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System Upgrades- Improvments Over The Years

Still tinkering... The red almost stands out too well!
As I infered,"like the RedCaps headgear in a bar district on a run ashore".  I like the idea of making it stand out.  Like the T-shirts DS wear at training establishments.
I preferred the older maroon Directing Staff usergroup icons but thats just my opinion..  Sadly I became cadet moderator a few days after we switched from those :(

Any changes lately, I don't see the "PM" access on the forum anymore (Along from a few other things missing from the top)
You might have clicked on the ^ arrow near the top (Shrink or expand header) which shows/hides your current PM status, time logged, etc. The only (intentional) changes lately have been style.
Ok, there it is.  Never knew that existed....  :)

Yet another software upgrade took place today. (Apologies for the outage while things were updated.) Changes include:

  • Avatars are no downloaded to the server, and selected by other users. (I.E. We all share uploaded avatars effective today.)
  • Added additional notification settings, for selecting whether a user wishes to be notified on all events, and whether they wish to receive the message body in the notification.
  • New registrations must be 12 or older.
  • Added a sidebar to the personal message area, including support for "labeling" personal messages, and the option to display a capacity bar showing the state of the users inbox.
  • Attachments are no longer lost on preview.
  • Added support for previewing posts without reloading the page, and username autocompletion when sending PMs.
  • Extended the current xml feeds to include atom and rdf.
  • User can only edit their posts can for 24 hours after posting them. (Prevents revisionist histories.)

Plus many other minor changes. If anyone has questions about or problems with any of these new features, please let me know.

I have been getting this error

QUERY failed : No database selected

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<!-- Army.ca - Mike Bobbitt (Mike@Army.ca) -->
<!-- URL: http://Army.ca/// -->
<!-- Page Name: Army.ca -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Army.css">
<link rel="icon" href="http://Army.ca/favicon.ico">
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="http://Army.ca/favicon.ico">
QUERY failed : No database selected
someguyincanada said:
I have been getting this error

QUERY failed : No database selected

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<!-- Army.ca - Mike Bobbitt (Mike@Army.ca) -->
<!-- URL: http://Army.ca/// -->
<!-- Page Name: Army.ca -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Army.css">
<link rel="icon" href="http://Army.ca/favicon.ico">
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="http://Army.ca/favicon.ico">
QUERY failed : No database selected

Just about to come on and post the same thing, as I too have been experiencing this problem.

I seem to lose my login each time I leave the page, even though I have the session set to forever. Also, there are some scrolling issues in posts when I load in Firefox (latest version).
combat_medic said:

I seem to lose my login each time I leave the page, even though I have the session set to forever. Also, there are some scrolling issues in posts when I load in Firefox (latest version).

I don't know if my problem is the same, but it only calls me guest on the homepage (army.ca). when I go on pages with the forums.army.ca/forums/index.php url, it calls me by my log on name.

P.s I don't know if it is just me but, In the news section I find it easier to read the text left justified than centred.
Thanks guys, that's the kind of feedback I'm looking for... hadn't noticed any of those before. I think I fixed the login on browser restart problem... For those getting the No database selected error, is there any pattern? Is it always the same page?
Just fixed the "centered news" and had the no database selected error myself... Still investigating, please bear with me...
Mike Bobbitt said:
Thanks guys, that's the kind of feedback I'm looking for... hadn't noticed any of those before. I think I fixed the login on browser restart problem... For those getting the No database selected error, is there any pattern? Is it always the same page?

Hey Mike, I'm still getting the login on browser restart problem, but it only is a problem on the hompe page. When I go anywhere but the home page I am logged in.
I am still have the database error. The only times it has happeded to me is when refreshing the army.ca home page. It doesn't happen ever time, but when it does I just presh refresh half a dozen times and it gets onto the homepage.
Hope this helps!

EDIT: I forgot to add that the no database error only happens when i use my browsers refresh button (Mozilla Firefox 1.0.2). If I just press the home button in the top right hand corner, it works fine.
Hey Mike, I'm still getting the login on browser restart problem, but it only is a problem on the hompe page. When I go anywhere but the home page I am logged in.

My computer at home has always done this, are you using an older version of Netscape?
Ok, if you log out and log in, it should work on the main page now too... If anyone sees the no database selected error from this point forward, please let me know.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Hey Mike, I'm still getting the login on browser restart problem, but it only is a problem on the hompe page. When I go anywhere but the home page I am logged in.

My computer at home has always done this, are you using an older version of Netscape?

Nope, its the latest version and has never done this before. But it hasnt done it since I posted the above quote.