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Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

This topic has been discussed ad nauseum, so is getting moved to off topic.
I bet this in the wrong forum so I assume it will be moved accordingly. Anyhoo, just got an email today and it basically said that in addition to no vulger, crude etc tats, as of Apri 1 2004 no new tats of any kind will be allowed around the neck, ear area. They can‘t be viewed with an open collared shirt polo type shirt. There was no mention of the arm area though. The CANFORGEN will follow soon.
****, I won‘t be able to get that ear tattoo I was hoping for. :D
Also piercings as per standing orders. I have seen some guys with tribal art that creeps out there cmbt neck collar. You will be required to get laser surgery to get it removed after Apr 1 2004.
This could probably be challenged. I am all for this ruling, but it isn‘t fair to apply a standard now and demand costly surgery to have artwork removed if the standard wasn‘t enforced in the past - is it?
This sounds the same as the UK‘s rules about no tatoos on the neck or face area. Does it say anything about excessive tattoos on other areas like arms, chest or back?
Micheal Dorosh: Grandfather clause. "Shrug"
Nothing on the arms but if the tats on the back or chest can be seen with an open collared shirt then then no.
Do you mean nothing allowed to be on the arms or do you mean it says nothing about tats on the arms??? :confused:
I can‘t see that they‘d expect you to remove existing tatoos... though I don‘t see anything wrong with banning neck tatoos...
Atticus: tattoos on the arms are fine as long as they are apropriate and don‘t contain nudity or profanity.
They would if you are an active member and was told about the policy which came into effect Apr 1/04
Originally posted by CFL:
[qb] Also piercings as per standing orders. I have seen some guys with tribal art that creeps out there cmbt neck collar. You will be required to get laser surgery to get it removed after Apr 1 2004. [/qb]
From what i have been told Removal is not required unless its extremely vulgar. If its on the arm or an area that can be covered it will be and that if you have a tattoo in those areas before the date you are ok.
Hey how about that Price Albert?

In the ADF, piercings on say the nipps, belly buttons, etc must be removed whilst on duty.

Do I have a piercing? HELLL No, but I do have tatts. Three of em, right upper arm, over my heart, and on my back.

Yes my GF hates em! The worst one pain wise was the on on my shoulder blade. Thats was a shocker!

