the CF already.

In my case I had completed 2 years of university by the time I was enrolled into the Canadian Forces for ROTP.

Ringknocker82 is right, the government doesn't like to spend money for nothing. They will probably have you complete your degree at your chosen university. If they do ask you to go to RMC you should make it known that you have started a degree.

For some reason, the RC was going to send me and another candidate to RMC and not at our civi university. They then realized, the day after our enrollment, that we had university credits and that we should just stay there.

Lesson of the story? Make sure your going to the right place. I had my stuff ready to move but ended up canceling it all because of this little misunderstanding. 
Clancey01 said:
I was just curious, I have my first year engineering in the process of being completed. If I get accepted to ROTP and get RMC will I have to start my degree over or will I continue on as a second year. My degree is at Memorial University of Newfoundland and I have time in the CF already.

I am attending Memorial also, however I was already told that if I get accepted I will be staying at MUN. Which trade(s) did you apply for?
I was told by the recruiting centre that if I choose to go to RMC, and I am the correct fit for RMC, they will send me there, regardless of my previous post-secondary education. I was concerned about the money thing; it does make more sense just to send me to a civvie school in terms of money. I raised my concerns with them (because I want RMC), and they told me that if I'm the right fit, that is where I will go. Now it might be a little different for me though, because I am also planning on switching programs, regardless of which school I go to right now. I have first year sciences complete, and I am going to switch into engineering. However, there is still some overlap between those programs, especially in first year. I don't expect transfer credit at RMC, because the recruiting centre basically told me I would be starting my degree all over again, which I okay with, for the most part.

Anyways, my point is, from what I have been told, just because you have previous post-secondary does not mean they won't take you at RMC, if that's what you want. But don't expect to jump into second year at RMC or to have 3 classes in your first year; there is much more that goes on at RMC each year than just classes, and part of that is time management. You would miss out on a lot if you could somehow skip first year, and the business that goes with it.
I am in my second year at Ryerson and I was told that because of this I would only be considered for a civilian university. As stated the government will not waste money so why would I repeat another two years? Makes sense in my case. I guess it really comes down to the individual, as pudd13 is changing programmes that makes sense to have RMC as a possible path as he will be beginning anew.