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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

I'd just like to point out that the hunting of white-coats (ie-Cuddles) is illegal in Canada. The White Coats lose their 'White' after a few weeks, IIRC.

Also, there is no way I could club a seal, but if it's done right, I don't see how it could be considered cruel. It's a whole lot quicker than the death we bring to cows, as has been mentioned.


Could you provide some examples of these studies you refer to regarding parasites in cod?

From a quick Google. I have a paper-based document from Fisheries and Oceans scientists too...

... and here is what a cod worm is:

You know, when I posted that story in here I wondered what sort of responses I'd get.

Thanks folks...You've restored my faith in humanity actually possessing some common sense.

Slim :salute:
I wonder what these people would say if we suddenly thought that their jobs were immoral and we wanted them shut down.
Personally, I think some of their jobs are immoral. Just look at the gent who founded the IFAW. Buddy went out to the floes originally as a scientist, was disgusted at what he saw, so founded the organization. Very effective PR campaigns, raked in millions, if not billions. Made a personal fortune for himself, was also given a $2m golden handshake when he retired...to the mansion paid for by donations. If that isn't immoral, I'll eat my hat.
Of course..... red and white, Canada's official colours. :blotto:

Probably get smacked for that one, yaaarwell, if the mods think it's in bad taste, then they can delete it.
Time is ticking.....I haven't seen a single donation yet.

Cuddles never got fed today :(
Can I start frying up some onions then? With a little garlic?

Sounds tasty!

Now that we are on the topic of food.

What do the seal clubbers do with the meat? Is it sold on the market, or is it not used?
How does it taste? I would love to try, never had the chance.
Wondered that myself a few posts ago. Anyone know whether most, if not all, of the meat is still taken? Certainly used to be, huge market in Atlantic Canada.

Despite my above comments, re. cooking them up, I actually think they tast like shyte. Very much like liver, which I can't stomach. Even worse, fried up, the stink of rotting fish will pervade your house for weeks. Been there, done that.(too bad there is no vomiting smiley).
Pieman don't know if you put that up regarding the guy in the UK(I think), who set up a donation fund saying he'd have to kill and stew up his rabbit unless he got something like $50,000.  Sad part is I heard on the radio he already has somewhere in the nieghborhood of $24,000 in donations.  Sealers could maybe set up something like this for real and get some good coin, who knows you might even be able to get in on the action..... :P
... make that OILY liver... Really toxic smell and a taste which is hard to describe. mmm mmmm good. The oils may be useful though - I am not sure. Do they use is as a subsitute for whale oil in the perfume industry? I heard that somewhere, but can't remember where.
Sealers could maybe set up something like this for real and get some good coin, who knows you might even be able to get in on the action..... 
Hmmm...I am thinking of a website like 'club-cuddles.com' It is a interesting idea. The guy who is holding the rabbit hostage has a legal operation because he does own the rabbit, and legally, he can kill and make bunny stew if he wanted to....Being on the Prairies, I would have to make an arrangement with a sealer to catch a seal and then club during the next season should we not get our cash. lol

Seriously, email the address to all the members of greenpeace and watch the sparks fly and the cash flow in.

... make that OILY liver... Really toxic smell and a taste which is hard to describe. mmm mmmm good. The oils may be useful though - I am not sure. Do they use is as a substitute for whale oil in the perfume industry? I heard that somewhere, but can't remember where.
If seal meat is that bad, perhaps it would make for good dog food or cattle feed. I have been trying to google it but it is hard to find info on what they do with the meat.

Also, there do not seem to be any recipes online. How am I supposed to marinate Cuddles? BBQ sauce? Sweet and sour sauce?

I know they used the oil before, but am not sure now. Have an aquaintance (thank God he's no friend) who has had 2 x 45 gallon drums of
the stuff in his yard for, at least, the past five years. They may be covered, but they aren't "sealed". The stench is unbelieveable.

Pieman, no worries. Once he is 2 weeks old, he is no longer a whitecoat. Protesters really only like those guys. Probably the reason they still use the same damned picture, even though it has been illegal to kill them for 10 years.
Ah, here is some good info on seal meat:


No recipes though.

Pieman, no worries. Once he is 2 weeks old, he is no longer a whitecoat. Protesters really only like those guys. Probably the reason they still use the same damned picture, even though it has been illegal to kill them for 10 years.

I will just keep the white coat picture of Cuddles up, they won't know the difference. Any sealers on the board? I can run the website. You capture and hold a seal, think of the profit! :)

Won't be hard to capture - the stupid things have the mental agility of a houseplant. You can walk right up to them and they just sit there. So stupid they deserve the club!  (heh heh THAT oughta get the greenpeacers riled)

I'll see what I can do. There is a whack of protesters in Charlottetown, at the best hotels of course. Also a squadron of charter helis at the Airport. Give me your address, I'll pass it around for you. >:D
Let me check into this a little first. It looks like the guy holding the bunny hostage was cut off by Pay Pal www.savetoby.com, and he can't accept money anymore. Question is why. Hmmm...there should be a legal way to do this.

Maybe an 'Adopt a seal' program? Have the hippies pay twice the amount of money for a seal pelt, then instead of clubbing the seal, we tag them with a little yellow tag. That tag means that the seal will not get hunted by us. (Note I am using the word 'us' which means myself and the guy tagging the seals)  ;)
Isn't there a guy who is also on e-bay looking for a min bid to stop him from hunting bears?  Think I heard that on CBC.