Long time viewer, first time poster.
I've been thinking of joining the CF as an MP. I want to be a police officer in Toronto eventually, and I think that going the MP route is the best possible route, simply because I can learn what its like, and serve the best damn country in the world in the process.
The route I'd like to take would be PRes MP, so that I can continue with the job I'm in now (security) and stay in Toronto. I understand that PRes MPs don't get the same experience as RegF MPs, but every piece of experience counts, right?
I have a few questions before I bother killing an afternoon on the TTC to go to the CFRC lol.
1) I've read on the CF Recruiting website that you need Police Foundations. This I do not have. HOWEVER. It also says they'll consider work related experience.
The company I work for offers many courses, including Use of Force, handcuffing, defence techniques, tactical baton (the only one in Toronto I've ever seen that offers that), advanced report writing, crime scene management, non violent crisis intervention, tactical communications, mobile patrolling etc etc. Personally, with all the courses and PLENTY of hands on experience (dealing with the public, arresting crack heads etc etc) I think that more than qualifies as experience on the same level as, if not better than, Police Foundations.
Do you think they will consider that as acceptable experience when applying, or will I still have to go back and do Police Foundations?
2) The MPs have...by far...the
sickest freakin' uniform. Oh man. Mmmmm....black fatigues, black ballistic level 3 armour and a red beret...mmmm....
In regards to that,
While serving in the PRes, do MPs get the same uniform?
3) I can imagine that PRes MPs would have a lot less training than their RegF counterparts. However...
Is the training still conducted at the MP Academy, or is it more LHQ based?
4) I know its applicable for all MOCs, but I'm not too sure about MPs. I know theres a lot of specialty and advanced training courses for MPs...
Are the advanced/specialty courses available to Reservists?
Thank you in advance, ladies and gents! Any and all help would be appreciated.
Meathead Hopeful