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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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What about teachers? Coaches? Did you work in high school? Maybe your supervisor can fill it out? Did you do volunteer work while in high school? etc.
no teachers left from when 5 years ago oddly. the rest are roughly 4 years or less. Even then. its been 4 years since teaching me. They probably don't remember me. Same thing goes for my jobs. they all start 4 years ago. my volunteer hours was with/for a relative.

If you want to experience flying first hand, scrounge up $50 or ask Mom or Dad to buy you an intro flight at a flying club. You will experience what turning, climbing, descending and ground rush is all about. They may even let you grab the controls. If you're in the Ottawa area, I will take you up.
Ive been in planes and such before. Infact i think the one plane was a tutor once. I even went for one day with this EAA-Young Eagle thing years ago. Went up in a crap-duster. I know what most of that stuff feels like. and landing isn't a problem for me. Its when its ME landing or flying low. Id get nervous. I guess its just no confidence in myself. But then again i usually base my confidence off past experience. First times are always making me nervous, for most things. Low-altitude flying would freak me out. Say your real low. Like 50 metres high or whatever. a bird flies out in front of you. Hits in the engine. it will definitely take no time at all before you go to the ground. There is that one video of a plane who crashes after a bird hits. I know the chances are pretty damn slim. But the lower you fly the greater the chance. Plus it probably doesn't have to be a bird. Could be a lot of different things.

loll. I use to many periods? well blame my terrible English teacher. I would write my essay. Spellcheck would find maybe one fragment or run on sentence. I fix it. But my teacher berated me to use more periods. So i throw them everywhere now. Which pleased him. My summer school teacher definitely didn't. It's sorta habit now.
munky99999 said:
I dont like the 3 people for references.
3 people? I was under the impression that it was 2 people. I applied DEO infantry in January and I needed only 2 references. Of course I haven't heard back yet, so maybe they are waiting for a third reference.... yikes.  :eek:
Mneumonics said:
3 people? I was under the impression that it was 2 people. I applied DEO infantry in January and I needed only 2 references. Of course I haven't heard back yet, so maybe they are waiting for a third reference.... yikes.  :eek:

ya its 3. Ive got the paper right here. I'm not going DOE though so maybe that's why. then again this form doesn't seem to be specific to anything and it has 3 spots for it and the instructions say 3. You probably only needed 2.

Its not that bad really for me. I think i have 3 good reference who know me well enough.
munky99999 said:
ya its 3. Ive got the paper right here. I'm not going DOE though so maybe that's why. then again this form doesn't seem to be specific to anything and it has 3 spots for it and the instructions say 3. You probably only needed 2.

Its not that bad really for me. I think i have 3 good reference who know me well enough.
Oh ok, I see. Best of luck to you!
munky99999 said:
Its when its ME landing or flying low. Id get nervous. I guess its just no confidence in myself. But then again i usually base my confidence off past experience. First times are always making me nervous, for most things. Low-altitude flying would freak me out. Say your real low. Like 50 metres high or whatever. a bird flies out in front of you. Hits in the engine. it will definitely take no time at all before you go to the ground. There is that one video of a plane who crashes after a bird hits. I know the chances are pretty damn slim. But the lower you fly the greater the chance. Plus it probably doesn't have to be a bird. Could be a lot of different things.

Oh Munk, you're going TacHelo buddy ;)

Uh, seriously... Do you have a backup plan? ;D
MikeG said:
Really!?! A Tutor!?!?! No.

Wouldn't you know if you went up in a Tutor or not !?! 

well this is like 7+ years ago. I couldn't tell you for sure if it was a tutor for sure.

Oh Munk, you're going TacHelo buddy Wink

Uh, seriously... Do you have a backup plan? Grin
Canada has attack hellos? just kidding. Really i know ill be nervous. But it will be the first time only. and its not really that big a deal or else i wouldn't be going to be a pilot. To rate the nervous factor. Its about the same of nervous of the first time you drive a car going 120 km/h. You can do it just fine. But your nervous the first time you do it. With a little anxious  ;D

backup plan? parachute instead of land? Just kidding.

are you telling me. you've never been nervous about something that you know you could do very easily and perfectly well? final exams are like this all the time.

start using either English or French in your posts. 'msn-speak' is not tolerated for long. Put some effort into your posts, please.

munky99999 said:
loll. I use to many periods? well blame my terrible English teacher. I would write my essay. Spellcheck would find maybe one fragment or run on sentence. I fix it. But my teacher berated me to use more periods. So i throw them everywhere now. Which pleased him. My summer school teacher definitely didn't. It's sorta habit now.

Seeing as you're likely to have to get a university degree, and as you want to be a pilot and therefore an officer, I'd hunt down a real English teacher and brush up alot.  Officers have to write alot of memos and reports - if you can't even write a simple sentence here, you're going to be spending an awful lot of extra time re-writing everything you submit.  I take it you don't come from a province with standardized government exams for high school?

Have a nice day.

Mneumonics said:
3 people? I was under the impression that it was 2 people. I applied DEO infantry in January and I needed only 2 references. Of course I haven't heard back yet, so maybe they are waiting for a third reference.... yikes.  :eek:

The requirement just changed so relax.
I take it you don't come from a province with standardized government exams for high school?
I passed the Ontario grade 10 literacy test. I have 72% in grade 12 university level English ENG 4U

Let me give you example of my English teacher from grade 10 and 12.

So I show up at class, roughly 5-10 minutes early. The bell rings. We wait another 5-10 minutes. The teacher then shows up. He then does "fun attendance." Which consists of asking a question like "What is your favourite movie and why;" to each and every person in the class. So virtually half the class is over by the time this is done. This teacher was VERY popular but the worst teacher I have ever had. French on the other hand I dropped so I had time to work on my English. Now I'm not fluent in either.

Also while I'm pretty bad; I don't see any problem at all with this post. No fragments or anything.
munky99999 said:
Also while I'm pretty bad; I don't see any problem at all with this post. No fragments or anything.

I'll give you that - keep practicing until it becomes habit, as writing like William Shatner speaks is a quick way to get into someone's bad books, here and in the serivice.  As I mentioned earlier, you'll have to do alot of writing - part of any officer or non-commisioned officer's life is spent writing reports and assessments and a pile of other staff work, not just your actual job.


Also while I'm pretty bad; I don't see any problem at all with this post. No fragments or anything.

Try to remember you only scored 72% in your grade 12 English.

Also while I'm pretty bad;
1. Use of the semi-colon is intended to link two closely related clauses (or short sentences).  This does not qualify as an independent clause.
2. The word 'also' is used in a sentence to indicate 'in addition' to points mentioned in a previous sentence.  There is no previous sentence.
3. The word 'pretty' is a descriptive term applied to appearance, not ability or perceived morality.
4. Too many words - just say "I'm bad", which you've proven.  

I don't see any problem at all with this post.
5. Points 1-4 indicate you are either dont want to see, or cannot interpret, the errors you made.
6. The word 'any' implies infinite possibilities, in contradiction to 'all' which implies finite possibilities.  Use one or the other, but not both.  
7. Time contradiction - at the time you typed your reply, your reply had not yet been posted, thus the only true statement you have made yet.  You could not have seen a problem with your post because it had not yet been posted.  Unfortunately, your ability to predict the future is negated by your failure to check your reply after you posted it.    
8. Too wordy, again.  Try "I don't see a problem with this post".    

No fragments or anything.
9. Contradictory implication between 'no' (indicating 'zero' or 'none'), and 'anything' (implying an infinite range of possibilities).
10. Sentences usually follow the frame 'subject-verb-action' (with many alternative forms).  Yours has a barely perceived subject, no verb, a negation, an inclusion, and a possible second subject.  Oxford Professors of English are rising from their grave as we speak.

That was fun!       ;D
Word of advice - never claim superior writing skills unless ya got 'im, which I aint got, but aint claimin' to have either!

(PS - went back and fixed a bunch of typos  ;D )
Well the grammar problem you point out is contrary to my grammar lessons from school.
For Example.
1. Use of the semi-colon is intended to link two closely related clauses (or short sentences).  This does not qualify as an independent clause.

5. Points 1-4 indicate you are either don’t want to see, or cannot interpret, the errors you made.
I'm blessed with talent in math and science. Languages just don’t come to me well. When my teachers haven’t and should have taught such things, I’m not going to know what errors are and what aren’t.

Word of advice - never claim superior writing skills unless ya got 'im, which I aint got, but aint claimin' to have either!
I would never claim such a thing neither. My languages education has been terrible. I know I'm no where near proper English.
Centurian1985 said:
Word of advice - never claim superior writing skills unless ya got 'im, which I aint got, but aint claimin' to have either!

That part was just an attempt at light humour...
11. Humor, when imparted, should be at a clearly identified target or clearly directed away from a target, to prevent confusion.  :eek:
Je regarde tout simplement, mais avez-vous un dictionnaire d'anglais ou livre de grammaire?

"Languages just don’t come to me well."  ;D Nice quotation... excellent English.  ::)

I don't want to seem mean, but you should ask more relevant questions regarding the CAF (soyez prudent! because I see you've already received a verbal warning). The people on this site are right... be proficient in at least one official language if you want to be a good officer (or an officer at that). But then again, je ne sais crois.

P.S.: Props if you're an ESL student, but if English is your first and only language... um... yeah...
Greetings monky, it's true that you need to start correcting your gramatical errors. Now with regards to becoming a pilot, I see that you're talking about flying various aircraft in different positions and how you're scared of crashing and what not. Now that's good that you've picked up this interesting field but right now I would concentrate on finishing school with good grades and going through the process. Hopefully all the pieces will fall into place for you and you do become a pilot. You should worry about details (aircraft employement and such) later on in your career, just get there first.

Dyma Khmel
Excellent points, Touchingthevoid. A pilot should be proficient in math/science AND languages. If you're weak at something, work at it.

Remember that a large portion of the CF Aptitude Test deals with language use/cognitive thinking. If you can't pass the CFAT... that's it.
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