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The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

Why even bring up polygamy it has absolutely nothing to do with gay marrage. It is a totally different thing. I know they are both religiously wrong but that is as much they share. I think gays should have the right but the churches should also have the right to preform these ceremonies or not. This argument could go on forever. This topic should be locked before people start taking offence to some remarks (regardless of the side of the debate).
andpro said:
Why even bring up polygamy it has absolutely nothing to do with gay marrage. It is a totally different thing.

No, it is fairly relevent when we are debating the legal definition of marriage.  If "man and woman" isn't the only acceptable defintion, what makes "man and man" or "man and women" acceptable or unacceptable?  Is "2" an important factor of defining marriage and if so, why?

I know they are both religiously wrong but that is as much they share.

Are you sure - it seems that many religions/societies happen to condone polygamy - probably more than those that condone same-sex marriage.  Ask the House of Saud about that.

I think gays should have the right but the churches should also have the right to preform these ceremonies or not.

That seems to be the general agreement amongst most people - but explain why.

This argument could go on forever. This topic should be locked before people start taking offence to some remarks (regardless of the side of the debate).

Don't worry, the Staff has their eyes on.  It is okay to discuss and debate the issue - if it goes over the top or gets stuck in a rut, we'll lock it.
My 2 cents:

Even though I may not agree with everything some other people do.. If you do your job, you're fine with me.
I see what you mean. I guess I should have said it was wrong in the majority of religions in Canada. As for the change in the definition of marriage, if polygamy were as acceptable as homosexuality today then it would probably be considered to be added into the marriage definition. The fact is that its not so it does not have any relevancy to this debate. If gays have the right exercise there beliefs , the church should not be forced to do something against it beliefs. Every one should have the right to their own beliefs.
Just another sign of the continuing depravity and degradation of society and the CF in general.  Other examples are the refusal of the soldier to remove his headcover on Remembrance Day, women in combat roles and the reluctance of the Canadian electorate to rid themselves of the corrupt, immoral Liberal Govt.

BTW: I could care less what anyones 'sexual preference" is.  Gay marriage is illogical and simply stupid.  It is merely an attempt to add 'normalcy' to something they know is inherently wrong!  I find it very amusing to see how people can come on here and justify anything.  Soon they will be 'marriying' people and animals or some such wiedo thing and guaranteed someone will come on here and find some way to justify it!

I know nothing about the CIC, but now I know one of the reasons why we all hate them. ::)

EDIT: Well, make that two.
About the previous post about showering CO-ED, I think that is 100% true. Homosexuality conflicts with my Christian beliefs bigtime, and I've no time for it at all. Also, I don't like how they taken our definition of marriage, stripped it down, and use it for their own liking. Call it something else, but not marriage.

Homosexuality is an illness. Viewing men as you would females, and vice versa for the women is wrong. If homosexuality was the right thing to do, the human population would cease to exist. I don't care much for homosexuality and what's involved with it, as long as it's the homosexual people aren't flaming and shoving it down your throat, let em do what they want... but not marriage... and in the CF?

a previous post said "Disgusting". That was most definately the one of the biggest understatements ever mentioned.
Fry said:
About the previous post about showering CO-ED, I think that is 100% true. Homosexuality conflicts with my Christian beliefs bigtime, and I've no time for it at all. Also, I don't like how they taken our definition of marriage, stripped it down, and use it for their own liking. Call it something else, but not marriage.

Homosexuality is an illness. Viewing men as you would females, and vice versa for the women is wrong. If homosexuality was the right thing to do, the human population would cease to exist. I don't care much for homosexuality and what's involved with it, as long as it's the homosexual people aren't flaming and shoving it down your throat, let em do what they want... but not marriage... and in the CF?

a previous post said "Disgusting". That was most definately the one of the biggest understatements ever mentioned.

What the Christ is going on in cadets with this type of crap being spouted?  From a kid ?  Don't join the CF because we don't need your narrow minded and naive viewpoint.
The local Legion branch here has had the 2 minute silence at their Rememberance Day service for as long as I can remember.

As for the homosexuality on the first page, that's all you can expect. So many people to this very day, take for granted the sacrifices made before them. The vets and the dead should be honoured much more than a bunch of gay men. Hell, they're making a mint off homosexuality on TV. Queer eye for the straight guy, queer as folk. If you had Straight Televison as a channel, or Straight as folk or something like that, you'd be hung. It's a sad day when you see homosexuality promoted more than honouring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, don't ya think? 'Nuff said.
Dude, all I'm saying, is that I don't appreciate flaming homosexuals, because it's against my beliefs as a christian. My beliefs. If they do not interfere with your beliefs, then that's fine.

I'm not attacking homosexuality, I'm attacking the fact that it's trying to be made part of something it isn't. Marriage is the union between a man and a woman.

If 2 dudes want to shack up, then they can go for it, I don't really care.. but when they try to adopt parts of Christianity that doesn't apply to them, then I do care.
Fry said:
If you had Straight Televison as a channel, or Straight as folk or something like that, you'd be hung.

Uhh...we call that "every other TV show on the networks", don't we?

Anyways, thanks for rehashing a topic that went stale five years ago.
Fry said:
Dude, all I'm saying, is that I don't appreciate flaming homosexuals, because it's against my beliefs as a christian. My beliefs. If they do not interfere with your beliefs, then that's fine.

I'm not attacking homosexuality, I'm attacking the fact that it's trying to be made part of something it isn't. Marriage is the union between a man and a woman.

If 2 dudes want to shack up, then they can go for it, I don't really care.. but when they try to adopt parts of Christianity that doesn't apply to them, then I do care.

See this is where I run into problems here. Marriage has been an institution in human societies for thousands of years. Therefor how can you claim marriage to be an exclusivly Judeo-Christian concept? I mean we can trace it as least as far as the ancient Greeks, and they certainly wouldn't have had a problem with two guys "shaked up"

Also, they're not trying to steal part of your religion, they're trying to get the same rights you do. I mean if two guys have been in that kind of a relationship for 20 years, why shouldn't they get the same legal rights as a married mand and woman.
This issue is about two hot button points...

morales and equality, and in particular how the rule of law is given as a guidance for both.

Our country like most in western civilization is guided by Christian based morals and those morals are what guided our forefathers in their drafting of our countries laws (1867 versions). One of those Christian morals hold that a man may join with a woman in a marriage, generally for the purpose of procreation, but also for life long companion ship and varied other reasons. Since homosexuality was a sin, it was out lawed. Obviously since 1867, times and people have changed. Since, a well spoken Prime Minister had a vision of a Canada where gov't had no business in the bedrooms of the nation and the every Canadian was granted all the same rights and privileges as any other regardless of age, religion, language, ethnic background, and yes, even sexual orientation.

That being said...I am a Canadian who holds a absolute disdain for any form of discrimination, and despite having a personal moral view of marrage being a a union between a man and woman, I strongly believe the same rights and privileges that my wife and I enjoy should be enjoyed by every other Canadian citizen who wishes to be "married" to another Canadian citizen.

I know too many good soldiers, good people to discriminate them from those rights...

Having gays marry does not bother me nearly as much as the fact that the Supreme Court of Canada directs the national morals and related policies, and the Govt drags its feet, afraid of controversy, instead of changing the laws to reflect modern realities.

Yes. I am in no way saying gays should be denied any of the rights that I have. I am a Christian for a reason though, because I believe what is involved with this Religion. Gays can marry if they wish, but it just angers me a little when they try to do it through means of Christianity, and not by a judge.
R031button said:
 Also, they're not trying to steal part of your religion, they're trying to get the same rights you do. I mean if two guys have been in that kind of a relationship for 20 years, why shouldn't they get the same legal rights as a married man and woman.

Isn't common law marriage sufficient?  Unless I'm terribly mistaken, common law marriage and "traditional" marriage afford couple the same rights.  I believe many people of the book, meaning Christians, Muslims and Jews, still interpret their holy scriptures as strictly forbidding same sex marriages.
Fry said:
Homosexuality is an illness. Viewing men as you would females, and vice versa for the women is wrong. If homosexuality was the right thing to do, the human population would cease to exist. I don't care much for homosexuality and what's involved with it, as long as it's the homosexual people aren't flaming and shoving it down your throat, let em do what they want... but not marriage... and in the CF?

First, Homosexuality is not an illness...

Second, flaming heterosexuals are just disgusting...always hitting on the opposite sex despite the social norms for them not to do so...

Third, I hope you find pictures of two women having sex with each other just as disgusting as two men having sex.....

Finally, its wrong for anyone in the CF to look at anyone else in the shower in that "way" regardless.

This has become an issue of equality and respect...every Canadian is entitled to all the same rights and any other.

To do anything less is not the way we want our country to be.  :cdn:

Heres a thought, lets outlaw marriage outright...that way everyone will be equal, cause nobody can be married....

Fry said:
About the previous post about showering CO-ED, I think that is 100% true.

Co-ed showers - do you really think that a shower is a place where a gay man would use the oppurtunity to stare at you or cop a feel?  My, how insecure are you....

Homosexuality conflicts with my Christian beliefs bigtime, and I've no time for it at all.

Also, I don't like how they taken our definition of marriage, stripped it down, and use it for their own liking. Call it something else, but not marriage.

As I said above, please define "our" definition of marriage (in the legal sense, as that is what is being discussed).  You must address my issues of love, children, and tradition not being as relevent as some would like.

Homosexuality is an illness. Viewing men as you would females, and vice versa for the women is wrong.

Wow, I see we've sinking to new levels here - if I was gay, I'd sure be happy you diagnosed me, Dr Goofball.

I would encourage you to read the research on the issue.  To date, the strongest case appears to be links between genetics and the development and release of certain hormones during development shortly after birth.

Different it is.  An illness it isn't, and it isn't cureable (nor does it require one).

If your going to be an incendiary biggot in these parts, don't expect to be around here for long.

If homosexuality was the right thing to do, the human population would cease to exist.

Homosexuality has nothing to do with reproduction - we are talking about human behaviour as opposed to biological reproduction.  Greek society, among others, condoned homosexuality among men, albeit in a form that is different from what we would understand, and there civilization diddn't

I don't care much for homosexuality and what's involved with it, as long as it's the homosexual people aren't flaming and shoving it down your throat, let em do what they want... but not marriage... and in the CF?

...and that's your right as a Canadian.  I hope you also understand that we don't have to put up with postulating based upon your interpretations of Christian values and shoving it down our throats.

a previous post said "Disgusting". That was most definately the one of the biggest understatements ever mentioned.

The same can be said about your behaviour right now.

Fry said:
Dude, all I'm saying, is that I don't appreciate flaming homosexuals, because it's against my beliefs as a christian. My beliefs. If they do not interfere with your beliefs, then that's fine.

I thought God loved all of his Children on Earth (maybe Trinity can help me on that one).

I'm not attacking homosexuality, I'm attacking the fact that it's trying to be made part of something it isn't.

Really, that's what you just did above (which I've quoted for posterity).

Marriage is the union between a man and a woman.

Prove it - and prove it in a manner that is accepted by most Canadians.

If 2 dudes want to shack up, then they can go for it, I don't really care.. but when they try to adopt parts of Christianity that doesn't apply to them, then I do care.

Okay, so "adopting parts of Christianity" means that marriage is implicitly Christian - despite what the CF Padre said above.  You are an idiot.

Anyways, thanks to Mr Fry, this thread is rapidly approaching its expiry date.  We can all thank him for ruining a lively discussion.
PPCLI MCpl said:
Isn't common law marriage sufficient?  Unless I'm terribly mistaken, common law marriage and "traditional" marriage afford couple the same rights.  I believe many people of the book, meaning Christians, Muslims and Jews, still interpret their holy scriptures as strictly forbidding same sex marriages.

I remember something about certain legal, financial implications that limits couples from certain things who are not binded by marriage. Although I am not sure what it specifically is.
Fry I bet a homosexual or lesbian is closer to you then you think.

That being said come to think of it I think all blacks shouldn't be allowed to be married either.  It wasn't that long ago they weren't even considered a whole person census wise.  All marriages of colour including interracial marriages should be null and void.
If anyone was wondering, currently same sex marriage, civil or otherwise, is recognized by the gov'ts of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskachewan, Quebec, and BC.

EDIT: Nunavut and Yukon too.
Prehaps I just got a bit fired up, and I apologize. No, homosexuality isn't an illness as such, but in a psyc couse I did, it did talk about a certain part of the brain was reported smaller in homosexuals than in straight people.

When things like this arise, strongly conflicting with such holy beliefs, it would make one's blood pressure rise, just a little. If gays didn't involve Christianity at all with their marriage, then I wouldn't care one bit. Hell, a dude can marry a goat for all I care, but not by a minister or priest.

Regarding a previous post, people's race shouldn't be brought into this issue. People can't help it if they're black, white, red, brown, tan, anything. But since I was proven earlier that it isn't an illness, then it has to be choice. There's nothing wrong with choice. There is something wrong when thousands of years of beliefs are thrown down the drain when things like this become involved with Christianity.
