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So should all us army folk have CadPat now?

Tuff_Little_Girl said:
MCPL Boucher

Hmm... are you actually in the Army?

Maybe this is something that should be done more in a PM. But I got some questions

You say your a MCpl, but your 20 years old, I haven't seen any MCpls that young before.

Also, you say that your in 1st Battalion, of what regiment, by your location(Edmonton, Alberta) I'll assume its PPCLI.

And it says in your profile that you were a officer cadet in the navy for a year.

Seems a bit odd.

Yah, I've seen a lot more orange jump suits issued lately because of that.

On the first week of my BMQ, I was given paint-covere dover-hauls as a temporary uniform because i missed the course kitting up.....so if you just get the old Combats... dont complain.

I'm pretty sure its a sole regimental thing. Each has their own way of doing things, at least thats what I gather. As far as the parade goes, the brigade wanted everyone turned out the same...thought it was obvious.
I think this will be the better post I have ever wrote (or write or written?, I don't know)

You will know what kind of uniform you will get when gou get to basic.. does that make sense?? :dontpanic: 

hehe..  smile, life is full of surprises!!!
Michael Dorosh said:
We were quite surprised to see some new recruits arrive at our unit in 41 CBG clad in CADPAT.   We do still have troops wearing the ODs, and I can't speak for what the supply routines are - but at least two new people here got their CADPAT.

I hear that, I'm new the the Cal highs, but I've been in OD since september.  I can tell you that the reaction from B coy was the same when we saw the new people in CADPAT... espessially when we were all wearing OD at the time!    Oh well, we all got our CADPAT issue a few days ago.
This is pissing me off. my QM/Stores is STILL telling me I need to be QL3 qualified, and a bunch of guys that were in my BMQ went in and lied and got it...... grrrrrrr
As per my units CO, everyone starting BMQ should be getting their CADPAT now.

Anyone with the OD's have to wait before they're qualified before they get their CADPAT.
Lost_Warrior said:
As per my units CO, everyone starting BMQ should be getting their CADPAT now.

Anyone with the OD's have to wait before they're qualified before they get their CADPAT.

That's such poppycock.
Just for a touch of nostalgia ...
Once upon a time you were issued black/dark gray/blue coveralls when you were enrolled (glamourous?  NOT!)
This was because the supply system needed a little extra time to catch up with the recruiting system
(i.e. not every unit had every size of cbt clo on the shelves ...)

As CADPAT was being introduced, priorites were assigned plus it was a logistical reality that's it's not that easy to get all the right sizes to all the right places at the same time (and thus the sizing exercise).  Part of this was also due to the manner in which the CADPAT were manufactured (similar in some ways to the "trickle" of C7's that Diemaco produced).

So, notwithstanding the merits of clearly designating recuits with OD cbt clo, it also becomes an unnecessary logistical burden to issue one uniform for recruit trg, and then a second one immediately afterwards (and, please - let's not get into the NES/lost kit discussion again ... it's so demoralising ...).

Relax - when you need it, the Army will issue it to you.  Until then, just be thankful you're not wearing the old coveralls ...
It clearly differs for every base and every unit... my base, QL2 is sufficient for CadPat (Though just things actually in the cadpat cam scheme, QL3 is needed for goretex and other nice stuff). We're sending a group of new recruits off at the end of the month in Olive Drab.
I just got my stuff issued on june 3rd and i got the CADPAT uniform, a couple of the other recuits who have been there longer still have there OD stuff though, so mabey that order that CADPAT was to be issued after june 1st was right. btw i haven't done BMQ or SQ, doing them in the summer.
Take it from your local Zoomie...  If you haven't been issued the relish yet, you're doing something wrong.  The airforce is taking delivery as we speak of its complete issue of CADPAT for all its pers.
The only reason the air force is getting them is  because air force work dress is being phased out as a cost saving measure.  There was a CANFORGEN about it the other week.  As for what the rest of the forces are supposed to do?  Wait.  What's the pressing concern, anyway?  The old ones still work, and like I said before, as of right now, there is no CF wide policy dictating that everyone must have CADPAT.
Just a Sig Op said:
It clearly differs for every base and every unit... my base, QL2 is sufficient for CadPat (Though just things actually in the cadpat cam scheme, QL3 is needed for goretex and other nice stuff). We're sending a group of new recruits off at the end of the month in Olive Drab.
Hey guys!
Give it break!
A Uniform does not a Soldier make! >:(

I've been in for 29yrs in the Militia and only just got mine,yet don't have the boot's ,new rain gear,gortex jacket etc.


Everything comes too he who waits!
willy said:
The only reason the air force is getting them is   because air force work dress is being phased out as a cost saving measure.   There was a CANFORGEN about it the other week.   As for what the rest of the forces are supposed to do?   Wait.   What's the pressing concern, anyway?   The old ones still work, and like I said before, as of right now, there is no CF wide policy dictating that everyone must have CADPAT.
Willy,the Air Force Cad Pat is another mod. of Cad Pat.
Re: the pockets have flaps with velcro to prevent FOD.!

There are 3 Mods of CAD. PAT. folk's!!
Sorry, Earl- gotta disagree.   This same CANFORGEN that I am talking about also said a few words about the convergence of Army and Airforce clothing programs.   While the button cover CADPAT was originally designed to meet Airforce specs, it's been adopted for general issue as of recently.   Now it's just a matter of the luck of the draw when you go in to clothing stores whether you get the original stuff or the button cover style.   The bottom line is that the Airforce and Army are going to wear the same uniform from now on as a cost saving measure (though the Air Force will wear blue undershirts and rank slipons to maintain their "Air Force" identity).

Edit- also, there's no velcro.
I lucked out and got the button covered CADPAT, and the top left and right pants pockets are velcro, is this standard for all CADPAT mods?  

Someone told me a reason for the covered buttons is that they could show up on IR, anybody know more about this?
Maybe I should have said that there is velcro, but only on those two pockets you mentioned.  There is no velcro on the button flap covers.  The reason that the button flap covers were put on is because the air force is concerned about FOD, or foreign object damage, on airfields.  They make you stop your vehicle and check tires for stones, you aren't allowed to wear headdress on the flight line, and now, all buttons are supposed to be covered up so that the chances of them flying off are lessened.

There have been all kinds of stories about the reasoning behind the button flaps.  The air force's desire to eliminate FOD is the only one that is correct. 
Can we still eat the buttons when in a pinch?  8)