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The Arctic

This has been a perennial issue for Norway, and Canada too...

Norwegian MoD Stresses Importance of Enough People in Northern Norway

Bodø (High North News): The Norwegian government wants to strengthen defense in the far north and establish the Finnmark Brigade. According to the MoD, securing settlement in this region is high on the agenda. "If things get really serious, we are dependent on civilian society and the function of total defense," he says.

"There is construction activity nearly wherever you turn in Porsangmoen in Finnmark county. The development is very positive. This was a garrison close to decommission a few years ago," says MoD Bjørn Arild Gram (Center) in an interview with High North News.

The government's new long-term plan for the Norwegian Armed Forces places great emphasis on strengthening the Army and building a brand new Finnmark Brigade in Norway's northernmost county.

"The government is strengthening the Armed Forces in general. We need a greater defense with more modern capabilities. We build from what we have, and a build-up of the Finnmark land defense is already taking place," says Gram.

New military land structure

The Finnmark land defense consists of the garrison in Sør-Varanger, Porsanger Batallion, and Finnmark Home Guard District (HV-17).

"We see the potential in developing the Finnmark land defense to brigade size, which will allow this complex force to operate more independently," says Gram.

A brigade typically consists of about 3000 to 5000 soldiers. Today, Brigade Nord, with its focal point in Inner Troms, is the only brigade in the Norwegian Armed Forces.

The MoD explains that the major investment in the Finnmark Brigade involves a new infantry battalion, artillery battalion, and a number of new elements connected to military police, management, and logistics. The Home Guard will also be strengthened in the North, with anti-tank warfare and air force capacities.

"This is a collective investment based on what is already under construction."

Norwegian MoD Stresses Importance of Enough People in Northern Norway (highnorthnews.com)
Area: 48,618 sq km
Population: 75,540 (2019)

Area: 482,443 sq km
Population: 45,384 (2024 est)

Finnmark is 1/10th the size of the Yukon and has 1.66 times the population.

The vast size of Canada's Territories and the incredibly small population there really is a huge challenge for the CAF compared to what other NATO arctic countries face. We really need a concerted all of government effort to develop the North in order to support the services, population and economy we need there to properly secure and defend our sovereignty.
Area: 48,618 sq km
Population: 75,540 (2019)

Area: 482,443 sq km
Population: 45,384 (2024 est)

Finnmark is 1/10th the size of the Yukon and has 1.66 times the population.
It's a lot easier to access points of interest in Finnmark simply because of the presence of an ice-free coast and the narrowness of the land between the water's edge and neighbouring borders.
It's a lot easier to access points of interest in Finnmark simply because of the presence of an ice-free coast and the narrowness of the land between the water's edge and neighbouring borders.

And these guys are just a short sail away ;)

It's a lot easier to access points of interest in Finnmark simply because of the presence of an ice-free coast and the narrowness of the land between the water's edge and neighbouring borders.

And Sweden has kicked off a desperate game of 'catch up', which it might not win...

Sweden is joining Nato, but it’s hopelessly unprepared for war​

he Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 came as a rude awakening for Sweden. Across the country people suddenly realised that national security vulnerabilities were everywhere. The entire public transit rail network in Stockholm, for example, is operated by MTR, a Hong Kong-based company with ties to the Chinese Communist party.

In the event of Stockholm being attacked by foreign forces, most of the detail about critical infrastructure and tunnels running under the city centre – home to the Swedish parliament, the prime minister’s residence, the state department, the royal castle – could be shared with enemies.

“We have to assume that everything MTR knows about tunnels and infrastructure in Stockholm is also known in Beijing,” says Patrik Oksanen, an expert on national security.

Sweden is set to join Nato this year, with Hungary’s long-delayed parliamentary approval finally voted through on Monday. Turkey lifted its objections in January. This is a historic shift: after more than two centuries of peace, neutral Sweden will have to rapidly adjust to a belligerent new world.

But that came with a blunt warning: from civil defence minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin, that “there could be war in Sweden”. If that wasn’t alarming enough, Sweden’s chief of defence, Micael Bydén, followed up by saying that the Swedish population needed to “mentally prepare” for the possibility of war. Both drew criticism for causing panic: many Swedish children took to TikTok to share their fears. The warnings may have been clumsily worded but they were intended to wake the country up from a long slumber of geopolitical naivety.

As a growing number of national security experts in Sweden have pointed out, the current state of Swedish infrastructure and extent of foreign ownership leave Sweden uniquely vulnerable. It certainly makes a mockery of the Swedish “total defence” tradition, where everything from grain supply chains to fire departments is supposedly involved in protecting the country and its people in the event of disaster or invasion.

NORAD and Northcom IT contract.

Recently awarded a $229 million Pentagon contract, the IT firm SAIC sees its mission to modernize systems at US Northern Command and NORAD as critical to fending off America’s foes, especially in the Arctic, a company executive told Breaking Defense.

Back in the day we had a thing referred to as the "mobile striking force:" essentially the 2nd battalion of each of The RCR, the PPCI and the R22R were (partial) parachute battalions and were trained and, to a degree, equipped for Arctic operations.

The perceived threat, we were told, was based on the fact that the Germans managed to install, operate and maintain a weather station in Canada during the 1939-45 dustup and we were unable to detect or deal with it.

One of the (many and often conflicting) ideas behind the creation of the Airborne Regiment in 1968 was that it would be able to move, quickly and decisively against any similar incursion.

The thinking was, I believe, that no-one, not the Russians, anyway, could land and sustain a force of any size in our Arctic so we needed, at b best, a small brigade for the "Defence of Canada:" maybe two, small (3 company) airborne battalions with some appropriate supporting arms and services.
Russian pilot acting like an a$$hole. Next time they try a stunt like this the USAF should shoot them down!

top gun GIF

Or just....
Back in the day we had a thing referred to as the "mobile striking force:" essentially the 2nd battalion of each of The RCR, the PPCI and the R22R were (partial) parachute battalions and were trained and, to a degree, equipped for Arctic operations.

The perceived threat, we were told, was based on the fact that the Germans managed to install, operate and maintain a weather station in Canada during the 1939-45 dustup and we were unable to detect or deal with it.

One of the (many and often conflicting) ideas behind the creation of the Airborne Regiment in 1968 was that it would be able to move, quickly and decisively against any similar incursion.

The thinking was, I believe, that no-one, not the Russians, anyway, could land and sustain a force of any size in our Arctic so we needed, at b best, a small brigade for the "Defence of Canada:" maybe two, small (3 company) airborne battalions with some appropriate supporting arms and services.
I see the Arctic threat as combined Chinese and Russian intrusions dressed up as "Civilian Research", followed up with the rapid building of infrastructure. Mould bay certainly is one such place, on the edge of the archipelago and the waters, weather and ice around it fairly well known.