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*Server Is Under High Stress*

Why happens something like this always when Mike is not at home for some day´s?  ;D
Who has cursed him and Army.ca? >:D

BTW: Here it is fast.

Checked the site around 1500 my time and it was working fine.  Now it is painfully slow...... :'(
The site is all kinds of messed up for me, has been all day!

Either the site is down or it loads with serious errors on every page if it loads at all.
Still very slow for me.  The pages seem to load okay if I use the "double click" but posting a response is like molasses going uphill in January.
    IT was extreamly slow to load the home page of army.ca but now that I am on it seems alright .
The network is 50% down and this problem has been acknowledged.  Further reporting is not required at this time.  The staff will let you know when we are fully back up.

We can all probably help mitigate the temporary bandwidth shortage by not making posts which do not contribute anything of value (like hour-to-hour geo-referenced site speed performance reviews) until the issue has been resolved. 

Speed is far better for me now, but posting remains weirdly slow.  The page will indicate that it's loading but it never seems to move past the posting stage, however, when I open the sub-board, there's my post.  ???
It's all fixed up now, sorry folks. Next time before I go away maybe I'll post instructions on how to temporarily avoid the problem when it happens. It's manual changes on your own computer to trick it into believing that Army.ca onlu has one connection, so it never tries the one that's down and therefore goes as fast as can be expected on a single connection. :)
Thanks Mike!

Has anyone told you that you rock absolutely lately? Because you do! (Thanks again for all the great work you do, I don't think you hear that enough)
Site speed is all wonky right now, at this location.  Anyone else experiencing the "hot and cold running water" effects?

Site really has the slows from my area. Using XP Pro and Firefox.
