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Supply Tech - merged

mseop 935 said:
I will be and I have seen you around, but we haven't spoken.

After parade, I'll buy you a donut and a coffee!! Meet me at the table the work party lays them out on!!  >:D
Thanks for the info mseop 935, I figured thats how it would work. And I have copies of every course report I have ever received so that should help. Thanks!
Soon to be Fellow Bin Rat,

I as a reservist spent 12weeks of my summer last year in CFSAL. I have 10yrs in and 6yrs of that time as a Armd recce crewman. I will say that you will see a major change from the past combat courses you have endured. The best advise is to know how to cut and paste. Try reviewing the Supply Manual if you can get access and most of all learn not so much the exact location of everything but how to use the tools they give you. I have to say I have enjoyed my career in supply so far. No although some of the rules you might hear in CFSAL seem over the top go follow them and remember that nothing on course is the same when you return to your unit. OH and have fun, make valuable contacts(called friends) and remember how to be a solider and what you felt like on the other side of the counter.
I am currently waiting to start my BMQ in February but have a few questions about my trade as Sup Tech (army - Reg Force). 

1. What is a good posting for this trade?

2. Will I be taking SQ (BMQ-L) after I finish basic or is that later on, say after I complete my MOC training? I only ask this because although it isn't listed on my trade sheet I was told being I chose the Army uniform I will likely undergo this training.

3. Will it be possible for me to take french courses because I would really like to become bilingual.  And if so when? (do I have to wait to become a certain rank?)

I am really excited to get started with the military and would appreciate any incite you can give me into this trade. 

shilohshy said:
I am currently waiting to start my BMQ in February but have a few questions about my trade as Sup Tech (army - Reg Force). 

1. What is a good posting for this trade?

Any posting is what you make of it - just as it is for all other trades. I'll recommend anywhere (Air, Sea, Land) except NDHQ for a first posting.

2. Will I be taking SQ (BMQ-L) after I finish basic or is that later on, say after I complete my MOC training? I only ask this because although it isn't listed on my trade sheet I was told being I chose the Army uniform I will likely undergo this training.
Depends upon to where your first posting is. If you get posted to Halifax after your 3s ... they won't be sending you on an SQ, but rather on the Sea enviornmental Course etc. I've done all three enviornmental quals as I've served with all 3 environments. If/when you are posted into a Land Unit - you will - more than likely be required to complete an SQ course. You might also complete an SQ prior to your QL3s if there is a waiting period that will allow for it before your trade qual course begins. Many factors are at play here, so no definitive answer can be given to you.

3. Will it be possible for me to take french courses because I would really like to become bilingual.  And if so when? (do I have to wait to become a certain rank?)

You can certainly apply for 2nd Language Trg. Depending upon the Unit that you are posted to and work requirements you may also be granted the opportunity to undergo such. The odds however of attending a year-long french course until you have attained more rank and beaucoup of time in are slim to nil. But, the MFRC offers french courses that you can attend and on-base CF language schools offer french in smaller blocks of mods that you can apply for.

I am really excited to get started with the military and would appreciate any incite you can give me into this trade. 


I wish you luck with all your training and hopes for your successful completion of it, and welcome you to the trade.  :)

Thanks Vern! Its funny you say that about NDHQ as a friend of mine told me to apply there as that is where he is currently posted.  Mind you he is a Geo Tech.  But I am leaning more towards Kingston or Halifax but have a feeling I will end up back here in Edmonton LOL.
shilohshy said:
Thanks Vern! Its funny you say that about NDHQ as a friend of mine told me to apply there as that is where he is currently posted.  Mind you he is a Geo Tech.  But I am leaning more towards Kingston or Halifax but have a feeling I will end up back here in Edmonton LOL.

No Sup tech I know or have ever met who was posted to NDHQ as a Pte liked it; liked the town yes ... the job and the 2 X 2 foot cubicle & other BS that goes with it - NOPE!!
Oh that 2x2 cubicle doesn't sound too fun LOL.  Honestly at this point in the game I am just glad I have been hired, and know even though I may "request" certain postings its really a crap shoot and I could end up anywhere. 

How likely is it for me to get sent overseas as a Sup Tech? I realize that won't happen right away but I am hoping I will get to go overseas a few times during my military career.
shilohshy said:
Oh that 2x2 cubicle doesn't sound too fun LOL.  Honestly at this point in the game I am just glad I have been hired, and know even though I may "request" certain postings its really a crap shoot and I could end up anywhere. 

How likely is it for me to get sent overseas as a Sup Tech? I realize that won't happen right away but I am hoping I will get to go overseas a few times during my military career.

Again, the answer depends upon where you are posted to. If you are first posted into the Navy and a Ship ... you can be assured that you will spend LOTS of time away from home while sailing. I've had Ptes deploy overseas to Afghanistan, Bosnia, Golan ... elsewhere. I've deployed to Op matador within my own 1st year of service. There are a great many opportunities for Sup techs to deploy simply because we have Sup techs on every roto of every tour that's happening in the CF; same goes for cooks, posties, truckers etc. Purple trades sometimes deploy a "home unit" into a theatre, but are always augmented by other suppies etc for every roto ... ie: you won't deploy "just" when your Unit deploys, but can go somewhere at anytime if required.
Good stuff! Thanks for all the info Vern.  I am sure I will come up with more questions as time goes by.  Guess I will just keep up with my physical training to prepare for basic.  Sadly I have to wait until Feb 22nd to get started.  But as I have heard from a few of my military friends... the army likes to make you hurry up and wait! LOL
ArmyVern said:
I've deployed to Op Matador within my own 1st year of service.
No way!! You got to run with the bulls in Pamplona?! That is so cool!!

OK, I'll STFU now  ;D
Journeyman said:
No way!! You got to run with the bulls in Pamplona?! That is so cool!!

OK, I'll STFU now  ;D

Rather I waddled with the camels; which almost beats hardwood floor bodysurfing with the gentlemen.  ;)
What are some of the courses that will be made available to me? I have heard a little about the parachute rigger course which I am super interested in... much to my mother's chagrin! But what other options are available to me as a future sup tech? And yes I realize this is all down the road but just curious to learn what all is potentially involved with being a sup tech/bin rat/suppie.  ;D