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Taliban bombing claim alarms Canadian officials (They're coming for us)

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Kiwi99 said:
Just as you need evidence that proves he/she is not a terrorist.  We will probably give all these clowns 10 million as well, just to make them feel better.  Any hint of terror needs to be dealt with harshly and quickly with no remorse. 

No.  The Crown needs to prove that he/she IS  a terrorist. It's called the presumption of innocence.
colour me the extra judiciary killings task force organizer...  ;)

I'm all of for a fair trial, and an equally swift and fair execution.
As for the 17 that were locked up for the possible attack in Toronto, now only two are still in custody.  Due to public whining and Amnesty International, all others were released back into the public.  How very Canadian.

One assumes CSIS is doing surveillance--or maybe the RCMP.  Or maybe both.  One hopes there is no Air India-like screw-up.  Since they have already been criminally charged one would assume the follow-up is primarily a police responsibility.  ¿ Pero quién sabe?

Larry Strong said:
I don't want any. But something has to wake up the population to what is really going on. We are in a war, and the majority of the people are sleep walking through it!!

I agree 100%. Some folks need a wake up call.
Olga Chekhova said:
No.  The Crown needs to prove that he/she IS  a terrorist. It's called the presumption of innocence.

How will that apply to the "No Fly List"?
I will not remain at home hiding in my cellar based on their threats.
If they want to bring the war to us, then I say, bring it on...  we'll deal with it when it happens.
George Wallace said:
How will that apply to the "No Fly List"?
It doesn't.  It really only applies to criminal justice.  There is a question of whether it offends the principles of administrative law but to be frank, I haven't really looked at the regulations that govern the no-fly list to see if there are any issues there. 

(Darn OPMEs are eating up more of my time than I ever thought possible!)
Kiwi99 said:
As for the 17 that were locked up for the possible attack in Toronto, now only two are still in custordy.  Due to public whining and Amnesty International, all others were released back into the public.  How very Canadian.

On the other side of the coin they should have been milked for info and disappear, 'poof'. We would have forgot about them just as fast, and no one would care except for the leftie snivel libertarians (they're the dangerous ones).


You know, They can attack us as much as they want...they will never hurt the Canadian people. Lets pray that nothing happends.
slowmode said:
You know, They can attack us as much as they want...they will never hurt the Canadian people. Lets pray that nothing happends.

That's relative to your definition of hurt
Here's a follow-up article:

Taliban video likely just propaganda: experts

Updated Tue. Jun. 19 2007 10:02 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

While politicians insist Canada's security forces are being vigilant in response to a new Taliban threat to take the fight here, some security experts aren't taking it very seriously.

"People should not be too petrified of a few dozen wannabe suicide bombers sitting in the Kandahar desert, professing their desire to become a martyr," Scott Taylor, publisher of the military magazine Esprit de Corps, told CTV Newsnet on Tuesday.

On Monday, ABC News broadcast footage, reportedly shot by a Pakistani journalist, of a Taliban training camp graduation ceremony.

The militants are supposed to be dispatched to Canada, Germany, Britain and the United States.

"We should perform suicide attacks and God willing, destroy their establishments in their own country," Dadullah Mansoor, a top Taliban commander, says on the tape.

"I think unfortunately this is propaganda in the campaign of terror that has been going on for quite a while," said Michel Juneau-Katsuya, a former CSIS intelligence officer now with the Northgate Group, a security firm.

Such videos are intended to both frighten Canadians and raise the morale of the Taliban's own supporters, he said, adding they allowed a journalist to film it to boost the video's validation.

He doesn't see an immediate threat to Canada.

"It's one thing to train people ... but to sneak them out of Afghanistan, put them on international flights, bring them incognito into Canada and start from scratch building up an attack?" That's quite a task, he said.

Canada's security services are quite vigilant in monitoring for possible terror threats, Juneau-Katsuya said. A bigger threat are the possible home-grown terror threats, "which are difficult to investigate and difficult to find."

Sajjan Gohal of the Asia Pacific Foundation said: "What's probably going to happen is that these individuals will be used as suicide bombers against Canadian and British troops in the southern parts of Afghanistan."

Some of the militants looked to be teenage boys, if not younger.

"From that perspective, it leads me to believe that this is largely propaganda," said Ned Moran of the Terrorism Resource Centre in Washington.

Official reaction

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day cast the threat as a public relations tactic by an enemy that's losing on the ground in Afghanistan.

"Their purpose is to strike terror, put fear in people's hearts," Day told reporters.

"I think the Taliban are aware that our troops cannot be intimidated, our troops prevail on the field of battle in Afghanistan. And so they're trying through public relations means to worry the hearts of Canadians at home."

Day said that based on the intelligence available to Canada its allies, he doubts the Taliban could mount attacks in North America.

Bev Busson, the RCMP's acting commissioner, said people shouldn't see the threat as an escalation of the security threat to Canada by terrorists.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service would only say that it takes the video seriously.

CSIS officials have said as recently as April that they don't believe the presence of Canadian troops has increased the risk of a terror attack here.

Martin Rudner, a terrorism expert at Carleton University in Ottawa, thinks the Taliban and its ally, al Qaeda, could indeed mount overseas attacks to weaken resolve to keep troops in Afghanistan.

"The logic of it is, yes, it's to be taken seriously," he told The Canadian Press. "From their point of view we, the infidels, have assaulted the world of Islam with a military presence. It's therefore religiously sanctioned that they counter-attack to expel us and impose a defeat on us."

Security officials told CTV News that while these new Taliban militants probably pose a greater danger to Canadian forces in Afghanistan, one or two slipping through to Canada could cause a great deal of damage here.

Robert Fife, CTV's Ottawa bureau chief, said one scenario that worries security officials is if any potential bombers got into Europe.

"They could hide among the Arab population, obtain false EU passports, then hopscotch across the ocean and get into Canada. Then we would have a very serious and dangerous situation," he said.

Newsweek magazine reported in late December that al Qaeda may have developed an "underground railroad" to smuggle operatives into Europe undetected.

Do you think that them bombing us in our homeland will strengthen the Canadian people's resolve against the Taliban/Al Qaeda? Or weaken it? Obviously I don't want Canadian soil to be attacked. But it's a question I find myself asking after reading those articles.

Many antiwar protesters will just say that this is all the more reason for us to leave. We brought this upon ourselves.
slowmode said:
...they will never hurt the Canadian people

Mate, try not to be so niave, sharpnel from HE/HME IEDs etc does not have a discriminate or have a conscience. It kills Canadian citizens as easy as anyone else.

We just have to ensure Cdn secuirty forces have a green light to gather INT, infiltrate, and catch these pacifiers of their peaceful religion. One day they will get lucky. Its just a matter of time.

Their aim is to disrupt, KILL and terrorise the general public.


ClaytonD said:
Do you think that them bombing us in our homeland will strengthen the Canadian people's resolve against the Taliban/Al Qaeda? Or weaken it? Obviously I don't want Canadian soil to be attacked. But it's a question I find myself asking after reading those articles.

Many antiwar protesters will just say that this is all the more reason for us to leave. We brought this upon ourselves.

Western nations are like jello, the smallest disturbance to the status quo and they shake like an earthquake.
Wes I think that he was referring to the Canadian spirit, not that we cannot get hurt. Lets just hope that this is a bunch of BS and they don't come here.
Sorry Everyone, Let me define what I said I did not explain it good. My fault.

- What I ment was like they Can always hit us but they can never hurt our values and such. I pray to god that nothing happends and this is just propaganda of theirs.

I'm sorry for the mixup.
Well I had it somewhat right ;) . You are correct in that sense slowmode, and I pray nothing happens as well.
"People should not be too petrified of a few dozen wannabe suicide bombers sitting in the Kandahar desert, professing their desire to become a martyr," Scott Taylor, publisher of the military magazine Esprit de Corps, told CTV Newsnet on Tuesday.

Well if Scott Taylor isn't worried then I'm not! whew! We're safe!  ;)