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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I applied for Pilot from outside of Canada. I only had to fly into Canada once for 1 week this past summer for all of my processing. My CFAT, medical, interview and even aircrew selection were all scheduled in the same week. This is not usually the case for people applying from within Canada who often wait weeks or months between phases of their application (but people like us have to wait extra long for our security checks to clear though).

Normally pilot applicants are given extra medical forms to be filled out by a doctor(s) (detailed eye exam, fasting blood and urine) after they pass the CFAT during their medical (before they can get scheduled to go to air crew selection), but I was given the forms before I went to Canada so that I could have them filled and ready right away should I be accepted as a pilot trainee. Unfortunately, I did not make the cut for pilot so the 500$ I spent to get those forms filled by doctors kind of went to waste.

If I had not applied for pilot, I would have likely only had to go into Canada for just one day (No ACS or extra medical forms).

Keep in mind, this is how it worked out for me just as reference. Processing may occur differently for you even though you will likely be dealing with the same recruiting center as me.
Hey all,

I am a grade 12 student considering a career as a pilot with the air force.

I've spent 5 years in cadets and received my glider pilot's license two summers ago. In addition, I am my school's student council president, and have been an honours student.

I am not interested in the RMC route, and would prefer Civilian University.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips on getting accepted for ROTP at a Civi U, and anything at all I could do to improve my chances.

This is my first post so please be merciful. I'm aware of what a snake pit these forums can be.

jr51534 said:
I am a grade 12 student considering a career as a pilot with the air force.

I've spent 5 years in cadets and received my glider pilot's license two summers ago. In addition, I am my school's student council president, and have been an honours student.

I am not interested in the RMC route, and would prefer Civilian University.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips on getting accepted for ROTP at a Civi U, and anything at all I could do to improve my chances.

This is my first post so please be merciful. I'm aware of what a snake pit these forums can be.

The only way to guarantee ROTP via Civi U, is by selecting an occupation, where RMC doesn't offer a compatable degree program, such as Nurse and MPO.  Most ROTP applicants who were offered Civi U, already have at least one year of Civi U under their belts, so they are considered to be "Snr's" and have a greater chance of receiving such an offer.  There are some exceptions to this but those are few and far between.

So when you apply through the ROTP program, RMC/CMR generally get first dibs....and they like to pick up Gr 12 students!
DAA said:
The only way to guarantee ROTP via Civi U, is by selecting an occupation, where RMC doesn't offer a compatable degree program, such as Nurse and MPO. 

Is the compatible degree list for MPO changing this year? To be clear, RMC has had MPO candidates in the very recent past, and may even have one or two right now.
jwtg said:
Is the compatible degree list for MPO changing this year? To be clear, RMC has had MPO candidates in the very recent past, and may even have one or two right now.

I'd have to check the effective date of the ES (Entry Standards) for MPO to see when it was last changed.  But I'd think that RMC wouldn't be capable of offering any of the current degree programs due to the very limited number of spots available each year (ie 2-4).  It is entirely possible that there are ROTP MPO candidates currently at RMC and they should be "grandfathered".  The general rule of thumb is that provided you remain in your originally offered occupation, future changes to the ES will have no impact on you.  But should you be subject to an occupational reassignment, then you are also subject to the "current" ES.
Can you confirm whether psychology or business admin are compatible?

I thought they were, and both are offered at RMC.
If I were to indicate on my application that I am only willing to attend Civi U would I take on a serious risk of rejection?

I understand that there is some demand for pilots in the military right now, but should I doubt my chances if I make this indication?

If that's actually true, then write it down.  I know a guy who put that on his application a few years ago and, if I'm not mistaken, he's still at RMC, finishing up this year or next.  So that shows you how seriously they took it.

If the possibility of having to attend RMC for 4 years is enough to make you not want to undergo the ROTP and become a CF pilot, then I would question the strength of your motivation.

Pilot is a heavily, heavily sought-after occupation; even if you get in, you may wash out during one of the phases of training and have to be reassigned.  I would venture a guess and say that a lot of the people who want to be CF pilots would be willing to go to whichever university the CF sent them to.
jr51534 said:
If I were to indicate on my application that I am only willing to attend Civi U would I take on a serious risk of rejection?

I understand that there is some demand for pilots in the military right now, but should I doubt my chances if I make this indication?

It's "your" application to the CF and you own it.  You can put down whatever you think is appropriate in that box but my advice and for what it's worth........you better be able to substantiate and support the message your application conveys.

On a side note, when you apply for the ROTP program, you are doing so with the clear intention of attending RMC/CMR.  It is also strongly recommended/high encouraged, that ALL ROTP applicants apply to a Civi U of their choice and into a degree program compatable with their chosen occupation(s) as a back-up.
Ok ya, that's a big thing I was afraid of, I don't want to come across as someone trying to "game" the forces into giving me a free education or as someone that is not totally committed.

I genuinely want the career and I'm prepared to do whatever it takes. I just would prefer Civi U to RMC and want to increase my odds of getting there.

I'd hate to apply to Civi U exclusively and get rejected on the grounds of being not totally committed and unwilling to go to RMC.

Anyways, thanks for all the advice guys, much appreciated.
Do either of you know anything about the CEOTP program at Seneca?

I read in another thread that graduates of this program are considered "second rate" and are treated as such in the military. I've also heard that a disproportionate number of the grads end up assigned to helicopters.

Is there any truth in that?
Oh man, it's cool to be back on here. I turned down an offer to St. Jean and then RMC when I was coming out of Gr 12 (Didn't get the trade I wanted (Eng O) and other reasons). I'm in third year Civil Eng at Western now and looking to re-apply for ROTP at Civvy U.
Couple questions:
1) Anyone know how common it is for someone in 3rd year at a civvy U to get an offer just for RMC? I would really like to finish my degree at Western.
2) Am I really late to be starting my app now? I started on Sept 1st last time I applied haha.

If anyone has questions, I've gone through the process before so ask away!
I'm fairly certain no one from Seneca has hit Phase 3 yet so no one has been assigned to helicopters. Not even certain any have hit Phase 2? But it just so happens that the majority of cockpits in the RCAF are helicopter ones, so...

The fighter stream is unique and perhaps incompatible with the program structure, but that is guesswork from me.

As for "second rate," well, you just have to accept the high risk/high reward nature of CEOTP. If you fail at some point in phase training, which is not unlikely, there is little or no chance of a fallback to a career as an officer in some other job in the CF, because you lack a suitable degree. ROTP grads and DEOs have at least that, even if the monthly reassignment list is sometimes pretty grim. That is what I would consider a con, not your unorthodox entry plan. That is not guesswork, that is from knowing a number of CEOTP training failures.

There's a thread somewhere here about life at Seneca and frankly it seems at least as rigorous as RMC, albeit in different ways. It may not be what you're looking for either (but you are paid better - definite pro).
Hey future officer cadets,

I applied about a month ago and got my email to start my academic questionnaire 2 weeks ago. I am applying for ROTP at RMC to become a logistic officer in the army. Also I am intending to major in business admin and minor in history (possible double major if allowed). I had an 88% average last year, but my ENG3U mark (grade 11, university, english) was a 73%. Math was an 85% so I am okay in that category. I have to submit my questionnaire within a couple days and my grade 12 marks will not be on my transcripts. Will I be marked as unsuitable for RMC?

jwtg said:
Can you confirm whether psychology or business admin are compatible?

I thought they were, and both are offered at RMC.

Entry Standards for ROTP - MPO

Candidates will pursue a undergraduate degree in any of the following programs:
o Criminology;
o Justice Studies;
o Criminal Justice;
o Police Science;
o Emergency/Crisis and Disaster Management;
o Law;
o Psychology;
o Sociology; or
o Baccalauréat en Sécurité Publique
So far I'm eligible, lets see if I can get in now! This morning I received the email to set up my appointment with the Toronto CFRC, and since I'm an international student, I'm doing my best to set it up so I don't have to spend too much on flights. I haven't found anything recent on the interview though, maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but what should I expect? How well should I dress?
MuddyCross said:
Hey future officer cadets,

I applied about a month ago and got my email to start my academic questionnaire 2 weeks ago. I am applying for ROTP at RMC to become a logistic officer in the army. Also I am intending to major in business admin and minor in history (possible double major if allowed). I had an 88% average last year, but my ENG3U mark (grade 11, university, english) was a 73%. Math was an 85% so I am okay in that category. I have to submit my questionnaire within a couple days and my grade 12 marks will not be on my transcripts. Will I be marked as unsuitable for RMC?


Your average is about the same as mine. Although, in the questionnaire if you make lots of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes or have a lack of any extra-curricular activities or leadership experience, they might reject you. Your grades are in the competitive range, but without the other things they might not see you as "eligible".

I also didn't have my 12th grade marks included and I was eligible.

I got all of this from a recruiter I spoke to in Calgary and he seemed pretty knowledgeable on the subject.
Hey guys! I applied to ROTP for nursing officer (civvy u) about two months ago, and plan to check up on this forum frequently :) I have already graduated high school but am returning to take my grade 12 chem, student leadership class, and I'm doing a coop in the anatomy lab at Queens University! I have pretty good grades (lowest was 80 in English, highest being 93 in biology) and have worked part time for over 5 years as a gymnastics coach.  I have also been involved in a ton of volunteering with my school, including a mission trip to kingston, Jamaica, and have played badminton and soccer for years.  So far I have submitted my initial application, my academic questionnaire, and have passed my CFAT! I would be happy to share what I can about my experiences and wish everyone the best!
Bradford_Maxwell said:
Your average is about the same as mine. Although, in the questionnaire if you make lots of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes or have a lack of any extra-curricular activities or leadership experience, they might reject you. Your grades are in the competitive range, but without the other things they might not see you as "eligible".

I also didn't have my 12th grade marks included and I was eligible.

I got all of this from a recruiter I spoke to in Calgary and he seemed pretty knowledgeable on the subject.

When did you sent in your questionnaire and how long did it take to receive your email for processing?
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