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That was fast?


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Hey guys, I'm not sure if I just lucked out or anything but, I only handed in my application one week and a half ago Thursday and they gave me a call yesterday while i was at work saying that I have to schedule my apptitude test. That was fast, was expecting a month or so. I have to give them a call Monday to schedule. Wish me luck guys !
You're pretty lucky. I handed mine in over a month ago and I'm still waiting for a call to do any testing.
I know you are not complaining but i will admit that when i saw the thread title and the board it was in, my first thought was

"first they compain about how slow it is, now they're gonna complain it went too fast....."

hahahah no complaint here my friend! I just heard from some people it takes a month at times.
It would depends on the application sometimes. Full time/part timeĀ  ie.. direct to CFRC... or a local PRes Unit. If it was PRes, it would have to go to them first, then to CFRC.

- Fast was in the mid-eighties.Ā  Fast was meeting the 707 at CFB Greenwood to grab the recruits off it and bus them to CFB Cornwallis, and finding out that a recruit was still hung over from when he had drunkenly walked into the recruiting center four days earlier.

- Now THAT was fast - get'em into our hands before they could sober up.

I handed in my application papers on a friday and got my call back for the cfat the following monday. Very speedy for me as well ;)
TCBF said:
- Fast was in the mid-eighties.Ā  Fast was meeting the 707 at CFB Greenwood to grab the recruits off it and bus them to CFB Cornwallis, and finding out that a recruit was still hung over from when he had drunkenly walked into the recruiting center four days earlier.

- Now THAT was fast - get'em into our hands before they could sober up.


You'd call em "poppin fresh" :)
well i talked to them on thursday they want to do CFAT, fitness, and medical good grief :P
7 months and still waiting for interview and medical.Ā  At least my CFAT is still good from 2001.Ā  Offered to drive to Vancouver to do it, but they want to do the remote recruiting thing in Kelowna.Ā  I was scheduled for September, but had to reschedule due to work.
Really? that sucks. This Thursday they want me to do everything. CFAT, Fitness and Medical if slots are open. got to be there at 0830 hours.
What CFRC are you dealing with? You profile doesn't list any location.
You're lucky!

I did all my testing (CFAT, PT Test, Medical etc.) in February, and I am still waiting.

To be honest - if this was a civilian organization, and my employees - they would have been fired long ago.

No sense of urgency.
Ad Guy said:
To be honest - if this was a civilian organization, and my employees - they would have been fired long ago.

No sense of urgency.

To be honest........................maybe your just not that important in the big scheme of things?
I had applied online, last week and got a call within a couple of days. I called the Reserve Unit I was interested in joining (705 Comm Squadron) left a voice mail, and once again (actually the next day) the unit recruiter followed up with a phone call to advise that they do have space available for course. I called the CFRC back and told them that I had spoke with the Recruiter at 705 Comm Squadron, and they told me the next step would be to bring my birth certficate and high school transcript in and they could schedule my testing from there :) I thanked both of them, the unit recruiter and also the CFRC for getting back to me so promptly.

Actually I beg to differ Bruce. HR is an extremely competitive area right now and we can't afford to blow potential recruits out the door with outmoded Baby Boomer..."there's lots more where they came from" mentalities. We are competing for scarce resources right now and we have to make our system work better (the CDS has said this and he's a much smarter man than me). when I was trying to get into the Reserves in the 80s, even though I'd been Reg Force and was on the sup list, it took nearly a year and by that time I had lost most of my interest...mainly because it appeared that they weren't all that interested in fresh blood.
CFR FCS said:
What CFRC are you dealing with? You profile doesn't list any location.

CFRC Mississauga, Ontario. Located at square one :P And SIGNO, I know what you mean i've heard of it happening from relatives.
I never claimed to be that important. I am re-enlisting. Starting from the beginning again (I left as a MCpl).

What I am saying is that the system is seriously flawed and should be fixed. These are flaws that would not be acceptable in civilian corporate culture. I know I am comparing apples to oranges...but come on!

I will tell you that I am NOT pointing fingers at CFRC - they have been nothing but helpful, polite and very courteous. The flaws are with the ever changing rules, and not having a central location to look up and implement them. And perhaps also with the logic of people higher up in the chain of command (these are the folks I am referring to).

I know people (very highly qualified Combat Arms folk) who have come back to serve, and have been shown the waiting room. They have been there so long, with their files going here and there - that they have looked elsewhere within the Commonwealth. New Zealand will take a Canadian Soldier with almost no questions asked - let alone the US (with a signing bonus incl. NCOs)?

Yes, it is Canadian Bureaucracy gone wild....and I am sorry but you cannot argue that!

I have been patient, calm and have done everything asked of me. I have even taken leave from work based on the schedule given to me so that I can take trade qualification. I know my place. It's just ridiculous. And I am obviously using the anonymity of the internet to vent my frustration. I would like to get on with it already.

I have had the passing thought though - perhaps the 'wait time' is also a process of recruitment for some (much like the Toronto Police at one time), there is a built in buffer time in the process to weed out those who apply on a whim vs. the truly dedicated.

