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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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I wish I was going to be able to apply with everyone for next fall. Anyone know how badly the military needs Aerospace Engineers and CELE?
I'm pretty sure we won't get our actual trades for a while(if at all, if we don't get accepted)... I think we get put in groups(Land Ops, Air Ops, Sea Ops, etc...) based on our trade choices, and then later get put into our specific trades based on the aptitude and merit that we display.

For example, I chose Infantry, Artillery, and Armour. I will likely be placed in the Land Ops group(if I get qualify for the relevant trades). My trade will be decided before I do my trade training.

Does anyone have any info on this new ROTP system? I've read a bit about it, but I don't know anything extensive enough to post. If nothing turns up, I'll ask at the recruiting center later this week(I'm bringing my application in by hand this week. I have to skip school and drive two hours to do this, but meh.).
what do you want to know about it... I'm from the first class that got enrolled under the new system.
Cool. I was wondering:

1. When assigned an occupational group, can you choose the trade within it that you want to be when the time comes? To what extent?
2. Does the order on your application affect what trade you will get if more than one trade is within that occupational group?

bms said:
Cool. I was wondering:

1. When assigned an occupational group, can you choose the trade within it that you want to be when the time comes? To what extent?
2. Does the order on your application affect what trade you will get if more than one trade is within that occupational group?

1. You have interviews in the spring related to what your actual trade will be. You may also at this time switch occupational groupings and element if you so desire. These interviews will take into account your school marks from the past year (your first year at RMC) and your military training. If the trade they offer isn't what you want, you may ask to be released without penalty up to the first academic day of your second year at RMC.

2. The interviews will determine what trade you will be assigned to. The order of your trade selections may or may not influence the interviewers decision. Its all based on what they think is best for:

a) what trade they think your suitable for
b) the needs of the CF.

I have also heard rumblings from someone that the process might change again this year (or next) because they don't like the new way of doings things already...

Feel free to ask more questions. I'll try (along with other people) to keep answering questions as I can.
yoman said:
I have also heard rumblings from someone that the process might change again this year (or next) because they don't like the new way of doings things already...

I heard that they might decide not to keep the new college uniforms (whenever we get them) because they don't like the idea of them already...

Oh wait, never mind, I was just dreaming....:D
bms said:
Cool. I was wondering:

1. When assigned an occupational group, can you choose the trade within it that you want to be when the time comes? To what extent?
2. Does the order on your application affect what trade you will get if more than one trade is within that occupational group?

already answered pretty good but I'll throw my own 2 cents in just because.

1. It all depends on what you're studying... If you are studying business and you put down Logistics as your first choice, and get thrown in the Support grouping, well... I'm pretty sure Logistics is the only trade within that grouping that business is an acceptable degree... So you don't have a choice then, you'll know you're going to get an offer for Logistics in a year's time.

But if you get thrown into a group where your education is acceptable for 2 or 3, then yeah, you can change the order of preference, but that's not garunteeing you're going to get an offer for your first choice (unless your first choice is infantry.... then its a garuntee haha) either. But at least then you can number them. For instance, anybody that gets thrown in the land operations grouping, which is the combat arms, will be able to rank all of them according to preference since any degree is acceptable for all of them.

And then it comes down to your performance throughout the year, your interview, all that good stuff, on what offer(s) they make.

2. Technically speaking I've always been told that if your 1st choice is something, they will only consider you for your 2nd or 3rd choices if they deem you are not the better candidate for your 1st choice. That being said, I've always suspected and still do to an extent that if they see you've got Infantry as your 2nd choice and something in a small demand as your 1st choice, they would be tempted to try and get you to go into Infantry since thats where the greatest need is... But that is just my personal opinion and is not according to the actual policy.
But you can change your order of preference(if you have a choice) before you get your offer?

I was also wondering about how RMC works. What are the schedules for classes like? Are your evenings and weekends off? How does getting out into Kingston work? Are there certain days/times you can leave, or can you leave anytime your free?
bms said:
I was also wondering about how RMC works. What are the schedules for classes like? Are your evenings and weekends off? How does getting out into Kingston work? Are there certain days/times you can leave, or can you leave anytime your free?

Well, we havn't had a published, up-to-date copy of the Cadet Wing Instructions (CADWINS) for some time now, so I can tell you what the exact "rules" on this are. But, the way it actually "works" here is this:
-Classes start at 8am and go until 1630. That doesn't mean you will actually have class that entire time. Depending on you're program you can have anywhere from no spare (empty) periods during the day, to having a whole day or two during the week free (lucky psyche students...).
- First year for arts students is the busiest, with each subsequent year becoming less busy.
- For engineers, it's really busy in first year, and stays that way through graduation.
- Science students are somewhere in between.
- Example, my one friend, an engineer, has 34 hours of class in a week, I, a business student, have 18 (that's counting PE class), and I have one friend who finishes class for the week on Thursday at 1300.

- You get every evening off. You might be on a varsity team and have practice, or twice a week for 'most' of the year we have Intramural sports that can go to 2000-2100. Each sport only plays 1hr games, but if you're game doesn't start until 2000, you might not be "done" for the evening until after that.

- Every now and then we have a duty "weekend". This might be because there's a college wide sport's day, because USMA is visiting, because we're going to the rifle range, or because of some other event. Around the event (i.e. the night before, the night of, the day after) you're free to go just like any other weekend.

Leaving the campus:
- As long as you're not skipping class or some other thing that you're required to be at, you can leave the college as often as you want. To leave the Kingston area, however, you need a leave pass. How often people actually get those leave passes though is a whole other story. Since no attendance is taken on weekends, if you scamper off to Ottawa, Toronto or Montreal for the weekend, no one notices.
bms said:
But you can change your order of preference(if you have a choice) before you get your offer?

I was also wondering about how RMC works. What are the schedules for classes like? Are your evenings and weekends off? How does getting out into Kingston work? Are there certain days/times you can leave, or can you leave anytime your free?

Yes, you can change your order of preference before you get your offer. The whole point if these occupational groupings is to give you a year in the military lifestyle to learn more about the different options, so that you can make a better informed decision on your order preference before you do your interview and all that jazz.

As for RMC, I go to civie, and I dunno, personally I would recommend that, although I'm sure the recruiters won't. IMO, you lose out on one of life's best experiences (the college experience) which is just as enriching and educating as the actual classes, maybe even more so depending on the individual. I haven't run across too many people that went to RMC that thoroughly enjoyed it (now that I've said that I'm sure there will be a few that come running to its defense), and again, in my opinion, you can get more out of the normal college experience then you can out of the RMC experience.

There is a tendancy to see that the higher-ranking people in the military at the moment went through RMC, but in all seriousness, if believe in yourself that you will be a good competant officer (and you should, if you don't, then you shouldn't even apply) then you should be confident that you will get a fair promotion based on your performance over the course of your 5,10,15,25 year career instead of which school you went to. I can't speak for the mean green machine but I think it would or at least should share the opinion that any kind of trivial stereotyping between RMC and Civie U is not going to get the military any further ahead or running as efficiently as it could.
The problem is that I'm interested in the Military and Strategic Studies program(particularly Urban and Unconventional Warfare), and there are only two institutions in Canada that offer MSS, University of Calgary and RMC. So, not only is RMC closer, but it's more convenient(room/board are taken from the paycheck).

Besides. fun is what you make of it. If they give me any form of freedom what so ever, I assure you that my friends(whoever they may be) and I will throughly enjoy it. I'm just that type of newfie.
Well my fellow Newfie, let me tell you that the U of C is one hell of a school to miss out on, as is the city of Calgary. If I didn't want to come back to the motherland to study at MUN just because its the motherland, Calgary was my obvious pick.

But to each their own...
bms said:
I was also wondering about how RMC works. What are the schedules for classes like? Are your evenings and weekends off? How does getting out into Kingston work? Are there certain days/times you can leave, or can you leave anytime your free?

Another thing to consider is that RMC Saint-Jean is now reopened. What this means is that you can end up there for prep year and first year or just for the first year. Contrary to popular belief, we are around 50-50 when it comes to who's French and who's English. The way classes work in St-Jean is pretty similar except we finish school at 1700 instead of 1630. Just to give you an idea, I'm in arts and I have 29 hours of class a week.

Also, to leave the campus during the week (Sunday to Friday at 1600) you have to be in uniform.

yoman said:
Also, to leave the campus during the week (Sunday to Friday at 1600) you have to be in uniform.

You can't leave the campus before 1600? Even if you're done classes for the day, or have some spares during the day?

Being in uniform isn't surprising, first years here (once they're done FYOP) are "required" to be in uniform when they go into town.
ballz said:
Well my fellow Newfie, let me tell you that the U of C is one hell of a school to miss out on, as is the city of Calgary. If I didn't want to come back to the motherland to study at MUN just because its the motherland, Calgary was my obvious pick.

But to each their own...

Hmmm... Now you've sparked my interest. What was the ROTP process like for MUN?

I have to make a lot of decisions finalized by Friday, the day when I bring all my paperwork to the CFRC. Looks like I'm writing a list of questions for the CFRC and reading around here for a couple more days. Yay  ;D
The process is no different in any way shape or form... where are you currently residing?
Yeah I got that part, which part. I may be able to talk to you about it in person, which is something I sure would have wanted when I was applying.
Lumber said:
You can't leave the campus before 1600? Even if you're done classes for the day, or have some spares during the day?

Being in uniform isn't surprising, first years here (once they're done FYOP) are "required" to be in uniform when they go into town.

Your not supposed to leave until 1600. Even if you have spares like me...

Your "required" to be in uniform during the weekend?
I live at one of the most western points of NL... The Port-Aux-Port Peninsula.
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