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Sikh & India (Alleged) Shenanigans in Canada (split fm Non-Muslim terr thread)

The assassination by India (if true of course) tells me two things about India's risk assessment in approving the operation:
1) India doesn't think enough of their relationship with Canada to think the potential fallout from being discovered outweighs the removal of one single political opponent.
2) India doesn't think that Canada's allies (5 Eyes, etc.) feel that Canada is important enough of an ally that they would exert any meaningful punishment on India for the assassination if made public.

Pretty sad statement about how Canada is viewed in the world.
I think you’re pretty much on the money.

Honestly the correct response would have been to have JTF-2 whack some equivalent Indian guy in India, while leaving a bottle of maple syrup at the scene.

It’s generally not viewed by anyone to be acceptable to publicly critical of another nations assassinations. One just gets even and sends a message that any further actions will result in exponential responses.
Unless you’re Mossad. Those guys are or at least were ruthless
Unless you’re Mossad. Those guys are or at least were ruthless
Every government kill’s people. Some government are just apathetic to external reactions, and some entities are more sterile than others, due to experience and/or necessity. The major difference is that most governments try not to 1) do it on ‘friendly soil’ 2) not be so bloody obvious about it 3) Not do it very often.

Honestly the correct response would have been to have JTF-2 whack some equivalent Indian guy in India, while leaving a bottle of maple syrup at the scene.

It’s generally not viewed by anyone to be acceptable to publicly critical of another nations assassinations. One just gets even and sends a message that any further actions will result in exponential responses.
Pretty sure those thoughts are pretty far from the minds in charge…
There was probably an "OMFG... Trudeau said WHAT?!?!" in those capitols.

We may not consider them a genuine threat, the same as India may not consider the Freedom Convoy or SovCits a threat to Canada.

Are Trudeau's Liberals in way over their heads in the international theatre? Maybe not yet. But Trudeau cares not about what other nations think. He cares what his support base thinks and this is playing well for him domestically, for now. He is acting "leaderlike" a role he's not really all that familiar with. Can he continue this and really, really do something? Or is this simply "maskirovka, eh".

Actually I think you are wrong there. At least to an extent. I can agree with Trudeau not caring about the feelings of other nations if by nations we mean the populi. On the other hand I think that Trudeau cares deeply about the leaders of other nations and their supra-national organizations: governmental, non-governmental and private. The kid wants them to like him.
More (from IND & AUS media) on what the other Four Eyes may/may not be saying/doing ...

So they are admitting right now to trying to beat the news release.

Which pretty much confirms they care more about their image, than the actual damage this can cause with our relationships with other countries.

If a media company came out, Trudeau would have to defend attacks from the opposition, but India itself wouldn't really of cared. As it was not official from the Sitting Government.

So they are admitting right now to trying to beat the news release.

Which pretty much confirms they care more about their image, than the actual damage this can cause with our relationships with other countries.

If a media company came out, Trudeau would have to defend attacks from the opposition, but India itself wouldn't really of cared. As it was not official from the Sitting Government.

Yup…and out he wheels his favorite Sikh lieutenant…The Architecttm

What evidence is there to support the allegations the prime minister is making?

First and foremost, there is a police investigation currently undergoing and they're independent to conduct their investigation. It would be very inappropriate for me to discuss anything about that.

Why not wait until after the RCMP has finished its investigation? Why did the prime minister come out with what he said before that?

It was important for the prime minister to make the statement that he did because some information was going to ... come out within the media. The safety of Canadians is very important and making sure that they have the accurate information. And that's one of the reasons why the prime minister went out with this statement.
…add recursive loop to reporters earlier question setting the reason why Sajan’s answer to the second is pure 🐮 💩

What evidence is there to support the allegations the prime minister is making?

First and foremost, there is a police investigation currently undergoing and they're independent to conduct their investigation. It would be very inappropriate for me to discuss anything about that.

So something is so important that the PM must provide innuendo to all Canadians …buuuut… nothing about what supports the allegations.

Yup…and out he wheels his favorite Sikh lieutenant…The Architecttm

…add recursive loop to reporters earlier question setting the reason why Sajan’s answer to the second is pure 🐮 💩

So something is so important that the PM must provide innuendo to all Canadians …buuuut… nothing about what supports the allegations.

View attachment 80177
Yeah I found it funny is their excuse was to stop us from being misinformed. But then won't actually give us any real information because they don't want to hinder the investigation.
Yeah I found it funny is their excuse was to stop us from being misinformed. But then won't actually give us any real information because they don't want to hinder the investigation.
As much as I’m not a Trudeau fan, I’m sure it’s both a LE investigation as well as an Intelligence Community investigation as well, that has 5I implications due to collections etc.

So in this case, yes the PM went to the public, but really couldn’t say anything that wasn’t going to be reported already.

Now do I think the logical thing would to have the PM wait, let the article come out and then comment saying that they where aware, and an investigation was being conducted and so no other information could be released yes.

This is an interesting case however as these days generally only the Russians are so arrogant as to give their assassins diplomatic cover. Other nations have the decency to at least make the effort to conceal the true citizenship/government ties of folks like that. During the Cold War, the Russians also used Bulgarians for most of their assassination needs.

If India has indeed used diplomatic cover for such activities in Canada, it’s incredibly significant.
Yeah I found it funny is their excuse was to stop us from being misinformed. But then won't actually give us any real information because they don't want to hinder the investigation.
If this current government weren’t so inept and corrupt I could accept “we can tell you this much but due to security considerations we can’t say more”.
From this government -and most- anything they say I tend to disbelieve
Now do I think the logical thing would to have the PM wait, let the article come out and then comment saying that they where aware, and an investigation was being conducted and so no other information could be released yes.
Aye. This.
If only the leader of the official opposition had a security clearance and could be read in to these things.
A security clearance means nothing if the originator (PM/PMO?) doesn't believe you have a "need to know".

Maybe not informing PP of the impending release, or of the evidence in advance (if that was truly the case, I don't know for sure) may have been intended to force PP to initially react in as he did. That reaction favoured the PM's image as a "leader".
A security clearance means nothing if the originator (PM/PMO?) doesn't believe you have a "need to know".

Maybe not informing PP of the impending release, or of the evidence in advance (if that was truly the case, I don't know for sure) may have been intended to force PP to initially react in as he did. That reaction favoured the PM's image as a "leader".

And the Gov could have given him a gag order as well, no ?

PP is smart to stay away from the SC, for the moment...
If only the leader of the official opposition had a security clearance and could be read in to these things.
What is the true story on this?
Does he only have the basic security clearance of an MP? Do you lose your clearance after you are no longer a cabinet minister? What is the truth?