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Taliban bombing claim alarms Canadian officials (They're coming for us)

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Canadians are definitely not prepared for what might happen.  While there may or may not be terrorist camps full of suicide bombers ready to come over here, all it takes is a couple people who are already here to do some major damage. (see McVeigh, Timothy)

I am really concerned about how Canada would react in the event of an attack.  I know that the Canadian heart and spirit would shine through but do you remember how Toronto reacts to a friggin snowstorm?  Can you imagine a major terrorist attack?
Thought I'd throw my opinion into the mix.

Does the possibility of suicide bombers in Canada worry me? A little.
Do I think they could make it into the country? Yes(read "shipping containers from China into Vancouver").
How do I think Canadians would react if there was a bombing? Two answers; 1) Pacified city-dwelling people will be terrified at first, then get angry with the government for letting this happen. 2) The rest of us (read- Blue collared men and women) are gonna be looking for an ass to kick, and CFRC's are gonna have a volume-to-staff issue.
Gardiners1 said:
While there may or may not be terrorist camps full of suicide bombers ready to come over here....

Post 9-11 Terrorist training in Australia

Less than an hours drive west of Sydney, local country people reported large volumes of SAF, upon finally acting the NSWPS discovered a camp which had been recently used by Sydney's Islamic Youth Movement. heaps of 5.56mm spent casings, 7.62x39mm spent casings, 9mm casings and 12 ga spent shot shells were discovered, along with shot up 'man targets'. it was not long after this the NSWPS pulled over a car full of muslim gang members. In it was a loaded (one up the spout) South African R4 (full-auto) assault rifle. Thats a copy of the Galil. A 14 yr old had it, and even after his arrest, threatened to kill police!

Australia has banned semi-auto rifles after the Port Arthur massacare where 35 people were shot with an AR15 and an SKS back in 1996.

There was much hoopla about this, although the group was investigated, no one was charged. Their hatred for the west website was dismantled, and they are no doubt still being monitered by ASIO. No weapons were ever recovered, so they are still out there.

The motivated true beleivers are here, and with a similar population of them in Canuckistan, I am sure there is a some discrete training going on. We can and should never underestimate our enemies both domestically and abroad. Radical and extreme factions of the supporters of terrorism are alive and well in Canada, and the good ones just don't advertise it, they are simply waiting to act. Lets just hope CSIS RCMP and Co. will be on to them like stink on shyte before anything happens. More goes on behind things WRT CSIS and the badguys then we'll ever know publically.

Australia has a countrywide campaign for counter terrorism ads on TV addressed to the public. The national motto being 'Be Concerned, Not Alarmed" a 24hr hotline to report any sus activities has been establsihed. Does Canada have a similar system?

Cheers from the Duty Room,


EDITed for spelling and grammar, ha!
Wesley Down Under: Nope.  Would be considered "racist" here even though Islam is a religion.

Our federal government plays things down:

Taliban threat is PR ploy, says Day

As do other authorities:

"Ignoring the biggest elephant in the room"

'Where to focus the hunt for "homegrown" terrorists'


Politically in Canada it is safer to do nothing than do something. That is an attitude that really needs to change, as I see it, the problem with this country's system is that politicians serve only themselves and not the people or the country as a whole. A terrorist attack in this country may change that mindset.
Boater said:
Politically in Canada it is safer to do nothing than do something. That is an attitude that really needs to change,

Doing nothing will guarantee people speaking out.. but doing something will have the other parties and all their supporters on your back. Apparently the lesser of two evils is removing evil  ::)
Isn't it about time we get a party with a set of balls big enough to stand up for themselves and point out what is right?
A party that actually acknowledges that no matter what you do you are going to piss somebody off and that's their problem, not necessarily yours is what we really need.
Quote from: Kiwi99 on June 19, 2007, 11:47:02
Just as you need evidence that proves he/she is not a terrorist.  We will probably give all these clowns 10 million as well, just to make them feel better.  Any hint of terror needs to be dealt with harshly and quickly with no remorse. 

Olga Chekhova said:
No.  The Crown needs to prove that he/she IS  a terrorist. It's called the presumption of innocence.

Olga, the difficult part of what you are saying is that it is as difficult to prove someone is a terrorist as it is to prove they are a member of an organized crime syndicate when they dont, have yet to commit, or have yet to be caught, physically commiting an illegal act.  Thats why the USA came up with the RICO act, the principles of which they apply to terrorist prosecutions.  So our problems are:

1) We have nothing like the RICO act, which is why the group of 17 prosecutions will fail, just like the prosecutions of the group of 19 failed in 2003. 
2) In order to prove guilt of a terrorist act follows the same guidelines as a criminal act, you must 'prove beyond a reasonable doubt' or 99% certainty.  Unfortunately, most evidence in this type of case is based on 'reasonable probability' (more than 50% probability of truth), the concept used in civil law, and intelligence collection. 
3) It would be easy to prove reasonable probability, but now you have to find someone who is a A) a subject matter expert, B) willing to take the stand, and C) allowed by their department or the federal government to take the stand. 
4) The process is complicated by the method in which lawyers deal with cases, usually at the last minute, while permission to appear (for persons in point C) takes months to get approved and prepared for.   
5) Persons in sensitive positions, or with sensitive organizations, who could provide points 3 or 4 have little interest in appearing as a witness in these types of cases.

There are other complications, but if you dont have these 5 solved, the case goes down the tubes. 
(I don't understand pashto, but I do understand English)

I just finished watching the complete video of the graduation, as well as the parts where the leaders(?) of each group stand up and give a speech (in English).

When the leader of the Canadian group stands up, he says (@ 0:52:47)  " ....let me assure you, these my friends and me, will target the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan, inshall ah Allah Akbar"

I admit that parts of the speech are inaudible but, that specific part is quite clear.

Full Graduation Video (300 meg)

If someone has a a firm grip on the pashto language, maybe they can clarify that Canada ( on our soil ) was actually mentioned as being a target?
Cataract Kid said:
target the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan

Well from that it doesn't sound like they're actually coming over here, did the article misquote this guy?
Cataract Kid said:
(I don't understand pashto, but I do understand English)
If someone has a a firm grip on the pashto language, maybe they can clarify that Canada ( on our soil ) was actually mentioned as being a target?

We could be awhile waiting for that...
GreyMatter said:
We could be awhile waiting for that...

Why would you say that?, there might be someone here who can speak pashto or dari.
Boater said:
Politically in Canada it is safer to do nothing than do something. That is an attitude that really needs to change, as I see it, the problem with this country's system is that politicians serve only themselves and not the people or the country as a whole. A terrorist attack in this country may change that mindset.

Now here, reproduced from today’s Ottawa Citizen under the fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act, is something different from one of the members of the Muslim ‘leadership’ in Canada:

My emphasis added.
Attack the ideology
Tony Blair's strategy of cosying up to hard-core Islamists only helped to excuse those who condemn terror attacks but refuse to actually denounce jihad

Tarek Fatah, Citizen Special

Published: Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The sight of a burning SUV stuck at the entrance of Glasgow Airport's passenger terminal had me begging God for reprieve. "Please let it not be a Muslim," I prayed. But the odds were stacked against me. Unfortunately, deep down I knew such acts of callous cowardice have become the hallmark of my co-religionists. Yet, I crossed my fingers and hoped for a miracle.

One of the first eyewitnesses to appear on BBC dashed my hopes. "The bloke was on fire and when we tried to approach him, he started throwing punches and shouting 'Allah! Allah!'" said an exasperated Scot.

Fortunately, this clumsy attempt by Islamic terrorists failed. But what was extraordinary about this attack was the profile of the accused. Among those arrested were Arab professionals, one a neurosurgeon, the other a physician. These were no inner-city sons of impoverished immigrants invoking their right to fight injustice. These were well-placed, Mercedes-driving, upper-middle-class Muslims responding to the call of jihad against non-Muslims, which is the basis of all Islamic terrorism.

If the profile of the arrested was unusual, the reactions were predictable. As usual, Islamic groups lined up to utter cliche-ridden denunciations without once attacking the ideology of jihad that provides the fertile soil for Islamic extremism. The condemnations were just enough to put some distance between themselves and the jihadis, and to absolve themselves of any responsibility.

The current state of affairs in Britain is not just the fault of the Islamists and their apologists. It is also the fault of politicians such as Tony Blair, who, after foolishly entrenching Islamists at every level in British society, then lied about weapons of mass destruction and helped U.S. President George W. Bush launch his illegal invasion of Iraq. Mr. Blair set up state-funded Islamic schools and knighted a known Islamist, a person who had defended the death sentence on Salman Rushdie. Mr. Blair appointed another Islamist, an admirer of Ayatollah Khomeini, to the House of Lords.

To make matters worse, Mr. Blair endorsed and funded the so-called "Radical Middle Way" for British Muslim clerics. This "middle way" has become a front for all those who provide convoluted academic analysis, explaining the root causes of Islamic terrorism and falsely promising the British taxpayer that they will counter the ideology of hate against secular societies. But its media savvy scholars promote a very narrow view of Islam, carefully avoiding any rejection of the doctrine of jihad, choosing instead to suggest that Britain's foreign policy is at the root of terrorism.

Even the new British prime minister failed to take the bull by the horns. Instead of stating that there was no room for jihadi ideology in Britain and challenging the Islamic organizations to join him, Gordon Brown coyly referred to "moderate majorities" and "extreme fringes."

Time has come for this to change. Time has come for ordinary Britons and Canadians to say that if our politicians do not have the spine to stand up to the Islamists, we will. We have to say to those apologizing for Islamists, "Enough is enough," and stand up to the Jihadis and Jihadi-Lites. We should not hesitate to say to those who will not embrace the principles of secular democracies, "shape up or ship out." My passport is not for rent. My country is not a parking lot and neither is it a port of convenience. It is my adopted home and I am not willing to let it decay at the hands of parasites.

This victimhood mentality forced on young Muslim men, mixed with the exaltation of martyrdom and the doctrine of jihad, has been at the root of Islamic terrorism in Britain. When prosperous young Muslims use Mercedes as car bombs in London and Glasgow, the groups who instilled in them this frenzy are equally guilty of the crime, if not more.

Those who incite young Muslim men in Britain and Canada into believing that western society is satanic and that the West is waging a war against Islam have a moral obligation to take responsibility when these same men become suicide bombers and terrorists.

Muslim organizations in Canada must do more than simply pay lip service to cliche-ridden patriotism while preaching against the values and foundations of this great country.

Muslim organizations must come out and state clearly that the only laws that matter in Canada are the laws of this country, not medieval Shariah laws of the ninth century. If they do not reject the doctrine of jihad as an option for Muslims, they should be considered part of the problem, not the solution.

It is only recently that the Canadian government has started talking of "Canadian identity." However, while not a penny is spent to instill pride in Canadian values, hundreds of millions are being spent to undermine these values in the name of multiculturalism.

Unless this trend is reversed, Islamists will succeed in instilling doubt in the minds of young Muslim professionals toward western values and institutions. If a neurologist can be brainwashed, who next -- a nuclear physicist?

Tarek Fatah is founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress and author of Chasing a Mirage: The Islamic state or a state of Islam, to be published by John Wiley & Sons in 2008.

© The Ottawa Citizen 2007


We must:

1. Establish what Canada is – not just what it is not.  My Canada is liberal, secular, and democratic.  There is NO room in My Canada for illiberal, theocratic dictatorship.  My Canada requires equality for all – there is NO room for culturally or religiously mandated dress codes for some.  If your god is concerned with female hemlines then maybe you ought to refocus his attention on things that matter.  My Canada is tolerant – Muslims must tolerate Jews and women in bikinis, even, heaven forbid, Jewish women in bikinis; if they cannot manage that then they can return to Saudi Arabia.  People like me must, however, tolerate head scarves and yarmulkes, too, if some people really do feel they need them to worship their own gods in their own ways.  My Canada knows its history and its values – it is equally proud of 17th century habitants and voyageurs, 18th century loyalists, 19th century national builders: tough Scots ‘factors,’ Chinese railway workers, South Asia and Ukrainian pioneer farmers and 20th century pioneers, too, including a veritable flood of Muslims who came to Canada to make better lives for themselves and, by so doing, enriched ours, too;

2. Teach what Canada is – not just to newcomers; and

3. Require that all Canadians – old and new – give positive effect to our values or find homes elsewhere.
