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The Corvette - A Ship For The 21st Century Canadian Navy

So if the Corvette was to come to fruition, the focus would be primarily surface warfare? [limited as that may be?]

Can we talk [in general terms] about how such a ship might integrate with the shore based long range radar? That is to say, how would one gain the most efficiency out of both systems in terms of basing, weapons fit, numbers of ships etc.



I look at it this way.  If we can get ships that are capable of doing MIO and surface operations (such as Fish Pats) we would free up the CPF's for other duties that require a multi-role ship.  Face it, having a CPF chasing down fishing boats works, but for the sake of the 2-4 DFO people onboard, it'd be better to have a smaller ship for it, unfortunately, due to their low speed, and small size, the 700's aren't well suited.

That said, you'll still need Link, you'll want AIS, and a decent surface/air search radar (in case you have to do air control).

Having a helo pad, but no integral helo might be an option (ie no hangar).

Integrating with shore radars is a damn fine idea, but you'll need a decent display system to handle the targets.  There is such a system in existance, but the integration isn't as good as it could be.  Having the ability to real-time update it from the sensors would be a good idea.


Why go for the added expense of a corvette when an OPV is what we are really after.