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That was fast?

I can't say i've experienced that myself. How ever I know where you are coming from. You're basically saying or what I picked up was that you have had unenjoyable run ins at the CFRC. Nothing else, You arn't saying it was because of this guy etc. Infact I hope you get in again. As  I hope I pass the CFAT as i'm told ill have no troubles as it's easy. But hey you never know ! good luck man! im writing it tomorrow mourning.
Good Luck Tomorrow!!!!

CFRC Toronto are great people! I just think the process (while different from when we were in before - waaaay different!) impedes the CFRC Folk from moving forward with certain applicants.

My hold up has been LFCA rules (that are ever changing), and the unit (which I won't mention in fear of them getting sour on me).

The new process really is different - CFAT (which didn't exist before  to any extent) was not what I expected. I took my time, used logic and passed with flying colours (They can't tell you the score but can say if you did well or not).

Practice some Spacial Awareness Problems (the folded out shapes), and practice some Number Sequence Problems.

Once again, Bonne Chance!

thanks man. I'm actually preparing to set off on foot to the CFRC as i speak. Let us see if I pass ?  :warstory:
Ad guy...
The CFAT might be "recent" BUT, there have been aptitude tests that go back a long time.
When I joined in 1970.... there was one.
When I was a recruiter in a reserve unit .... there was one.

Nothing new
Good for you. That was a little quicker than usual. Best of luck let us know how the process goes from here on out.
My memory of the Apptitude Test was that it was very basic - the new CFAT is something else!!
Maybe it's a good time of year to apply. :) I Handed in my application about two weeks ago and I got a call on Wednesday to do the CFAT on Monday. According to the corporal that booked my CFAT my interview and medical will be in the next two weeks. I don't imagine they are sending anyone on BMQ before Christmas though. Thoughts?
Currently loading BMQ in St. Jean for 26 Nov. That's the last one until Jan 7, 08.
Yea, I did it. How ever, honestly I'm not the greatest at math but it was easy i though. not a bit challenging. i feel sad for the other guys though that didnt make it like 8 of us went in and only 2 or 3 of us passed. eekk thats pretty low in my opinion but also from what i was told its all stuff you learn in school and you should be able to apply it to anything in life as i was told. My suggestion to anyone doing the CFAT in the future is don't over stress. Take it easy and go in knowing how to do simple Geometry and multiplication as well as division. I have my fitness test on the 7th of november because all the dates up to it are booked full. Geeze I underestimated myself, i went in thinking i was going to fail. so just a heads up for you guys.
Ad Guy said:
CFAT (which didn't exist before  to any extent)

I dont know when you got out of the CF but i got in 15 years ago and the CFAT existed then.......its nothing new

Ad Guy said:
My memory of the Apptitude Test was that it was very basic - the new CFAT is something else!!

Like i said, i did the CFAT for the first time 15 years ago and re-wrote it in 2003.......the second one was shorter and easier.
hey doom i was doing my interview at cfrc mississauga the same day you guys were doing your cfat, i must have seen you there. the staff at cfrc mississauga are great especially the captain.
oh yea? what time were you there at? hah, I was that decently tall skinney white guy (no racism intended) with the black adidas jacket. just incase you saw me lol
i was the white guy with the shaved head with a shirt and tie, i think we went to get reimbursed at the same time, if that was you.
yea yea, the first person to get 5 bucks :P Nice to see a familiar face on here :P
yea thanks man, just worried about the medical atm. Fitness will be a breeze.
My whole process into the reserves was pretty quick it took only 2 months, maby because my brothers in im not sure but im pretty happy ;D
another guy in the reserves got in quick too his brother was also doing full time..iunno ? it was just a thought
DanielScott said:
another guy in the reserves got in quick too his brother was also doing full time..iunno ? it was just a thought
Go back to sleep.