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The air cadet thread

Ltmel said:
Spelled now not know and here not hear.  What are schools teaching you guys?
The correct sentence structure would be to say, "It's spelled....". The phrase "Spelled..." is a sentence fragment what did school teach you?
I'd really like to see this thread last a little longer than some of the other threads made in the cadet forum.........can we please try and keep a little sense of relevancy in this thread.......please?!?!
Ok, to please WO2 Mandal:
This isn't reallt specific to Air Cadets but I was wondering, what are you guys doing right now to prep for next fall, if anything? We just had a 20 minute meeting last thursday to find out who's coming back, who's aging out, who's joining the reserves etc. We're also going to have another meeting or 2 before camps and a couple in august once we're all back in town. I'm just curious if any other sqns are starting this early. I'm wraping up my first year in the seniors mess so this is my first time planing the year ahead so I'm curious what everyone else is doing or has done in the past.
Sounds good Mandel....

We had some people going around to figure out whos coming back so that we can get an idea of who can do what, also, this week we're having a meeting to get some ideas on paper for the coming training year. Other than that we're not doing much quite yet, still working towards getting annual over and done with...
I don't no to much about the planning because I'm a junior cadet. I can tell you that were loosing all but 1 of our Warrant Officers and a couple of flight seargents and seargents. We are also loosing the squadron CO. Other then that all I know is that there is going to be a bunch of promotion's next fall. Of the people we are loosing, about 3 are joining the reserves and the rest, university or aging out.

Basically next year is going to be a mess / rebuilding period.
It's always like that. Every year odds are all or most of the warrents will age out, age out in the first few months back, or move away. It's just what happens. To my knowledge we're losing 1 warrent(maybe 2), 2 Fsgts(we have 8 so not a huge deal), and 3 Sgts. That's just hte few I know of. Odds are we're losing even more.......
Hey all, I was just wondering......what do your sqn's flag party's do to turn on the march on, march past and march past? do they do centre wheels or forms?
not a wheel wheel........a centre wheel.......15 paces and we are turned.....on a dime so to speak......
I remember using centre wheels when I was a flag party commander many years ago.  I found it odd that after I got into the Reg Force that our Color party only used forms to get into position.  It seemed inefficient to me.  But after I researched it, I found out that is the way the 201 states it will be done.
Never heard of a center wheel...........What 51 flags do is on big parades we have them march on from one side in front of the flts. They then do a left(right) form to get into position. The march into their position and preform a counter march to get turned around. Then they halt. Thats just marching on though, the rest of the time they wheel unless the sqn moves in column by flts, at which point they preform a form where as the flts preform a turn on the march. Marching off the march straight out and preform a form.
Anyone here know a Sergeant or Flight Sergeant Smith from in around the Halifax, NS area?
I'm pretty sure they're in Halifax. No idea which unit, but I'm pretty sure it was actually one in Dartmouth, and not Halifax.
Centre wheel? That would be interesting to see. I've only seen flag party do forms at my sqn. If I'm picturing a centre wheel correctly in my head I personally feel that a centre wheel would look kind of dumb... but what kind of standards do I have? I'm in band :P
F/Sgt Kessler said:
Centre wheel? That would be interesting to see. I've only seen flag party do forms at my sqn. If I'm picturing a centre wheel correctly in my head I personally feel that a centre wheel would look kind of dumb... but what kind of standards do I have? I'm in band :P

Actually I think they look pretty cool.

Just had my first annual parade. Man was it hot out and in the Navan arena. I swear I lost 10 pounds in sweat. We had an awesome RO. Total time from beginning of inspection to end = 2 minutes. He was almost in double time inspecting us. Speeches were long as usual (at least thats what people tell me). I did end up making a small mistake while our junior drill team routine, didn't do anything to make it look bad. Just something unexpected maid me do it.

One thing that maid me mad was that after doing my boots, and them looking great, were at a farm area with dust flying everywhere. So I had a pair of boots with a nice coat of dust on them that looked horrible (so did everybody else's). There was in total 15 senior cadets retiring. Some cried including our W01.

My squadron also makes a year end movie, which was excellent (which I bought). Would be an excellent recruiting video.
15 left???????? Holy crap, thats a hell of a lot of seniors leaving.........

Promotions all around!!!!

yoman said:
Actually I think they look pretty cool.

Just had my first annual parade. Man was it hot out and in the Navan arena. I swear I lost 10 pounds in sweat. We had an awesome RO. Total time from beginning of inspection to end = 2 minutes. He was almost in double time inspecting us. Speeches were long as usual (at least thats what people tell me). I did end up making a small mistake while our junior drill team routine, didn't do anything to make it look bad. Just something unexpected maid me do it.

One thing that maid me mad was that after doing my boots, and them looking great, were at a farm area with dust flying everywhere. So I had a pair of boots with a nice coat of dust on them that looked horrible (so did everybody else's). There was in total 15 senior cadets retiring. Some cried including our W01.

My squadron also makes a year end movie, which was excellent (which I bought). Would be an excellent recruiting video.

My RO was harsh! She was really nice but she inspected every single cadet in the squadron! That's about 75 people. It literally took over 30 minutes to complete and one kid passed out but she kept going at the same pace. I wish our sqn had a grad movie but we don't :( The good thing is next year the mess is planning to make a year book.
condor888000 said:
15 left???????? Holy crap, thats a heck of a lot of seniors leaving.........

Promotions all around!!!!


Exactly what I was thinking  :D Ok lets count them; 1 WO1, 4 WO2, 3 FSGT, 5 SGT, 2 CPL. And there's probably will be a few who will drop out over the course of the summer. Yep there will be a heck of a lot of promotions next year. Who knows maybe me.

My RO was harsh! She was really nice but she inspected every single cadet in the squadron! That's about 75 people. It literally took over 30 minutes to complete and one kid passed out but she kept going at the same pace. I wish our sqn had a grad movie but we don't Sad The good thing is next year the mess is planning to make a year book.

Ya that not good to see people passing out. We had about 4 people fall out of ranks, one was about to pass out when the seargent got to him to bring him out. 130 people took about 3 minutes hear. He only stopped for one person to ask him what happened to his arm (it was in a cast), then he continued on at lightning speed. We were supposed to be finished a 4:30, didn't end till like 5 something.
Hey all, i just joined the forums. Im a Flight Sergeant with 299 yarmouth, Nova Scotia air cadets, and since we're kind of on the topic of promotions here, i have a question... another f/sgt from my sqn is going to SLC this summer and he claims that this will cause him to be sqn commander next year, even though we have a WO2 returning next year and he will be the highest rank. Our WO2 is taking glider and our f/sgt is taking SLC, is that even possible? Having a f/sgt as sqn commander while a WO2 would be 2ic? it doesnt make sense to me, give me your opinions plz.