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Sexual Predator in Mom's Daycare


Army.ca Veteran
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Ok while trying to find more pics of Swine Robinson to post here with dumb quotes, I found this article in the Ottawa Citizen.  This is a perfect example of just how screwed up or "in"justice system is, and how out to lunch our Judges and politicians really are. Read on


Man sentenced in daycare assaults

Broadcast News

April 17, 2004

A 21-year-old Ottawa man says he's sorry for sexually preying upon children in his mother's day care without her knowledge.

Justice Celynne Dorval said she was impressed with the young man's co-operation with police and sentenced him to the equivalent of an 18-month conditional sentence with two years of probation.

The Court heard evidence that the man abused a five-year-old girl and two sisters aged six and nine.

That is f|_|cking ridiculus!  He makes an apology to his mother, and co-operates with cops and he gets NO JAIL TIME for completely ruining these young girls lives.  That is just disgusting.  I wonder if that judge would hand out the same sentence if it were her daughters (if she even has kids).  I really need to find that balaclava, silenced pistols and some rope.
I‘m with you.
Pick me up on your way ... I‘ll be waiting for you on the curb, wearing black, carrying rope ...

The judge was impressed with his cooperation?
What an idiot.
I‘d be more impressed if she‘d sent his sorry butt to the slammer ... where his butt would have been even sorrier (once the other inmates found out what this excuse for a life form had done).
These are among the people we soldiers swore to protect. Makes ya feel warm all over don‘t it?
It should be an 18 month long 3 kicks in the bag per day sentence while Bubba Jailbait stands ready after every flogging to play doctor.

God ****. Pick me up too, and make sure to wear steel toes.
My feelings are that any one who molests children or rapes women should be castrated with no questions asked and thats my final answer! :mad:
Originally posted by Patrick H.:
[qb] It should be an 18 month long 3 kicks in the bag per day sentence[/qb]

You know, they need to impose some sort of minimum sentence like that. It would definitely put a stop to these sorts of disgusting offences. The death penalty is definitely too easy.
Bullet in the brain pan is too easy for these people. Impalement or burning now that has deterrent value.
maybe capital punishment on display, i think they still have the gallows in Ottawa?
Got room for one more? I‘ll bring a board with a rather large nail in it.
Nobody mentioned hordes of carnivorous insects?

Or what about (opposed to just castration) the "scared rat in a heated bucket over the offending area" method?

We can be more creative (or steal ideas :D )
I think all sexual predators should get one day‘s incarceration in a federal prison. Just one.

That day to be served in the general populace.

Sexual preditors should have the following done:

real castration;

to be branded with a LARGE ‘P‘ on their foreheads; and

never to be released, and permanant presence in the general popluation of a prison

my view

Castration is not a good idea for convicted sexual predators. When the scumbags get out of prison they still want to do what they did before and since they can‘t that inability would turn to rage and instead of a sexual assault you would have a gruesome murder.
Maybe some concerned citizens could send a well-worded letter to the justice for her lack of common sense.
Men like the creep who abused those girls make me scared to walk outside on the street, and it makes it hard to trust anyone.

I think sexual preditors should be locked up and never let out, because right after they do their time they go straight back to giving children candies to get them in the back of a van.

Amazing how discusting some people can be...
I got a better idea...instead of killin him we should get him to break probabtion some how get him sent to prison and occasionally let him out into the general public just like they did to paul bernardo....

Let those guys kick his *** over and over again and have the guards come in when the kid is within one inch of dying... and then bring him to life again and repeat...
I know one of the treatment techniques for sexual predators is Adverse conditioning, a la Clockwork Orange, but it doesn‘t seem like fitting justice does it?
I agree with sdimock. Scum like this is not worth spending time over. Shoot him, get it over with, use his body for fertilizer and move on. He‘s not worth wasted time.
Here‘s an idea proposed by my dad and I totally agree.
Why doesn‘t Canada ship these sickos(and while we‘re at it extremely violent murderers and those who rape people) off to those countries that are so mine infested, a person is injured daily and cause for amputation. Plenty of these innocent people suffer daily because of these mines.
So why doesn‘t canada- being the humanitarians that we are, ship them out to these countries, give them a stick, and x square kilometers to make clean/check.. and once they are done, and can ensure that these fields are clean, they may earn a right to become a Canadian citizen again, and if they happen to not come back do to their mine clearing, that‘s just a shame.{not} Sad thing is, there is more than enough in the system to keep a steady stream of work. (which I suppose could be a good thing- to rid these mines)

and not only does this help canada‘s humanitartian image, but its a make work project(someone once said we had to feed them and supervise them, and "administer" our feelings towards them(I‘m sure some people would line up for the chance to administer our feelings towards them))