Good Afternoon...
I'm feeling a tad deflated. My son emailed his file manager today to just do a update and ask if she had any idea when selections would take place for his trade (Air Structure Tech). She's not a very warm file manager.... however she does get back to him via email, so that is a positive. The news was not what we wanted to hear ....this is a sum up of how it went:
Good day, you've been merit listed. There was just a selection and you weren't chosen for a job offer. We don't know when the next selections might be. We will contact you when and If we have a job offer for you.
Congrats on your graduation.
File Mgr....
So, looks like he wasn't selected for the last selections that just took place. It is very upsetting as we where so hoping he'd be off to basic training after graduation. The wait is so frustrating, and I admit that email just made me want to shed a few sounded so discouraging. He hasn't been waiting too long..... His first contact, interview (March 6) Medical (March 6) reference checks (April) and merit Listing (beginning May) went very fast..... it looked so promising. Now I am wondering if he really will have a chance at getting into his trade with little lexperience (Just graduating grade 12 in 2 weeks). It's what he's really wanted for 2 yrs. It looked very positive there for awhile, his interview went well, and everyone he talked to at the RC said , it's a trade in need , it looked good for him. I am trying to keep a positive outlook for my son and encourage him to not give up hope. It's hard not knowing when/ or if you will get a call, it can really be frustrating not having that prize at the end of all the hard work of processing. He really worked hard to make a good impression and I'd love to see him realize his dream. Not making this round of selections makes me wonder how his standing is on the merit list..... it's hard not knowing.
I Just had to vent somewhere where I know there are others who will understand the sadness and frustration of not making this round of selections. However, there's not much we can do but encourage him to brush himself off, and not lose hope..... hopefully next time will be his time