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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

Well in that case, if you think it's fair, nature isn't. Look at all the animals, there are many who don't have a fighting chance against their predators. Survival of the fittest.

I've killed for trophy before. I've also killed for the fun of it. But those were squirrels, and that doesn't really count... but when .22 ammo is just so plentiful and cheap, it's decent target practice.

I've also read where humans have been prey and the animals have been the predators. Just look at any human that has fallen victim to any animal.
so when I trap a critter, or shoot a critter, or club a critter, skin it and sell the hide to make money to buy food and pay for my schoolbooks to get a job to buy food to feed my family, it's okay? 'Cause that's what I did.
And I enjoyed it, so there was sport involved.
And when I take the carcass of skinned fuzzy-wuzzy, stake it out as bait so I can shoot coyotes to keep them from pulling down a farmer's calves, so I can make a few more bucks, from bounty, and skin Mr Coyote to sell his hide, and stake his carcass, etc, It's cool?
Even if I enjoy it?

What about the fact that hunting and shooting critters made me a better hunter of men to keep my nation safe? That cool?

If you don't hunt, haven't hunted, or won't hunt, you really have no frame of reference. Nobody loves nature more than those who live from Her bounty. There are more deer in North America today, than 100 years ago. Because of the conservation movement. Which is made up of hunters, founded by hunters, and supported by hunters.

Semper, you're hot, but you're wrong.
I'd like to see the idiot that clubs seals for sport.  ::) Hey I got an idea man, let's go out on perilous pieces of ice and whack that furry little fucker with a stick, I bet it's fun. Here is what all people who oppose the seal hunt should read; and bare in mind that the fundamentals haven't changed in the past 100 years or so.

Death On The Ice (The Story)
In the spring of nineteen fourteen, the sealers came to town,
Trying to book a passage on a ship iceward bound;
To try and earn a dollar when none was being made,
They would risk life and limb but they were not afraid.

There was the Bonaventure and the Belleventure, too,
And there was the Newfoundland just waiting for her crew;
There stood the Stephano, what a great ship was she,
And also the Florazelle, a part of this tragedy.

They came from every bay and town, they came both young and old,
They came not for the sport, but came for a little gold;
Maybe if they were lucky, make a hundred or more,
But would they be so eager if they knew what was in store.

Now when they made it to the front the Newfoundland got froze,
She found it hard to maneuver in the heavy ice flows;
Her captain was frustrated, the seals were very scarce,
He never seen it quite so bad, the ice was mighty fierce.

He spotted the Stephano about five miles away,
They were in the main patch and really making it pay;
Then the captain took a chance, sent his men across the ice,
To try and pan some whitecoats but couldn't foresee the price.

When they reached the Stephano they were hungry and beat,
So captain Kean took them aboard gave them a bite to eat;
Then he put them on the ice to head for the Newfoundland,
By this time a storm was brewing, and death was close at hand.

They started for the Newfoundland but soon they were lost,
A blizzard now blew fiercely, they'd soon pay the cost;
More than a hundred thirty men were stranded on the ice,
No one knew that they were there, they'd pay an awful price.

For two days and two nights they suffered on the flows,
With little shelter and little food, in soaking wet clothes;
When the temperature dropped down, their bodies turned to ice,
Seventy-seven men then perished, they paid the ultimate price.

They tried to keep on moving so they would not freeze,
Some died while walking, some died on their knees;
Some grew so weary that they no longer cared,
Some walked out in the water and soon disappeared.

The second day they found them, oh what an awful sight,
Bodies strewn every where, survivors in a plight;
Frozen hands and frozen feet, frostbitten on the face,
What caused this dreadful tragedy, what caused this awful waste?

They piled their bodies on the deck several layers high,
Their remains like statues, silhouettes against the sky;
With their gruesome cargo, they headed back to shore,
In a history filled with tragedy, just add one chapter more.

####.... Everett Adams (Newsflash Sounds © 1996) ....####

Now, did you really read or are you just going to mouth off about more shit you don't know about?
paracowboy said:
so when I trap a ritter, or shoot a critter, or club a critter, skin it and sell the hide to make money to buy food and pay for my schoolbooks to get a job to buy food to feed my family, it's okay? 'Cause that's what I did.
And I enjoyed it, so there was sport involved.
And when I take the carcass of skinned fuzzy-wuzzy, stake it out as bait so I can shoot coyotes to keep them from pulling down a farmer's calves, so I can make a few more bucks, from bounty, and skin Mr Coyote to sell his hide, and stake his carcass, etc, It's cool?
Even if I enjoy it?

What about the fact that hunting and shooting critters made me a better hunter of men to keep my nation safe? That cool?

If you don't hunt, haven't hunted, or won't hunt, you really have no frame of reference. NObody love nature more than hohse who live from Her bounty. There are more deer in North America today, than 100 years ago. Because of the conservation movement. Which is made up of hunters, founded by hunters, and supported by hunters.

Semper, you're hot, but you're wrong.

Hot indeed, wrong indeed also. I agree. If you have never lived under the conditions that I have, or some around me have, hunting is the only source... of staying alive actually. My family is fortunate enough not to rely solely on game, but some of our good friends had to rely on getting that moose license to have meat on the table that winter. Hell, license or not, they did it anyway. People need to survive.

Besides the whole food bit, it also gave people jobs, money. People like fur stuff, so... we kill, process and export the finished product to make money. It's a means of survival. People need money.

I'd also think that it has helped prepare me somewhat for what might lie in store for me if I do infact get through all this training. Hunting has helped me develop the senses, not just the 5 of em either. Being stealthy, tracking down and taking out the target, it's all a little similar, not quite, but a little.

Personally, I find it rather odd that someone could kill another person, but couldn't kill an animal, thus holding a higher regard for the animal. Disturbing indeed.

Conclusion? Those who hunt enjoy it and will continue to. It is good in many aspects, bad in none. Develops the senses and brings people together, and they enjoy theirselves. As paracowboy said , only those who experienced it at least once, can really understand what's being said here.
I've never hunted, been exposed to it, I dont plan on hunting animals...so you are correct...I have no frame of refference from that perspective.   Just an idealistic frame of mind and a personal belief that exploiting animals for for sh*ts and giggles is wrong.    



not that it matters right?...they're just animals
Not even in the same league Semper, sorry. I've never heard of a circus seal that was chained up, beaten or starved. The thread is about the seal hunt, not cruelty to pets or circus animals. Also the guy splaying the dog is probably using it for food.

Do you ever have your wiring crossed!

These are two different things...Torture of Animals for 'sadistic pleasure' and Hunting Animals for food and clothing are not one and the same.

I noticed one of you photos may have been out of an Asian country, where dog is a delicacy, but I know that means nothing to you...You have your own favourite delicacies, and no one has the right to think them wrong.  Sheesh!  You have to be a Vegan...no Chinese Food, no Japanese food, no Peperoni Pizza, no Fish and Chips.....What do you eat?
The topic seems (to me) has drifted from clubbing seals, to incorporating a variety of different animals and their treatment.  I stated a belief, which I was called wrong in doing so.  Don't have a problem with that to each his own, but if a statement I make is interpreted wrong and elaborated upon...I would just like to do the same.  And, I did.  As far as the picture of the dog being splayed...its for the fur, not the food, and it happens in Korea constantly.
Ok so it's a dog and it's being used for fur, to sell and make money from, to feed a family, provide shelter etc. Only westernized people have the dreadful notion that animals are for companions. To a large portion of the world, the dog is a resource, much like bovines are to us. All the pictures are off cute cuddlys, that North America has been bombarded into believing that they're just harmless little buddys. It's not the case, we use animals to live, in all it's forms, food for sustenance, furs for money to buy sustenance, it's just the way it is. I don't think that your view is wrong, willfully hurting anything, animal or human is wrong. But we are masters of the domain and killing an animal for any purpose to better our lives is good.  Anywho, I have to get some sleep. Discuss it tomorrow if you like.
dude skinning Rover for fur? Okay. Sick by Western standards, and I just hugged my dog, but okay. It puts food on his table.
The other stuff? Tortured critters? Where, anywhere, did anybody make a comment that mistreating an animal is cool?

Personally, I don't hunt critters anymore, and I'd rather shoot most people than most animals. But, you're still out to lunch. You live as comfortably as you do because of the exploitation of animals and people. Unless you're involved in the conservation or livestock industry, you're trying to pass judgement on something you can't begin to relate to.

I grew up on a farm (that "cowboy" in the name isn't from watching western movies), my family ate meat one year simply because I went out and shot it. We rodeoed in better years. I have lived my entire life surrounded by animals. And you're attacking my family. Not intentionally, and I respect your beliefs, misguided though they are. But, that dog just don't hunt. (Get it? Li'l play on words, there.)
Good grief, I can't believe I was the only person who saw that thing about the suppressed rifles. Come on, NO ONE else saw it?

While we're clubbing this topic to death, look for this brand of instant noodles in your local Asian supermarket! :)


As always, your voice of levity in these all too serious discussions.

I agree with the eating of cats and dogs, use their furs, etc... Like previously mentioned, by western standards that's kinda gross, but if it helps those people out, I'm all for it. I'm not for torture, or animals being mistreated or any of that crap. Barbaric treatment isn't tolerated by moi.

I'm going to buy a rabbit's license tomorrow. Season will be open when I'm in bmq, but I can shoot grouse, so that gives me an excuse to bring the little .22 in the woods... great for squirrels.

My grandfather who grew up in this community... his parents died when he was young, and he was basically the man of the house, having older sisters to help feed, cut firewood, etc. He didn't think twice about cooking critters of all shapes and sizes to keep them from starving in those cold harsh Newfoundland winters.

I think what most are saying here, is that as long as it isn't for sadistic barbaric torture, club away!
Only westernized people have the dreadful notion that animals are for companions.

Yes it would be dreadful to have a German Shepard pet or other dog, which serves more than just something that unconditionally loves you.   Nevermind that it beats any alarm system out there.

The reason that a lot of those countries dont use pets is because they are struggling to feed themselves, nevermind their pets.   In these cases it is acceptable, and understandable that dogs be ate.

Though this topic is kind of like 'milking a dead cow' now.

The seal hunts are wrong because of the cruelty in which the way the animal dies, and most of the body is not used with exception of the fur.   The reason that some people are offended by this is that animals have no one to stick up for them, and are vulnerable.   Yes as the dominant species we need to sustain ourselves and hunt and eat, but we also have a responsibility to ensure that there is some descency to the acts.

:threat: :threat: :threat:
So obviously you don't think the Seal population has had anything to do with the Cod stocks.
Britney Spears said:
Good grief, I can't believe I was the only person who saw that thing about the suppressed rifles. Come on, NO ONE else saw it?

While we're clubbing this topic to death, look for this brand of instant noodles in your local Asian supermarket! :)

Pisst...It's been suppressed.

What is the arrow in the instant noodle bag refering too?
SemperFidelis said:
As far as the picture of the dog being splayed...its for the fur, not the food, and it happens in Korea constantly.

Soo... are you talking about north Korea or South Korea? North Korea I could see that being true, maybe, but you realize that dog is a delicacy in Korea? They don't eat just any dog though, its like cattle here, not cows but dogs, I don't know the type of dog, but I'm pretty sure your miniture pomeranian is safe around a Korean. I've spent some time in Korea, and I've never ever seen a dog being splayed, gutted, skinned, or brutally mutilated on the street.

Britney Spears said:
While we're clubbing this topic to death, look for this brand of instant noodles in your local Asian supermarket! :)

Is that picture pointing out the Chinese character for dog or something?
Seems in these forums, especially when it comes to more opinion oriented topics such as this...that people tend to nitpick and register things they only want to register.  I made a statement earlier ...
I don't have a problem with hunting or killing animals as long as its for food, survival, self-defense etc ...but I do have a problem with those that hunt for cosmetics, fashion, or sport and other things of that nature.

Thats it thats all, im not out to insult anyone or anything.  Dont read between the lines....theres not much there.  
SemperFidelis said:
Thats it thats all, im not out to insult anyone or anything.  Dont read between the lines....theres not much there. 

Yeah, but you did specifically say that dogs are slaughtered in Korea just for the fur.
So obviously you don't think the Seal population has had anything to do with the Cod stocks.

Of course, but lets ignore the over fishing done in the past and illegal fishing done by international ships in OUR own waters.

::) ::) ::)

Yep the seals took em all lol  :threat:
atticus said:
Yeah, but you did specifically say that dogs are slaughtered in Korea just for the fur.

i said this....

As far as the picture of the dog being splayed...its for the fur, not the food, and it happens in Korea constantly.

I clearly stated...its about the situation in the picture