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The Khadr Thread

I have just written my MP about this issue. Probably won‘t do a lick of good, the most that the government ever does is pay some shoddy lip service to the people in Canada at best but at least I spoke up.

No connection to al-Qaeda, says returning Khadr mother
Karim‘s mother, 47-year-old Maha Elsamnah, followed close behind, wearing a white headscarf. "I have no connection with al-Qaeda" was all she said as she made her way to the door.

Last month, in a TV interview from Pakistan, she praised her late husband as a martyr for Islam and said he chose the right path for her four sons. Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and its training camps instilled proper values, she said. She insisted that the time the Khadrs spent in the compound with Mr. bin Laden was better than a life in Canada, where her boys could have become homosexuals or drug addicts.

Asked yesterday how she felt to be home, Ms. Elsamnah simply said, "It‘s very nice."
Source: Globe and mail article
If life is so good in Pakistan, why come back here ? I hope they all join the dad soon...
Strip them of their Citizenship and ship them back to Pakistan.
Jesus...And the government just let them back in after saying that they were virtual enemies of this country!?

Ship them right the **** back out the door!
Someone on TV said this.

Apparently Washington forget to tell Ottawa that there is a war on terrorism going on. The United States is spending billions of dollars to keep terrorists out of their country while Canada is rushing them in on "emergency passports".
I live in Scarborough, if per chance I see them crossing the street as I am driving around, who knows I might have sudden brake failure.
Just make sure its "justafyable." I wouldn‘t want to see anyone else loose their freedom or have their life ruined by these pieces of trash!
Originally posted by Jungle:
No connection to al-Qaeda, says returning Khadr mother
Karim‘s mother, 47-year-old Maha Elsamnah, followed close behind, wearing a white headscarf. "I have no connection with al-Qaeda" was all she said as she made her way to the door.

Last month, in a TV interview from Pakistan, she praised her late husband as a martyr for Islam and said he chose the right path for her four sons. Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and its training camps instilled proper values, she said. She insisted that the time the Khadrs spent in the compound with Mr. bin Laden was better than a life in Canada, where her boys could have become homosexuals or drug addicts.

Asked yesterday how she felt to be home, Ms. Elsamnah simply said, "It‘s very nice."
Source: Globe and mail article
If life is so good in Pakistan, why come back here ? I hope they all join the dad soon... [/qb]
2 things

1.tell others about plans (remeber a tape tellin us a plan was at 90% done)
2.use our ‘free‘ healthcare and taxpayers money
These people have really pissed me off so I did a little searching and here are a few things I am posting here. The first is the Oath of Citizenship, see as how they weren‘t born here they had to take this oath to become citizens.


I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.

The second is the crime of treason taken straight from the criminal code siting on my desk.

Treason and other Offences against the Queen‘s Authority and Person

High treason
46. (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,

(a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her;

(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or


(2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada,

(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;

(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada;

(c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a);

(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or

(e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that intention by an overt act.

Canadian citizen
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2), a Canadian citizen or a person who owes allegiance to Her Majesty in right of Canada,

(a) commits high treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything mentioned in subsection (1); or

(b) commits treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything mentioned in subsection (2).

Overt act
(4) Where it is treason to conspire with any person, the act of conspiring is an overt act of treason.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 46; 1974-75-76, c. 105, s. 2.

Punishment for high treason
47. (1) Every one who commits high treason is guilty of an indictable offence and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life.

Punishment for treason
(2) Every one who commits treason is guilty of an indictable offence and liable

(a) to be sentenced to imprisonment for life if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(a), (c) or (d);

(b) to be sentenced to imprisonment for life if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(b) or (e) committed while a state of war exists between Canada and another country; or

(c) to be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years if he is guilty of an offence under paragraph 46(2)(b) or (e) committed while no state of war exists between Canada and another country.

(3) No person shall be convicted of high treason or treason on the evidence of only one witness, unless the evidence of that witness is corroborated in a material particular by evidence that implicates the accused.

Minimum punishment
(4) For the purposes of Part XXIII, the sentence of imprisonment for life prescribed by subsection (1) is a minimum punishment.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 47; 1974-75-76, c. 105, s. 2.

48. (1) No proceedings for an offence of treason as defined by paragraph 46(2)(a) shall be commenced more than three years after the time when the offence is alleged to have been committed.

Information for treasonable words
(2) No proceedings shall be commenced under section 47 in respect of an overt act of treason expressed or declared by open and considered speech unless

(a) an information setting out the overt act and the words by which it was expressed or declared is laid under oath before a justice within six days after the time when the words are alleged to have been spoken; and

(b) a warrant for the arrest of the accused is issued within ten days after the time when the information is laid.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 48; 1974-75-76, c. 105, s. 29.

I highlighted (capitalized) the main clause I would use, but based on their statement on the CBC, they are guilty of treason in several other clauses.

Lastly I am posting a link to the Criminal Code Section regarding Terrorism. Again based on their statements and media reports, they also appear to be guilty of several things in that section as well. http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/C-46/40997.html

This whole thing is just insane, sad, incomprehensible in this day and age. Sometimes I truly wondering what we are doing here at all.
Absolutely ******* disgusting. The fact that the gov just let them back in, gave them emergency passports to come back. What kind country are we living in?

I heard somewhere that the 21 year old Kadr was asked what they were going to do for money and he responded by saying something along the lines of "depending on charities" OMFG...
Canada must be the laughing stock of the world - in less than one week, 100 refugee claimants ... (and, how the heck do they get on an international flight without proper travel documents? I thought it was the responsibility of the airline to screen them, or else they‘d be responsible for their return voyage ... ? Legitimate immigrants must be fuming at this abuse.)
PLUG THIS LEAK!!! (oh, wait - what was I thinking - no wonder our doors are wide open to anybody and everybody ... it‘s a "make work project" for Foreign Affairs ... right, Sameer? And, let‘s not forget - the Federal Liberal Party needs all the votes it can buy ... so what if some of these refugee applicants with terrorist ties have Canadian blood on their hands ... as long as they vote Liberal, right?)

Refugee claimants like new terminal
Sun, April 11, 2004

THE NEW $3.6-billion Pearson airport Terminal 1 is not only a hit with travellers, but refugee claimants love it as well. Nearly 100 claimants have sought refuge at the facility since it opened for business last Monday, airport officers said.

Some refugees even arrived during the terminal‘s inaugural flight.

Immigration and Customs agents said more than half of the claimants were detained in new airport detention cells because they had no travel documents.

Janina Lebon, of the Canada Employment and Immigration Union, said officers are concerned about those arriving without proper documentation.

"Officers want to know who these people are," Lebon said.

She said claimants can be detained because they‘re a danger to the public, might not appear for hearings, or lack identification.

Officers said the number of claimants has increased with the opening of the terminal. About a dozen claimants arrived nightly before.

John King, of the Customs and Excise Union, said the unidentified claimants led to his officers obtaining bullet proof vests, batons and pepper spray.

"We always deal with the unknown," King said. "We don‘t know who these people are and it is a concern."

Officers said most claimants are from Costa Rica, Mexico, India and Pakistan.

Immigration officials couldn‘t be reached for comment yesterday.


Federal agents will grill Khadrs
Sun, April 11, 2004

AS CANADIAN security agents begin to question the al-Qaida-linked Khadr family, U.S. police warn they‘re not welcome south of the border. "I can‘t imagine that their movements wouldn‘t be monitored" if they attempted to cross into the United States, an American government official told Sun Media yesterday on condition of anonymity.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service agents were to begin yesterday interviewing Maha Elsamnah, 47, and her son, Karim Khadr, 14, who arrived in Toronto Friday from Pakistan.


Security agents are hoping to find out if the two had recent contact with al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, or if other Canadians are involved in his terrorist network, police said.

CSIS spokesman Nicole Currier refused comment yesterday.

The family has publicly spoken about its links to bin Laden and its involvement with al-Qaida.

One son, Omar, 17, is in U.S. custody in Guantanamo Bay after being arrested in Afghanistan two years ago, accused of killing a U.S. soldier.

His older brother, Abdurahman Khadr, was released from the same prison camp last year after being held on suspicion of being a terrorist. He is living in Toronto.

Abdurahman has admitted to being interviewed on at least two occasions by CSIS after returning to Canada.


The father, Ahmed Said Khadr, an Egyptian-born Canadian and allegedly a close confidante of bin Laden, was killed in a gunfight with Pakistani security forces last October. His son, Karim, who returned to Canada with his mother last week, was paralysed in the same shootout.

Foreign affairs continued its efforts to calm the public uproar over the return of the Khadrs. Spokesman Sameer Ahmed said there was no truth to a report that the Canadian government paid for the airfares of the returning family members. "The Khadrs used their own funds," Ahmed said, noting that Canadian diplomats arranged their flights home on one-time emergency passports.


‘Outrageous‘ Grit actions
By Bob MacDonald
Sun, April 11, 2004

FAMILY AND friends of the 24 Canadians killed in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 must be shocked to learn that members of an "al-Qaida family" have been allowed back into Canada. I‘m referring to the arrival Friday at Pearson airport of Maha Elsamnah and her 14-year-old son, Abdul Karim Khadr. They are the wife and son of Egyptian-born Ahmed Said Khadr, a top official in Osama bin laden‘s al-Qaida terrorist network.

Not only did the family -- including three other brothers -- live near the terrorist training camps of bin Laden in Afghanistan, but they were involved in fighting against anti-terrorist forces that included Canadians.

The father, Ahmed, was killed recently in Pakistan in fighting with security forces. Karim ended up shot and paralyzed in the same firefight.


Another son, Omar, 17, is being held by U.S. forces at Guantanamo Bay. He‘s charged with killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan during a battle against al-Qaida and supporting Taliban forces.

Another brother is still on the loose, believed to be an al-Qaida-Taliban commander in the Afghanistan- Pakistan region.

And a fourth brother, Abdurahman Khadr, was released from a U.S. jail and allowed to return to Toronto. When he was interviewed by CBC-TV last month, he commented: "We are an al-Qaida family."

His mother and a sister, interviewed in Pakistan, said they were proud of their family‘s connection to al-Qaida. The mother said she‘d be happy if her children died the same way as her husband -- an al-Qaida Muslim "martyr".

What‘s really shocking about this family‘s return is that the federal Liberal government -- both under Jean Chretien and now Paul Martin -- has been so helpful to them over the years.

Back in 1995, Ahmed Khadr was arrested in Pakistan for his role in a deadly embassy bombing. Later, on a visit to Pakistan, Prime Minister Chretien appealed to the Pakistan president to have him released. It was done.

Apparently, a so-called aid program headed by Ahmed Khadr received help from a Canadian federal government agency.

And what did Khadr do? Why, he ended up heading back to bin Laden -- along with the whole Khadr family.

And now, these years later, the Paul Martin-led Liberal regime has gone out of its way to help these recent Khadr family members return to Canada. Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham‘s office interceded and gave special visas to the mother and son to return to Canada.

No wonder Conservative foreign affairs critic Stockwell Day declared: "The whole thing is outrageous -- that she (Mrs. Khadr) would be afforded the full rights of Canadian citizenship when she and her family ... have been involved in the training fields and the killing fields of al-Qaida."

Which brings us to that terrible day of Sept. 11, 2001 when a group of Arab-Muslim terrorists connected to al-Qaida hijacked civilian airliners and slaughtered more than 3,000 men, women, and children, including two dozen who were Canadians.

They included the likes of Ken Basnicki, a 48-year-old father of two killed in the north tower of the World Trade Center. The last word from him was a cell phone call to his mother at 8:55 a.m. from the burning tower.

And there was David Barkway, a 34-year-old executive from Toronto who was visiting a client on the 105th floor of the north tower. Before dying, he sent an electronic message to colleagues in Toronto, saying he was in trouble.


There was Christine Egan, of Winnipeg, visiting her brother in the south tower. "She had such a big heart," recalled friend Sharon Judd.

The truth is that the paralyzed Abdul Karim Khadr needs special medical care. And just as soon as he meets the residency requirements -- some say three months -- he‘ll be eligible for OHIP support paid for by Ontario and Canadian taxpayers.

And some of those taxpayers will be the still-grieving families and friends of those ruthlessly murdered 24 Canadians. That is really outrageous. Thanks goes to Martin and his always vote-seeking Liberals.
Britain and Canada have the most relaxed Laws and are the most generous countries in the World when it comes to Refugees.
Right now in the Britain,Blare is in trouble over a back door policy the Labour Government did.
ARRRGGHHH. Our government are idiots. First the story of Refugee claimants. Since when has thier been fighting in Mexico or Costa Rica? WTF?!!! And like I posted earlier by their own statements and actions they are all guilty of Treason and High Treason. One can only pray that the Liberals are turfed and we get a Conservative Government that has the cojones to interrogate these leeches and parasites and then try them and send them to prison for the rest of thier lives (unfortunately we no longer have the death penalty for Treason anymore, because they all deserve to hang from the end of a short rope). Doing this, and fixing our broken immigration system would show the world, we are not going to put up with this cr@p anymore.

I hope they all rot in he||, and the father who died a so called martyr, we I hope Robin Williams was right and their and their was a mistranlation. He won‘t see 72 virgins but rather 72 Virgians.
Anyone know the web address for this petition so I can sign it?

The Toronto Sun
Mon, April 12, 2004

Petition to turf Khadrs



AN ONLINE petition has been created calling for the Khadr family to be deported as an alleged security risk to Canada. Maha Elsamnah and her 14-year-old son Karim Khadr, who both have had ties to al-Qaida, were granted entry into Canada on Friday without passports.

"I, as a Canadian citizen, do not feel safe knowing that we have fundamentalists living in our own backyard. A family who hates everything this country stands for should not be welcome," said Donna Campbell, the 33-year-old Scarborough woman who started the petition yesterday.

"My goal is to have this family deported as I fear for the safety of myself, my family, and my fellow Canadians."

Elsamnah and Khadr are the wife and son of Ahmed Said Khadr, 57, who was killed in Pakistan last year during a raid against suspected terrorists.

They are a family long connected to al-Qaida, have lived in a compound with Osama bin Laden, and spent time in terrorist training camps that supported the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

The petition to the federal government says the Khadr family should be immediately and permanently deported and that they should be barred from accessing Canadian benefits, such as the health care system.

Karim Khadr was wounded last fall in a gunfight with Pakistani security forces and needs medical attention. The teen was shot in the spine during the shootout that killed his father.

"The federal government, in allowing the Khadrs back into Canada, have insulted all Canadians and should be ashamed of themselves. This, and other Liberal farces will not be forgotten on election day," said Paul Jones, one of the dozens who have signed the petition.

The government has gone mad allowing them in the country, Mair Traversy said.

"There is no room on the soil that my husband fought for, over 60 years ago, for families that admit they have been trained by Osama," Traversy said.

"We won‘t forget this."
Wouldn‘t you know it, as soon as I post the previous request, a friend sends along the web address for the petition

well atleast i hope our MP listens to this because alot of people are going to be pissed off if they dont do anything
I saw an argument on TV where some offical was defending the decision to let the bugger back into canada. Saying he was a canadian citizen and you can‘t just go and yank someones citizenship away. Kinda made sence to me. Let them him back in but throw him in jail, start the paper work to deport him.
After the first Gulf war we did the same thing. We welcomed people back into Canada that had gone and fought for the Iraqis.
Found this online. Immigration officials say it is unlikely to work, but I still encourage everyone here (that agrees) to sign it. You should also read the comments. Plenty about Paul Martin committing political suicide, and Stephen Harper being the next PM. :D


P.S. Not sure if this is the right forum. If not please move it. ;)