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The Khadr Thread

If they openly announce that they wish to become martyrs like their deceased father, the Canadian government should, in their own welfare, help the family pursue their lifelong dreams and shoot them.
Just like the Israeli‘s helped sheik Yassin rendevous with his 72 virgins. Eutanasia through Hellfire missile is what I call it.
Yeah i just read an article in the Toronto Star where it was mentioned a few times
Since when does being a jackass merit losing citizenship and being deported? People in all walks of life make all sorts of treasonous utterances and involve themselves in all sorts of disloyal activity.
People don‘t want them deported for "being a jackass". They want them deported for being a terrorist.

OK, I haven‘t been following the matter that closely. What did they do to qualify as terrorists? Bomb an aircraft flagged to another country? Shoot a doctor who performs abortions? Bomb an industrial plant? Donate money to a political front for terrorists? Kidnap a foreign diplomat? Execute a member of any level of government? Anything in particular that wouldn‘t merit treatment as criminals of this country since they are citizens of this country?
The one who already lives in Toronto, went to an alqaed training camp in a-stan. I believe the 14 year old who is now paralized went to one as well. The father who is dead was a close associate of Bin Laden. They were all living with Bin Laden on 9/11. The mother and daughter said things like "america got what what they deserved" (refrencing 9/11). The mother said she encouraged her son to be a terrorist and a suicide bomber.

The 14 year old was paralized in a shootout with pakistani police/military, which also killed his father. After hating western society they are now back in Canada so they can get free healthcare for their son. :mad:
I know next to nothing about international law but couldn‘t the Americans get the paralyzed son extradicted to the US as a prisoner of war (or illegal/legal combatant or whatever the Americans call them)? Those people would prove to be useful in the hands of US authorities than back in Pakistan (or wherever they‘re from) one would think.
This may sound stupid, but couldn‘t it be a good thing to have them in the country? I mean, if you KNOW these people have connections to terrorist groups, isn‘t it better to keep an eye on them, know where they go, who they associate with (that could be important) etc? I mean, if deported, they are gone, and could just vanish. It‘s got to be safer to know that a bad guy is out there, than to NOT know, right?

Did that make any sense?
From where I sit, then, it seems either they have performed deeds which were illegal under Canadian laws at the time, or they have not. Either they may be tried, or not. I don‘t see any grounds for deportation, yet.

Has any other country requested we extradite any of them?
It makes sense nULL, but the only thing is do you think our government is really going to able to keep tabs on them for very long. We have close to 25,000-30,000 illegal immigrants in this country that have just up and disappeared. And as we have seen, despite tough talk from CSIS the government is quite friendly to this family, and this is the second time it has helped them out.

And to Brad Swallows I would suggest you actually read the laws we have on the books for terrorism and treason. They have violated them both. And even though they are Canadian citizens, this country in the past (although they have to forced kicking and screaming to do it) has stripped the citizenship and given the boot to Nazi War criminals
As I wrote, if they‘ve violated laws they can (and should) be tried.

Did we give the boot to Nazi war criminals because they were Nazi war criminals, or because they violated one of the conditions for obtaining citizenship?

The crux of the issue: if a naturalized citizen obtained citizenship under completely legitimate circumstances, what (if any) are the grounds for treating him any differently than a citizen by birth? I was born here. If I were to commit a crime of terrorism, does the law provide for my deportation and to where would you presume to deport me?
The crux of the issue: if a naturalized citizen obtained citizenship under completely legitimate circumstances, what (if any) are the grounds for treating him any differently than a citizen by birth? I was born here. If I were to commit a crime of terrorism, does the law provide for my deportation and to where would you presume to deport me?
I think all terrorists, foreign or domestic, should be deported to Berkeley, California.
Don‘t you think that‘s a little TOO cruel and unusual, Infanteer? I mean.. Berkeley? shudder...
Not arguing the validity of the idea behind the petition; but does anyone find it harder to take a internet petition as seriously as they do one on paper?

It just seems like the same kind of person who would come on here, flame everyone and claim to be a JTF elite sniper, could easily sign this petition as many times as they want without leaving any method (other than an E-Mail) of contacting them to confirm their existence etc.

Just wondering if anyone knows if theres anything to prevent someone from signing it over and over again.
I was all ready to support them living in Canada until I read a news article with this quote:

Ms. Elsamnah told CBC television earlier this year that she would be proud to have her children become suicide bombers and said she sent her four sons to al-Qaeda camps because it was better than raising them in Canada.

"Would you like me to raise my child in Canada and by the time he‘s 12 or 13 to be on drugs or having some homosexual relation or this and that?" she said.
Send her back to Pakistan and let the authorities over there deal with disrespectful scum like that. Or better yet I could wish she fled to Afghanistan so I could push Infanteer aside and blow her away myself. :mad: :mad: :mg:

Yeah I know I‘m not being PC, so I will probably get flamed to **** (or the mods can edit my post if they think I went over the line), but when people are only Canadians when its convenient, and the stupid government decides to reward them with free healthcare and probably give them a pile of cash and 5 free extra passports, its just too bloody much for me. It is treason no question. And dare I say the government is almost acting along the lines of treason by allowing these ingrates to live here. Even if you put their disrespect aside, they are sort of connected to what may be a terrorist group, and that is enough reason to kick them out, as they pose a threat to the country.

I can just picture it, Dalton hand delivers her first welfare cheque she grabs it, spits on him and tells him to piss off cause he is a dirty infidel.

I mean what is wrong with the government? Kick her the **** out of the country now. The really sad thing is there is no good alternative to vote for, so we just have to put up this stupidity....arrrrg... :mad: :mad:
And let me just clarify before a mod wants to ban me: I do not intend that as a real threat to her, but her remarks just do not sit well with me. And I speak out of my emotional dissatisfaction with the Canadian Governments actions over this issue.