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ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

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Yeah sorry for the bad spelling, my main language is french and i am not so good at English. I am doing my best.

The problem with DEO is that i will have to do a few years in a CEGEP before i could even enter the university. I would be better off in RMC
And for my hiccup, i have ADD without hyperactivity, and Specific language impairment disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. So i believe that just this would sink my chances to get to ROTP right?

If not, i was wondering if i should go to reserve once i get my grade 10 completed while being full time at school? I live right next to bagotville air base.
The closest flight school is http://www.exactair.ca/en/flight-school/
And they offer recreation license for 6000$, private for 10000$ and commercial for 30000$, would the recreation license being enough?
Got my phone call yesterday. EME officer at RMC. I don't know if I am going to accept it yet. I have until April 25th.

Good luck to everyone else waiting!
alx12345 said:
Blah blah blah

1) Being French is no excuse for spelling or poor communication skills. Grow up and do not use such a pathetic scapegoat.

2) Stop whining. It is quite unbecoming.

3) There are multiple threads that are centred around your questions. These threads either already have the answers or are at least better suited for them.

4) No one can tell you about your ROTP chances.

5) Reserves or Reg Force? You decide. Be an adult.

6) A pilots licence is not required to apply for pilot.

7) Last but not least: Stop posting in thread wasting everyone's time. You are being whiney and asking questions that have already been answered. Let those getting their offers - as well as those congratulating them - be happy and enjoy their time and posts in peace
alx12345 said:
Yeah sorry for the bad spelling, my main language is french and i am not so good at English. I am doing my best.

The problem with DEO is that i will have to do a few years in a CEGEP before i could even enter the university. I would be better off in RMC
And for my hiccup, i have ADD without hyperactivity, and Specific language impairment disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. So i believe that just this would sink my chances to get to ROTP right?

If not, i was wondering if i should go to reserve once i get my grade 10 completed while being full time at school? I live right next to bagotville air base.
The closest flight school is http://www.exactair.ca/en/flight-school/
And they offer recreation license for 6000$, private for 10000$ and commercial for 30000$, would the recreation license being enough?

For ROTP, you need to be a Gr 12 graduate or Sec iV QC.  If your Gr 12 courses were not at the University level or if you have not already attended CEGEP, then you will probably not go to RMC but rather "Prep Year" at CMR ST Jean and then on to RMC.

Without a Gr 12 or QC Sec IV, you can forget about ROTP and RMC.

If you still want to be a Pilot, your only other hope would be CEOTP Pilot through Seneca College and even Seneca has an "entry exam" that you are required to write and pass before you can attend.

Having a CPL (Commercial Pilots Licence), really won't do anything for you nor will any other grade of licence.

Nevertheless, if you are ambitious enough and really do want ROTP, then submit an application online and go from there.
alx12345 said:
Yeah sorry for the bad spelling, my main language is french and i am not so good at English. I am doing my best.

The problem with DEO is that i will have to do a few years in a CEGEP before i could even enter the university. I would be better off in RMC
And for my hiccup, i have ADD without hyperactivity, and Specific language impairment disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. So i believe that just this would sink my chances to get to ROTP right?

If not, i was wondering if i should go to reserve once i get my grade 10 completed while being full time at school? I live right next to bagotville air base.
The closest flight school is http://www.exactair.ca/en/flight-school/
And they offer recreation license for 6000$, private for 10000$ and commercial for 30000$, would the recreation license being enough?

Sorry to burst your bubble. Personally, I don't think you're going to get past the Recruiting Centre. Especially as an Officer.

But hey, I've been wrong before. So please, go waste their time and our tax money and prove me wrong.
recceguy said:
So please, go waste their time and our tax money and prove me wrong.

I'd guess that the CF receeives on average probably 100 applications a day but that's only a guess.

One more isn't going to break the bank.....
Hello everyone, just a quick question about selection; I noticed that almost everyone who posted about getting an acceptance to the ROTP and/or RMC (Congrats to all of you by the way  :salute: ) were selected for pilots. Is this normal, and if so does anyone have any idea when I (assuming I get accepted or denied in this selection) will hear back? My trade choices are 1: Infantry O. 2: Combat Engineer O. 3: Armour O. If this has any relevance, my file is in CFRC Vancouver at New Westminster but I currently live in the States. Thank you in advance for any advice and good luck to everyone else that hasn't heard back yet.  :cdn: :)
Goose15 said:
1) Being French is no excuse for spelling or poor communication skills. Grow up and do not use such a pathetic scapegoat.

2) Stop whining. It is quite unbecoming.

3) There are multiple threads that are centred around your questions. These threads either already have the answers or are at least better suited for them.

4) No one can tell you about your ROTP chances.

5) Reserves or Reg Force? You decide. Be an adult.

6) A pilots licence is not required to apply for pilot.

7) Last but not least: Stop posting in thread wasting everyone's time. You are being whiney and asking questions that have already been answered. Let those getting their offers - as well as those congratulating them - be happy and enjoy their time and posts in peace

:-[ I'm sorry goose, sincerely, i was not trying to annoy or waste anyone times, i just need some help and trust me i have spend a week checking on Google and this site for info.

recceguy said:
Sorry to burst your bubble. Personally, I don't think you're going to get past the Recruiting Centre. Especially as an Officer.

But hey, I've been wrong before. So please, go waste their time and our tax money and prove me wrong.
Trust me i will  ;)
DAA said:
For ROTP, you need to be a Gr 12 graduate or Sec iV QC.  If your Gr 12 courses were not at the University level or if you have not already attended CEGEP, then you will probably not go to RMC but rather "Prep Year" at CMR ST Jean and then on to RMC.

Without a Gr 12 or QC Sec IV, you can forget about ROTP and RMC.

If you still want to be a Pilot, your only other hope would be CEOTP Pilot through Seneca College and even Seneca has an "entry exam" that you are required to write and pass before you can attend.

Having a CPL (Commercial Pilots Licence), really won't do anything for you nor will any other grade of licence.

Nevertheless, if you are ambitious enough and really do want ROTP, then submit an application online and go from there.

Thank you DAA, now i think i know the basics. The Seneca college looks like a great option, but i still need some times to think about it. 
I have a plan in mind but i am not sure if it can be done that way, i will explain.

1. I will first get my High School Diploma with strong math and sciences, i mean everything needed.
2. Get recruited to regular forces
3. Since i already have my class 1 semi-truck driving licenses, i will work as a trucker/driver for the forces
4. I will apply for ROTP, if it fails, i will try to improve what is missing for next years, and work as a trucker as long I'm in regular forces.
thanks everyone.
letting my application ride it out. Only about month till all the top ups are done as well so I can wait that long.
Well done for all those who have heard back and good luck to those still waiting.
alx12345 said:

As far as I know, you can't "apply to ROTP" from within the forces. What you're looking for is UTPNCM and from what the RMC page tells me (http://www.rmc.ca/adm/ua-epc/utpncm-pfumr-eng.php), it's for NCMs who have proven they can succeed at RMC/have leadership potential. Also, transfers can be a messy thing, so don't get into an occupation only to try to get into another, you'll be quite miserable if your plan doesn't come through. Besides, this is way too detailed a plan for someone who doesn't even have the prerequisites to attend RMC yet.

Get the prerequisites you need and take a hand in your own fate instead of posting about it on an internet forum. Your initial questions have been answered at length by people who have quite a bit of experience between themselves, I suggest you heed their advice and move from there if RMC is really what you want.
alx12345 said:
:-[ I'm sorry goose, sincerely, i was not trying to annoy or waste anyone times, i just need some help and trust me i have spend a week checking on Google and this site for info.

No, need to apologize. Just change the delivery. There are too many poor excuses or reasons for things such as poor grammar. Just accept criticism, fix it and move forward. 

Next time you search try this: "army.ca/forums: keywords" it will give you more answers and will allow you to find many questions already asked and answered.

alx12345 said:
Trust me i will  ;)

Positivity is good. Stick with that type of approach.

alx12345 said:
I have a plan in mind but i am not sure if it can be done that way, i will explain.

1. I will first get my High School Diploma with strong math and sciences, i mean everything needed.
2. Get recruited to regular forces
3. Since i already have my class 1 semi-truck driving licenses, i will work as a trucker/driver for the forces
4. I will apply for ROTP, if it fails, i will try to improve what is missing for next years, and work as a trucker as long I'm in regular forces.

1) Excellent plan.

2/3) Be aware that having the certifications does not guarantee employment. Not saying you will or will not obtain employment, simply stating employment is not guaranteed.

4) Chelomo is correct: ROTP is an entry plan and CANNOT be applied for as a Reg Force member. As he stated as well: do not get into the CAF hoping to get into another occupation. As anyone in the CAF will tell you it is far from guaranteed.
Also, as seen in many threads UTPNCM (and all other types commissioning) is competitive and NOT guaranteed for anyone.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey!
Alright thanks guys, yesterday i have spoke with an cadet officer and told me that i could, looks like he was wrong after all.

I still have plenty of times to think about it though.
My 17 yr old son just received his 'Congratulations! On Your ROTP Selection' email.

He is ecstatic and his parents are proud. All good.

But a comment/question (for my own clarification, not his)

The only reference to where he will go to school is a single line within the mail

'you will receive subsidy of education towards a BE from RMC for 4 years'

Not sure why but I would have expected the relevant education institution to be called out and highlighted more.

If he had not been accepted for RMC, would the email have instead said something like

'towards a BE from a TBD civilian university'?

thanks in advance
If I dimly recall my own ROTP acceptance letter of 29 years ago, the first thing to remember is that it is essentially a form letter. I recall that I had to apply to (and be accepted by) a civilian university. The decision about which candidates attend RMC and which are paid to attend a civilian university (one that your son has been accepted to- not some random university picked by the CF) will not be made until a few months down the road.

In hindsight, while I enjoyed Military College, attending a civilian university while being paid is probably a much better deal.
Thanks SeaKing, your response implies that you believe that a decision between RMC and Civilian University for my son is still to come.

But the email he received does indicate he'll be studying for a BE @ RMC??

I also see the advantages of a Civilian Uni, and maybe my son will as well eventually. But his mind was made up on RMC  after he took the tour.:-)

thanks again
OttawaDad said:
Thanks SeaKing, your response implies that you believe that a decision between RMC and Civilian University for my son is still to come.

But the email he received does indicate he'll be studying for a BE @ RMC??

I also see the advantages of a Civilian Uni, and maybe my son will as well eventually. But his mind was made up on RMC  after he took the tour.:-)

thanks again

I am also inclined to think that he will be attending RMC. It's not a form letter, as it specifies the program and duration as well. Congratulations!
Griffon said:
I am also inclined to think that he will be attending RMC. It's not a form letter, as it specifies the program and duration as well. Congratulations!

Thanks very much Griffon. Exciting to see him start out on a military life & career.
I recieved a job offer for armoured officer, and to study for a bachelor of arts at RMC last friday! Although I am extremely excited about the prospect of training to become an armoured officer, I would prefer to study for a Bachelor of Science. Although I wrote down Bachelor of Arts as my first choice when submitting my application, I have since grown to like calculus and mathematics. Is there any way to change my degree before arriving at RMC? Or will I have to wait until going there to speak with the respective Deans of the faculties of Science and Arts?
So i have learned a bit more about CEOTP, and i think i would be much better off in that, but there two thing that i am not sure about.

The CEOTP pilot requirement are. (Source from Forces.ca)

English (ENG4(U))
Mathematics: Calculus and Vectors (MCV4(U), or Que 536)
Mathematics: Advanced Functions (MHF4(U))
Physics (SPH4(U))
One additional science course/credit

I have no idea what these means, but i was wondering if its the same requirement for ROTP, Or if i have to change my current high school program that was aiming for ROTP?

And i know that i likely cannot join ROTP when i am in regular forces, but is it possible for CEOTP?

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