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The Hans Island Dispute (1973-2022) - aka the Whiskey War


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Hi folks,

I am new to this forum, but I was under the impression that this is a good place to get some good information for a project that I am working on.

I am Dutchman who has lived in Alberta since 10 years as my wife is a Canadian. I am an amateur historian and have published a book on the military history of Suriname, a country I used to lived in when I was a child in the 1980s.

Due to current world affairs, with the US Government making claims to Canada and Greenland, I have taken an interest in the history of the so-called Whiskey war, a friendly dispute from 1973 to 2022 between Canada and Denmark regarding the uninhabited Hans Island on the Greenland-Canadian border in the Arctic. This conflict and its resolution is a prime example of how countries can solve disputes in a mature and non-violent manner. A pity that this was not used in the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and a pity that this approach is not used by the current US administration, when approaching relations with Panama, Greenland and Canada.

In order to bring this to the attention of the general public, I am recently started working on a manuscript of the “conflict”. I intend to give a brief history of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic North, the military forces in the area, the origins and evolvement of the “conflict” and its resolution. This will be illustrated by profiles of military equipment and pictures of Danish and Canadian visits to Hans Island, among others.

For the Canadian side, I am currently looking into which CAF units are/were stationed (either permanently or temporarily) in the Arctic area around that time (1973-2022) and I am looking into what Royal Canadian Navy and Air Force units would be able to get to that area in case of a problem.

If anyone can give some good sources, references or information, I would high appreciate it. I am in negotiations with my publisher that the proceeds of this book will go to Ukraine, if he agrees to this. Thanks in advance for your help.

In the meantime, elbows up...

Kind regards,
Claresholm, AB
While these will not focus on military involvement in a diplomatic "squabble", you might have interest in a couple of previous ATIP requests to Global Affairs Canada for documents related to Hans Island.

Request a copy of records​

Availability of records are subject to retention timelines as established by institutions. Requests made through this form are considered informal requests and are not subject to the same requirements as requests under the Access to Information Act.

Organization: Global Affairs Canada
Year: 2023
Month: April
Request Number: A-2022-01998

Request Summary: All memoranda submitted to the Department Legal Advisor about negotiations with the Kingdom of Denmark/Greenland with respect to the Hans Island dispute, and formal materials shared with the Government of Nunavut and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 40

Organization: Global Affairs Canada
Year: 2020
Month: March
Request Number: A-2019-00529

Request Summary: All records, including briefing notes, memoranda, letters and emails, related to a prospecting permit for lands involving Hans Island between February 4 and May 3, 2019

Disposition: Disclosed in part
Number of pages: 28
Thank you Blackadder for your recommendations! I will look into this right away. And sorry... coming from Western Europe I am more of a beer person myself (thank god for decent beer in Canada vs US watered down stuff), so I am absolutely no connaisseur of Whiskey/Whisky/Bourbon - although the local diner here makes a great BBQ burger with 40 Creek sauce.

In the meantime, I am compiling a list of RCAF and RCN units and bases in Canada from 1973 to 2022 while concurrently doing the same for the RDAF and RDN units in Greenland. I people are interested, I can share on this forum once I have completed them.