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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

the seal hunt thing reminded me of a part of a song

You know what I‘m gonna do?
I‘m gonna get myself a 1967 Cadaliac Eldarado Convertable,
Hot Pink!
With whale skin hub caps,
An all leather cow interior,
And big brown baby seal eyes for headlights.
Its been ongoing for such a long time, and its a way of life to many, and its income in a seasonal employed area where the dole is the sorce of income in the months when they cant fish, etc.

I too dont mind the cull if its done quick and humanely, as in no suffering. Yes, it made the news here too, and it was reported that they creatures were skinned alive, etc.

If so, thats wrong. Accross Canada every autumn, there is big game hunting from deer, to moose and bear and all similar beasts. I was raised on the parairies of Saskatchewan, and yes I have participated in many good hunts, big game and migratory birds alike. I dont hear any public outcry of that, or at least not here.

In Australia there is a cry to ban even simple duck hunting by our green tree hugging granola eating snivel libertarians. It looks like they‘ll win too.

Do I hunt or recreationally shoot here? No. I get enough ‘trigger time‘ on the job.

You get whingers and whiners everywhere you go.


Originally posted by brin11:

Until humans aren‘t getting killed in horrific, inhuman ways, why all the commotion over seals? Why don‘t the protestors go and sponsor a child in Africa?
This is a silly statement. Some people choose to support the welfare of people (ie. sponsoring a child in Africa) while others choose to support the welfare of animals. Some do both or neither. They have nothing to do with each other. [/qb]
While both groups of protestors (human & animal rights) may be equally "right" in their respective causes, to claim that both are equally important and equally deserving of attention sounds pretty callous when you actually look at real tragedies.


BTW wesley, you forget to mention the culling of roos and the merciless slaughter of rabbits.
ATTN NULL: In this land, roos are pests, and are in plague preportions in some areas.

At Dochra Airfield, Singleton, about 5,000 roos are on it at any given occasion. At another base in Puckapunyal, over 45,000 roos were shot in a matter of weeks, as they were starving themselves so bad, even the PMQ patch was crowded.

In drought effected areas roos must compete for grass and water, as do the sheep and cattle. Some areas of Australia have not seen rain in 3-4yrs, and kids growning up have yet to see rain. Fact.

So the farmers must even shoot their own animals as there is no water or grass. Hence the roos suffer too, some terribly, and they are shot.

Roos here are harvested professionally, and feed the petfood industry, and its regulated.

Along with the petfood, the roos bi-products are used in leather, skins/pelts and paws for the tourist industry, so it all BALANCES out.

I love the native species, and I would never kill one deliberately, although a few near misses by some roos on the highways over the years.

Reciently I took in a mauled currawong to the vet, who passed it on to WIRES, who specify native animal recovery, so dont label me as some type of redneck murderer! I have great respect for all animals of any size.

Feral animals introduced here by the English, such as the red fox (kill bilbys and other native animals) are fair game for shooters 365 days/yr. Also other feral creatures such as pigs (destroy habitant along with the water buffalo), water buffalo, cats, goats, donkeys, dogs, and yes even camels are fair game too. all of course in certain areas, etc.

Secondly about rabbits. These are introduced species from England, and are also in plague preportions along with the European mice which both cycle. Its outragous when you see 10‘s of thousands of the creatures massing like something out of a 1950s horror film.

The Callisi virus, along with miximitosis (spelling) are passed on to the rabbits by touching noses, again to cull them as they are RUINING the habitat, and causing native species to become endangered and die off.

So if you go on about the ‘needless‘ slaughter of animals, what about the beef and pork industry, and the chooks too, and the violent deaths they get before they come to your dinner table? You gonna chuck a whinge there too?

I am a proud member of PETA (People who Eat Tastey Animals), as I am sure you and most are on here, and I certainlly do not feel guilty when I enjoy and good steak or have bacon and eggs.

I also enjoy a good croc or emu steak too. Its expensive and its good,a s both of these creatures too are farmed for their meat, and their bi-products. I also love ‘shark and chips‘ too, smothered in vinegar.

So Mr NULL, ‘dont come the raw prawn‘ with me mate, get your facts straight,and EDUCATE ( and I mean EDUCATE - you do have google dont ya?) yourself on the serious problems of feral creatures and kangaroos here in Australia before you fire ‘splintex‘ at me!

Does anyone wanna educate this bloke what ‘splintex‘ is?


Originally posted by Wesley H. Allen, CD:
[qb]I am a proud member of PETA (People who Eat Tastey Animals), as I am sure you and most are on here, and I certainlly do not feel guilty when I enjoy and good steak or have bacon and eggs.[/qb]
If god didn‘t want us to eat animals, he wouldn‘t have made them from meat.

[qb]I also enjoy a good croc or emu steak too. Its expensive and its good,a s both of these creatures too are farmed for their meat, and their bi-products. I also love ‘shark and chips‘ too, smothered in vinegar.
Croc? Any good? I‘ve had shark, was rather good, still haven‘t gotten around to Emu.
It just melts in your mouth as does water buffalo! However I dont eat grubs and stuff like that, but I have seen it done. I have wutchity (spelling) grubs in my garden and they produce a moth the size of a sparrow.

Sometimes I wonder if its Jurrasic Park here for real.

Spiders and snakes are milked for their venom, which is injected into ‘wabbits‘ to create an antin-venine. The red back spider has to be disected to get its poison, but the funnel webs are ‘milked‘ too, but using a mini suction device to get the poison off its fangs as it drips off them. Freaky stuff, but it saves countless lives each year.

Emus are also harvested for their oil, which is medicinal, and I have some here at home.

Anyways, its going on the back of 9(2100), and half 5 comes early. I gotta hit the farter. Have a good day.


Anyone hear about the protesters over in Germany outside the Canadian embassy? They were all upset and teary eyed over Canada‘s seal hunt.

These people obviously know nothing about the food chain, or how high the seal population is in atlantic Canada, or how many cod those furry *******s eat.

It pisses me off, to hear and see people whinning over **** they know nothing about.

I mean, if seals were endangered, then yes I could understand calling a halt to the hunt but they‘re not. If killing seals are worth $2500 bucks to some family, who probably needs it, then protesters should think of the humans before animals.
Originally posted by Wesley H. Allen, CD:
[qb] Emus are also harvested for their oil, which is medicinal, and I have some here at home.
Ironically, we actually have at least one Emu farm locally that I know of...
Yea, there‘s a farm not that far away from my home, they usually have a few emus as well (3-4).

I heard they taste like chicken, is that true? :D
Nope, I‘m from a little place called Portland. The town I‘m talkin about is Musgravetown.
Wesley, my comments about roos and rabbits were made in complete sarcasm. Both animals are as cute and cuddly (unless you step on their tails...!) as young seals, so i was trying to draw similarities between the two situations. Why aren‘t the PETA people harassing Australians? I have friends in Alice Springs who told me all about the need for it, and one has to agree; there is only so much food to go around, and rabbits are an alien species.

BTW, dogfish taste horrid with chips. You should stick with snapper, it‘s "less" oily.
"I once went to a call where a man had stabbed another man because the victim had kicked his dog when it tried to bite his kid.
If you cant see the difference between a persons life and an animals life you scare me."

I can see defending your child against a dog. Who wouldn‘t? I read in the paper about a blind man thowing himself over his seeing eye dog, an 11 year old golden retreiver because a bull dog was atacking it.
Sometimes you have to take life (which all soldiers know im sure) but you should try to preserve ALL life as best you can. Animals and humans a like.
If I saw someone abusing an animal i‘d intervine. If someone was tourturing an animal or, say, hurting my dog i would utterly destroy them.

Your saying people who put an animals welfare above a humans scare you. Look at whats going on in the middle east or even here at home. Humans are horrible. I don‘t see animals paying hitmen to kill their husbands or animals killing innocent women an children. Humans are even worse because they can choose to be benevolent but kill and murder instead. Maybe i‘m just looking at it from a simple point of view but humans scare me.
A good dob has all the qualities of a soldier. Loyal, obedient, protective and the ladies like em ;)
As for the mans dog eating him, of course. Thats nature. If i was starving and my dog up‘ed and died i would eat him and i would expect my dog to eat me if i died, especially if it means my death will keep him alive. Look at those guys in the movie alive, they ate the dead to stay alive. If we were at war and one of you guys died i wouldn‘t think twice about using your body as a shield or in any other way that i can preserve life. Whats so wrong with that?

Don‘t worry wetgrunt we‘ll sort your ethics out and get ride of that little dark angel sitting on your shoulder. He‘s got nothing on me ;)
"If I saw someone abusing an animal i‘d intervine. If someone was tourturing an animal or, say, hurting my dog i would utterly destroy them."
