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Sailor who doubled in size wins disability benefits

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Interesting case.  Sounds like a real life "Supersize Me" story.

I hope he atleast accepts some responsibility for this himself.

Anybody else think of this character?
jollyjacktar said:
Interesting case.  Sounds like a real life "Supersize Me" story.



That's all I can think to say at this moment....
I am in no position to chuck hamburgers and fries at anyone.  I only wish I was half the man I used to be.  I cannot honestly say my diet pre-RCN was stellar as this guy has apparently proven for an award.
Give him a new job onboard as a "stabilizer". He is to run forward, aft, port or starboard on the orders of the OOW while at sea to counter the effects of roll.
Dumb-ass never-been-to-sea question here:  how easily can a 300 lb man do any job on a ship?  OK, maybe he's 7 foot 3 and carries it differently than shorter guys, but I get the impression space is kinda limited on a ship, no?
Pat in Halifax said:
Nor I, but blame it all on the Navy?
Sure, it's society's answer to taking responsibility for ones' behaviour.  Much like, "why work? If I don't win the lottery, I can always sue someone."    :not-again:

It's a great precedent though. I never drank this much before I joined, but I was obligated to belong to a Mess.....and those places kept serving beer.     

Where's my cheque?    :subbies:
Dimsum said:
Blue menu?

Healthy choice menu's came in a few years ago. Desert once a week, bacon a couple times a week, use of deep fryer cut back, more sandwiches, more salads etc.
Getting uglier: Yeah! For sure that's a result of all those High-G turns Supersonicmax, isn't it?

Older, well you got me there.

As for ships: OK, the lifestyle is not the greatest. But running out of fresh and switching to high fat deep fried?  I cannot recall a situation where we were out of either fresh or frozen (but still healthy) fruits or vegetable, or  time where we didn't have soups and salads of some sort available. How much and what you stuffed in your own face as always been a personal choice for seamen. And yes, on sea postings, I always gained pounds, which I tried (and usually managed) to lose next time I had a longer home port stay.

And did anyone notice the alleged "healthy traditional" diet of this gentlemen (or lady, I don't know) pre-navy? I mean porcupine, grouse and raccoon; and lilies, cattails and dandelions for vegetables? This person certainly sounds like a native Canadian to begin with. And in my experience, a majority of them turn into blimps when they become sedentary and adopt the "white man" diets.

Just my  :2c:
I find this whole thing:

1.  embarrassing for the RCN

2.  embarrassing for DVA

3.  will start a rash of TCATs and Medical ARs across the CAF  8)

Can't wait to see the new Comd RCN PT Directive!!! 
I must be missing something.  If this "affliction" or "disability" or whatever is due to shipboard life as a sailor why aren't more if not all sailors suffering from the same "affliction"?
What happened to individuals taking personal responsibility for themselves
And yes, while I'm still 6'1 I'm not 180 pounds like I was in my teens, early twenties, but what I've gained is my own fault
Shaking my head


I think it's hillarious.  We have members suffering in chronic pain every day from physical injuries they've suffered on the job and it's an up hill battle with VA. We hear stories of their claims getting lost repeatedly, denied, sent back. Usual bullshit.

This guy becomes obese, blames everyone else but himself and gets disability benefits. Good on him, I would expect nothing less from VA.
milnews.ca said:
Dumb-*** never-been-to-sea question here:  how easily can a 300 lb man do any job on a ship?  OK, maybe he's 7 foot 3 and carries it differently than shorter guys, but I get the impression space is kinda limited on a ship, no?

Depends on the job, but generally speaking there is a lot of time standing around watching to make sure nothing happens.  You can work a lot of hours and be really good at your job but spend most of it in a chair.

As long as you can pass the PT test, do the fire fighting, flood, and other critical emergency things, you meet the minimum and are okay.  There are some pretty big guys that are carrying a lot of extra weight that are really great at their normal job, but get tired really fast doing some of the emergency things.

Because of the shift work too there are smaller meals served for the night watch as well, so if you want you can get five meals a day, plus there is always stuff floating around.

Having said that, PT is becoming a much bigger deal ,and generally there is some pretty healthy items on the menu.  The days of the deep fryer are numbered as well; they are going to pull them out and replace them with ovens, which is safer for all kinds of good reasons.  You can eat well if you want, and you can also eat nothing but brown food if you like as well.  Personal responsibility has to factor in somewhere.

Finding the ship I'm on we run the full spectrum; there are a lot of really fit people that exercise constantly and watch what they eat, a lot of in between that eat well most of the time and exercise semi regularily, and then the group that never exercises, walks the fun runs, and eats seconds of every deep fried bit of garbage and duff they can get their hands on.  Unfortunately the uniforms are tailored for the last group, so if your shoulders are wider then your hips by much, there is a lot of extra material.

This is really kind of frustrating though, as there are a lot of folks with chronic injuries as a direct result of a lot of sailing with all the pitching around (injured backs, done in knees, etc) and they have a hard time getting anything from VA.