I was living in the area close to Luke AFB during the Winters. Tons of community support for the F-35 training program. Every day 2, 3, 4 sometimes 6 aircraft flew over my house several times. Occasional sonic boom. Old article., 2019.
Here's why the skies around Luke Air Force Base are getting noisier
GLENDALE (Phoenix)
Here's why the skies around Luke Air Force Base are getting noisier
The Republic | azcentral.com
5 Feb 2019
As skies around Luke Air Force Base get busier and noisier, the base wants West Valley residents who live nearby to know that this is the new norm. The base's F-35 program is growing, as planned. With more planes and more pilots to train, there's more training flights each day, and the time between flights — and noise from an overhead plane — is shrinking.
The base hit a milestone in January. For the first time,
there were more than 1,000 F-35 flights from the base in one month, said Becky Heyse, a base spokeswoman. Also last month,
the base saw a dramatic increase in noise complaints from those living around the base, Heyse said. She declined to provide the number of complaints in January. In all of 2018, there were about 80, according to numbers provided by Luke near the end of the year. The number of complaints coming in so far this month seem more normal, Heyse said.
But the number of flights, and the noise, will continue to grow as the program grows. Luke officials are asking residents for their continued support, Heyse said. "The program has been as successful as it has been because we have this community support," she said.

Five years into F-35 program
Luke is located north of Camelback Road and west of Litchfield Road in west Glendale. It was a mainstay for F-16s during that jet's heyday. The base is now
phasing out its F-16 program as its F-35 program grows. In the last few months, it reached another milestone: The number of F-35s surpassed the number of F-16s on base. After receiving its first F-35 in 2014,
the base is now up to 85 F-35s.
The plan is to build out the inventory to a total of 144 F-35s. The base has 77 F-16s after dropping from a peak of more than 200.
Luke trains pilots from around the world, and, in total,
trains 70 percent of the world's F-35 pilots. The pilots are trained on planes from all of the F-35 partner countries, which are the U.S., Australia, Norway, Italy, Turkey and the Netherlands. The base is also training pilots from the Republic of Korea. On Friday, it received its first Dutch F-35, Heyse said.
The base graduates about 105 F-35 pilots per year, and about 98 F-35 maintainers per year, according to November data provided by Luke.
Luke, along with the rest of the U.S. Air Force, faces a shortage in pilots and pilot instructors.

Noise doesn't bother some
(Phoenix) Councilman Chris Judd, who has lived near the base for about 15 years, said he hasn't noticed an increase in flights lately. He said noise from the flights is "just part of living" in his district.
F-35s are louder than the F-16s that long-time residents may have been used to. Luke officials aren't sure why complaints jumped last month, but they have their guesses, Heyse said.
It was colder, and planes sound louder when it's cold. The base shut down one of two runways for construction in January, which may have changed what certain residents heard. And there weren't as many flights taking place in December during the holidays, so in January residents may have been more inclined to notice when flights picked back up again. Judd said his neighbors don't complain to him about the noise. In fact, he said,
complaining about it is "almost socially unacceptable."
It's common in the communities around Luke to refer to it as the sound of freedom.