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ROTP 2011-2012

Can do.
Although I'm starting to get worried now, I've been reading threads from last year saying that people that do first year at RMC St Jean end up being behind their RMC counterparts. Anyone have experience going through the "common year" at St Jean and transferring over to Kingston?
2011Applicant said:
Can do.
Although I'm starting to get worried now, I've been reading threads from last year saying that people that do first year at RMC St Jean end up being behind their RMC counterparts. Anyone have experience going through the "common year" at St Jean and transferring over to Kingston?

Yes. What do you want to know?
2011Applicant said:
I'm hearing 5 weeks for St-Jean.

That sound about right. You will just have to wait for confirmation from the RC.
I went to the Civi recruit camp. At that time, RMC St-Jean folks had already been there for two weeks.
After I did my two weeks, they had another left until class started. So that would make 5 weeks for the RMC people.
Dumb question I am sure but I am waiting on hearing if a CT was accepted into the ROTP program, it is my understanding that it takes longer to hear back from them as to whether or not I was successful, the problem that I am having is that I am already in University and I need to wait on this before I accept another job as it wouldn't be fair to another employer to accept a position and then quit a month or so later. Is there anyone else in a similar position to myself?

Hope for the best and plan for the worst I guess.
Congrats again to all selected! To those in the same boat as me, I'll see you in the 2012 ROTP thread.

Has anyone received an offer for Aerospace Engineering Officer? I've been trying to keep an eye out for a post but haven't seen one.

My situation is similar to yours. I've done a CT - ROTP and just found out the results last week. Fortunately for me, I was accepted. I suggest to message your File Manager at DMilC 7 regularly (once every week or two) until they can give you an answer.

Best o'luck
Benton said:
Dumb question I am sure but I am waiting on hearing if a CT was accepted into the ROTP program, it is my understanding that it takes longer to hear back from them as to whether or not I was successful, the problem that I am having is that I am already in University and I need to wait on this before I accept another job as it wouldn't be fair to another employer to accept a position and then quit a month or so later. Is there anyone else in a similar position to myself?

Hope for the best and plan for the worst I guess.

I'm with you, in a slightly different position. I'm attempting to CT into ROTP as well, but i have to accept or decline a contract for some sea time with my unit. So i can either accept the contract knowing that i will have a couple months of employment but at the risk of missing some of the obligations for transfer into ROTP (getting sworn in, etc.), or decline the contract in which case if i get accepted everything would work out, but if i don't then i lose out on months of employment. You have to gauge your priorities.
backthen91 said:
I'm with you, in a slightly different position. I'm attempting to CT into ROTP as well, but i have to accept or decline a contract for some sea time with my unit. So i can either accept the contract knowing that i will have a couple months of employment but at the risk of missing some of the obligations for transfer into ROTP (getting sworn in, etc.), or decline the contract in which case if i get accepted everything would work out, but if i don't then i lose out on months of employment. You have to gauge your priorities. Decisions, decisions.....

I presume that regforce will over rule reserves? call your file manager and explaining the situation would be the the best solution.
For all of you not accepted, don't dispair. Just remember RMC turned down Rick Hillier too.
I had a quick question that I'm not sure will be able to be answered, but here goes.  Ive been in the reserves for four years and applied to the ROTP in November of 2010.  I was accepted to RMC. However, things have changed for me personally since I applied and I no longer wish to attend RMC, but the civilian university in my home town.  Is there any way that I can refuse RMC, and get into the civilian university, which I have been accepted to, under the ROTP? Or am I going to have to decline the offer and re-apply next year?  Help would be much appreciated.

Something similar was covered earlier in this thread. (See page 42)

Henning said:
So I got my call yesterday. Same thing as above where I didn't actually apply to RMC. Unfortunately I can't leave the university I'm at right now so I told my recruiter to send my application back. She says the chances to get accepted into civilian university now are "slim" and that even if they give me another offer it could be to RMC again for another occupation.

Just wondering now whether I turned down my occupation as a whole, or whether I just turned down my occupation at the RMC? Also, I am being put on the Merit list... What does that exactly mean? I just want to make sure I didn't turn down my occupation as I still want them to offer me that occupation but just in civ U.

George Wallace said:
I wonder why you even bothered applying for ROTP, as the majority of people accepted WILL go to RMC.  Very few will attend civilian universities.  This looks like you just gave up your spot to someone else waiting a little lower on the merit list. 

It means you gave up your spot and you are now placed lower on the merit list, bumping everyone else up one posn.  You will now have to wait for all those who were below you to turn down their offers, before you get another offer. 

I really don't understand how you can apply for employment, and then think that the "employer" will bend over backwards to accommodate your wishes.  I think you have your facts of life backwards.
To be perfectly fair, we don't know the specifics of his case - who knows maybe he just found out his girlfriend was pregnant and he can't leave for four years to go to school. If it is just a case of him not wanting to go to RMC for whatever reason, then he should have thought about that before handing in his application I agree.
DFPatt said:
I had a quick question that I'm not sure will be able to be answered, but here goes.  Ive been in the reserves for four years and applied to the ROTP in November of 2010.  I was accepted to RMC. However, things have changed for me personally since I applied and I no longer wish to attend RMC, but the civilian university in my home town.  Is there any way that I can refuse RMC, and get into the civilian university, which I have been accepted to, under the ROTP? Or am I going to have to decline the offer and re-apply next year?  Help would be much appreciated.

I am in a similar situation- I applied exclusively to ROTP for Civ U, and did not check off the little box for 'RMC' and I have substantial personal reasons for wanting to stay in my home town at Civi U.  I asked my file manager if he could switch my offer- he went up the chain and came back down saying that a switch to Civ U was not possible.  He elaborated, saying that Civ U recruiting this year was greatly reduced from previous years, and almost exclusive to particular paths of study (eg. Nursing) that are not available at RMC, or students who are further into their University programs already.

Very few - if any- students who simply prefer Civ U to RMC are going to get what they want. 

Your choice, as far as I can see, is to request a change to Civ U for x reason, but I caution that the likelihood of that request being granted are slim.  If, however, they do say no- you're exactly where you are now, no ground lost or gained so it can't possibly hurt.  (My file manager assured my that my offer was not jeopardized by requesting a switch to Civ U, thus my offer remained as originally intended.)

If you still only get RMC, you have to decide what's more important- your personal reasons or your career in the CF, or if there is some compromise.  Without knowing anything about your personal reasons, I can't say whether or not compromise/accommodation is even possible.

I am finding ways to deal with my personal reasons so that they and my future in the CF can coexist.  It's interesting, challenging and certainly not what I expected- but it's working, thanks to some great RMC/CFRC staff and family/friends in my life.

Best of luck.
DFPatt said:
I had a quick question that I'm not sure will be able to be answered, but here goes.  Ive been in the reserves for four years and applied to the ROTP in November of 2010.  I was accepted to RMC. However, things have changed for me personally since I applied and I no longer wish to attend RMC, but the civilian university in my home town.  Is there any way that I can refuse RMC, and get into the civilian university, which I have been accepted to, under the ROTP? Or am I going to have to decline the offer and re-apply next year?  Help would be much appreciated.


::)  Crap Dale.  You've been in the Reserves for four years.  I would have hoped that you would have learned a little of the military ethos, how the CF works, and TEAMWORK.  You come off sounding like a proud member of the ME Generation.  That sucks.

I am sure you have read enough on this site to see that you are given an "Offer".  You can choose to either accept it or turn it down.  If you turn it down, don't expect the CF to give you another one.  Reading these forums, you can see that there are literally thousands of people trying to get in.  All you succeed in doing when you turn down an "Offer" is give someone lower on the merit list a chance to join.  Will you make the grade next year for selection?  That is a good question, and again you are up against stiff competition.  Will you be able to make the cut off?

As I posted earlier, RMC is the location of choice for ROTP candidates to attend.  In the past few years, more candidates were allowed to attend civilian universities while renovations and construction of new dorms was done.  Now, you are seeing that these facilities are now ready for occupancy and there will be very few openings for people to attend civilian universities.  You may have just painted yourself out of the picture.

DFPatt said:
I had a quick question that I'm not sure will be able to be answered, but here goes.  Ive been in the reserves for four years and applied to the ROTP in November of 2010.  I was accepted to RMC. However, things have changed for me personally since I applied and I no longer wish to attend RMC, but the civilian university in my home town.  Is there any way that I can refuse RMC, and get into the civilian university, which I have been accepted to, under the ROTP? Or am I going to have to decline the offer and re-apply next year?  Help would be much appreciated.


I agree with Benton, we don't actually know your circumstances and so cannot really judge you.  However, as GW said, you've been in the reserves FOUR years; have you learned nothing about the CF in that time? :P  Here are the facts: you want the military to subsidize your education, but you want them to do it on your terms.  Don't you think that sounds a little unreasonable?  I'm not berating, just saying.  If your heart is set on CivvieU, your only viable option at this point (unless miraculously you reapply and they choose to send you to CivvieU) is to pay your own way through school and apply as DEO.  Or even reapply to ROTP after a couple years in school. I truly wish you good luck and if this is really the career you want, you'll find a way to make it happen :D
Hey guys, I know I keep reposting the same answer, but no reply back from CFRC Kitchener. It seems that everyone else has heard except for me and at this point, any news is good news. I would just like to know the results so that I can make some extremely hard choices and prepare for them in the future. If anyone else hasn't heard yet i'd be glad to know. I think that by now it may be likely that I was not accpeted but I would just like to be sure.
cobalt said:
Hey guys, I know I keep reposting the same answer, but no reply back from CFRC Kitchener. It seems that everyone else has heard except for me and at this point, any news is good news. I would just like to know the results so that I can make some extremely hard choices and prepare for them in the future. If anyone else hasn't heard yet i'd be glad to know. I think that by now it may be likely that I was not accpeted but I would just like to be sure.

You're right in that knowing ASAP would be best because of the life-changing decisions you'll have to make when you get the call.  Maybe it will mean RMC, maybe CMR, maybe Civ U, maybe no offer at all.  Whatever the phone call is, you'll have to adjust accordingly.  My advice is to operate as if the worst-case scenario is what's going to happen- not because you haven't heard yet or ROTP numbers this year or anything to do with your odds of selection, but just because that's the best kind of preparation.  Have a plan B in case ROTP doesn't work out.  If it does, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

In the meantime, at one point I apologized to my file manager for badgering him with phone calls and questions and he said 'Not a problem- that's what we're here for, to help you guys out.'

Don't feel guilty about calling your file manager to ask for an update- you have good reason to want to know soon. 
Bear in mind that they are very busy and have a lot of files to deal with and your file manager may or may not have such a positive attitude towards the files he manages, but you do no wrong by calling them within reason.

Like my file manager said, that's part of what they're there for.