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The air cadet thread

Just remember to keep it productive.
Productive?? Us?? I thought you would have a better measure of us than that Burrows............;)
I expect the pilots to be productive....the air cadet obsessed with the bush is the awkward one ;)
Me productive? REALLY don't hold your breath........

Though it is more likely than the bush boy ever doing anything................;)
Hey I like bush to... Speaking of bush, does anyone know how much ah set of combat set would be, the pants and tunic (if thats what its called) and boots?

And Burrows dont worry, well keep it so busy you wont know what hit ya.

all you air cadets better back me up on this
Depends on where you go in the city. quick tips, if you can go to the surplus in Hull, its by far the best. Stay out of the one in the Market, it a piece of shit. There's a paintball/surplus store call JT's or something, its good, but the one in Hulls better.

As for prices, not sure. pants and shirts were $20 at JTs, not sure on the rest.......boots were$50 at them all last I heard.....
Ya that's were my officers recommended. He just couldn't rember how much they were. Thanks
How comfortable is the clothing. Ya and the JT's is right near that costco right? 50$ not bad for the boots, all go check it out Tuesday.
ha........i was stupid........i bought something at the one in the market..........too embarrassed to say what, or how much it was

now for those bush comments.........Ive made one of those chain and spiky ball things once (big root and a chunk of wood with a bunch of twigs sticking out of it, which i sharpened) before and I'm not afraid to make it again........
Crash the plane into him >: )
They're not
yoman said:
Woudn't all this wreck our valuable planes?
Air cadets don't own many............the leagues own the towplanes and the gliders, but thats about it........