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The Geopolitics of it all

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Left wing / Progressives losing again

Anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders wins Dutch election​

Far-Right political veteran, 60, predicted to take majority after campaign demanding a Nexit referendum and ‘zero asylum seekers’

Geert Wilders, the veteran anti-Islam firebrand, has won a convincing victory in the Dutch general election after one of the country’s most close-fought campaigns for many years.

Exit polls showed the leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), who has called for a ban on mosques, the Koran and Islamic schools, well ahead of his two rivals in what had been expected to be a knife-edge three way race.

Mr Wilders was predicted to win 35 seats, up 18 from the last elections in 2021, according to preliminary results. Final polls before Wednesday’s vote had put him on course to secure 28 seats.

“The largest party in the Netherlands, and I tell you, the voter has spoken. We are sick of it and we are going to ensure that the Dutchman comes first again,” the 60-year-old political veteran said amid cheers from his surprised and overjoyed supporters.
The pendulum will only swing so far and then it corrects.
The problem is the greater the swing in one direction the greater the correction in the other direction.

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And in other news

There’s a place on this earth where terrorists are shooting babies in the head, mass-raping women to “punish and terrorize” populations, and burning entire communities to the ground. Where women and girls have been taken hostage and are being held in “slave-like conditions.” Where an ethnic group is being targeted for its race by Arab terrorists bent on driving them out of their homeland.

Is that place Israel? Are the targets Jews?

Nope. Not this week.

The place is Sudan, and the targets are Black Africans, the Masalit. And this horror show has been happening for seven months, without much more than a peep from world leaders, human rights activists, and the “progressive” left.

No marches, no rampages at universities, no vandalizing Arab businesses. No calling Muslims colonizers, baby killers, or any other number of epithets being thrown around these days. No protests by Black Lives Matter or other allied groups decrying the killing of people for the colour of their skin, everyday, by a religious-based group bent on their extermination.

Since July, over 9,000 people have been killed in Sudan and 5.6 million displaced due to fighting between the Arab paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF)) and the Sudanese army. The RSF had helped oust the previous government in a coup in 2021 and do not want a return to electoral democracy or to be integrated into the Sudanese armed forces. Just two weeks ago, they murdered over 1,000 Masalit in 72 hours in the Ardamata refugee camp. And it promises to only get worse: the UN’s expert on genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, warns of “a cycle of violence that finds no end”.

Why is the world community turning a blind eye to this conflict? At the government level, there’s geopolitics: there are few strategic considerations or resources at stake in the region for major players like the U.S., Russia, or China. There is also the memory of the 2003 genocide in Sudan and the protracted UN peacekeeping operation; last week Sudan’s military government asked that the remaining humanitarian mission be withdrawn, though it claims to remain “committed to constructive engagement with the UN.”

But at the “civil society” level, the reason is simple: the conflict doesn’t fit the left’s anti-colonial narrative. The oppressors are not white or white-adjacent. This crisis cannot be blamed on capitalism, the United States, or Jews. There is nothing for the left to gain, politically, by calling out a community that is part of its own coalition. So just like feminists stay silent when Jewish women are raped, progressives fail to stand up for Black Africans when they are massacred.

The crisis in Sudan exposes “intersectionality” for what it is: a big, fat anti-semitic lie. The hypocrisy is beyond belief. And the Masalit are the ones to pay the price.


After his visit to Jerusalem at the start of the war, Biden said: “My administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering”. It wasn’t long before his actions proved his duplicitousness. While saying publicly that Hamas had to be defeated, he began coercing Israel behind the scenes to stop short of achieving that goal. US collusion with Qatar, which has long harboured Hamas leaders, forced the Israeli war cabinet to agree a ceasefire in return for release of a few hostages.

This objection would have more weight if London wasn't also a harbour for Hamas leaders and also permitted them to organized Pro-Palestinian demonstrations on Remembrance Day....

But still...

Ever since the IDF’s fight-back began he has been vocally “encouraging” Israel to limit civilian casualties. The subtext to that message is that the IDF is deliberately killing Gazan civilians, playing right into the hands of Hamas and its supporters around the world.

According to the Washington Post, Biden even went as far as to privately apologise to Muslim leaders in the US for questioning Hamas figures for civilian casualties a few days ago. That reflects his double-dealing approach to this war, on the one hand appearing to back Israel’s security objectives while on the other working to undermine them. It’s all about the next election, and Biden doesn’t seem to understand that the strategic outcome in the Middle East needs to take precedence over his return to the White House.

What happens when the politicians lose the plot and can no longer keep the lid on


You can only lead where others will follow. Ralph Kline's famous dictum about finding a parade and getting to the head of it applies. You have a chance of directing the parade if you work with the people. If you get it wrong you run the risk of being flattened in the stampede.

What happens when the politicians lose the plot and can no longer keep the lid on


You can only lead where others will follow. Ralph Kline's famous dictum about finding a parade and getting to the head of it applies. You have a chance of directing the parade if you work with the people. If you get it wrong you run the risk of being flattened in the stampede.

It's coming.

The people will only put up for so long.
The problem is the greater the swing in one direction the greater the correction in the other direction.

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That's fallacy. Its not a swing or a pendulum, Politics and Culture are a ratchet ever moving left. You can slow the rate of increase, maybe slow it down all together, sometimes even stop it. But you can never reverse it ever. Take Harper he was for a time able to slow the rate, and in couple of cases take the foot off the gas. But not one thing was put in reverse. Always more government, more programs, more taxes, more control, more regs. etc.
That's fallacy. Its not a swing or a pendulum, Politics and Culture are a ratchet ever moving left. You can slow the rate of increase, maybe slow it down all together, sometimes even stop it. But you can never reverse it ever. Take Harper he was for a time able to slow the rate, and in couple of cases take the foot off the gas. But not one thing was put in reverse. Always more government, more programs, more taxes, more control, more regs. etc.
You forgot to put armed revolution into the mix.😉
You forgot to put armed revolution into the mix.😉
Which also ends in the left (I'm using left as shorthand here).......but for one time.....:)

People today forget the status quo for humanity is the boot on the neck, we just live in an aberration. And it is quickly coming to a close.
That's fallacy. Its not a swing or a pendulum, Politics and Culture are a ratchet ever moving left. You can slow the rate of increase, maybe slow it down all together, sometimes even stop it. But you can never reverse it ever. Take Harper he was for a time able to slow the rate, and in couple of cases take the foot off the gas. But not one thing was put in reverse. Always more government, more programs, more taxes, more control, more regs. etc.

Never is a really long time. And ratcheting ....

We all know the left are largely anti-Semites, it's not about the poor palestinians.

Which team was this guy?

The deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the United States.

Or, the tiki torch guys.

"Jews will not replace us," demonstrators chanted at the Unite the Right rally organized by armed white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017, to stop the removal of a statue dedicated to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
