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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

I think the 'Bodes as well appreciate a good bite of 'Rex' or 'Spot', in season, of course.  Fine with me.  "All animals are born equal"  and all that.

I looked at that link and it is about Koreans EATING dog meat, not skinning them for fur and not eating them.

Anyway, we are really starting to twist this out of proportion and putting Semper on too much of the Defensive.  ****  didn't handle it well, and if we keep it up this may turn way off course.

Does anyone really believe that the Seal Hunt or any Hunt for that fact puts Canada in a Bad Light, or is it really only organizations like PETA blowing all up in the Western Press, while the rest of the World could really care less?

Mod edit for laqst name.

Woopsie  ;D
The folks who live around PETA's home  station says it stands for People Embarrassing the Tidewater Area. ;D

The sad thing is, these whackos have lots of money, and that money is pushing legislative agendas around the world.  If the current animal cruelty bill passes parliament, it will eventually end all hunting and fishing by white people in Canada.  The radicals admit they will use the legal provisions of the bill to target commercial hunting and fishing lodges and make it uneconomic for them to stay in business.  Once they are gone, we have lost our funded voices or reason in this debate.

George Wallace said:
Does anyone really believe that the Seal Hunt or any Hunt for that fact puts Canada in a Bad Light, or is it really only organizations like PETA blowing all up in the Western Press, while the rest of the World could really care less?

Absolute Nail on the Head!!!

The rest of the World has got bigger problems then worring about some( lump-o-meat being kept on ice until some nice man comes along to tenderise it) seal that they have never seen in real life.  

The rest of the World is more concerned with our "Alien Abductions" thread.
On that note Tom...

Look what the cancellation of the Black Bear Hunt has done in Ontario.  The population has grown drastically and they are moving into built up areas more frequently than before.  More bears to play with in Pet as a result.

Remember the Halfkenny kids?
I sure do.  George Halfkenny was the Ops WO, and the loader in our M60A1.  I was the driver, Dave Smith the loader and Major Ted Nurse the CC.  After George was flown back to Canada, Norm Wall, the Sigs Sgt, became the loader.  When they formed up the Sqn and explained what happened, we were all stunned.  The Yanks all freaked out.  It blew their minds.

The MNR types now are not allowed to tell the truth.  They are muzzled.  The biologists in the MNR have sold their ethical souls for thirty pieces of silver and spout the fashionable Queen's Park party line.  They have prostituted themselves and their profession of Science.

A female Doctor was mauled and killed yesterday and the MNR gave us the usual ..."very rare.. " etc.


SemperFidelis said:

knock yourself out

Hey don't get me wrong, I know that treatment of animals in places like China and Korea isn't exactly good (heck hanging your dog off a bridge is just sick, I wouldn't do that to anything), but this just shows that. It doesn't show that it happens constantly in South Korea.
atticus said:
Hey don't get me wrong, I know that treatment of animals in places like China and Korea isn't exactly good (heck hanging your dog off a bridge is just sick, I wouldn't do that to anything), but this just shows that. It doesn't show that it happens constantly in South Korea.

I alluded to this in a previous post.  It is quite common in Asian countries to eat dog....and cat.  There used to be jokes of it happening here too, but we won't go there.....something for the joke thread.
I see nothing morally wrong with harvesting unwanted dogs and cats.  To me, it poses cultural issues rather than moral ones.  Go hungry for awhile and those cultural issues soon dissapate.  Civilization is a very thin veneer.

I alluded to this in a previous post.  It is quite common in Asian countries to eat dog....and cat.  There used to be jokes of it happening here too, but we won't go there.....something for the joke thread.

Everyone read Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs and Steel. There are practical reasons why certain animals have been domesticated and raised for food over the centuries and not others. Eg. why no one to this day has been able to domesticate gazelles, zebras or elephants. Put two seconds of thought into it and you can see why the idea of using cats as food is completely ludicrous. I know of NO Asian culture that engage in this practice and I think I know a fair bit about them (Asian cultures, not cats). Dogs are easier, but not a whole lot more so, hence the reason that they are a delicacy and not a staple. Furthermore the dogs raised in Korea for consumption are bred specifically for this purpose. Exclusively carniverous mammals as a whole(apart from bear and whale) are unsuitable for consumption by humans, as their muscle by nature is extremely lean and contains very little fat.

I see nothing morally wrong with harvesting unwanted dogs and cats.  To me, it poses cultural issues rather than moral ones.  Go hungry for awhile and those cultural issues soon dissapate.  Civilization is a very thin veneer.


No moral issues, but too many practical ones. It's simply cheaper to just buy beef or pork. This is the same argument one uses to dispell the urban myths about resturants using pets or pigeons or mealworm. There's no economic incentive.  Also, meat that's deemed fit for human consumption must pass safety requirements WRT the kinds of drugs, immuinizations, steroids, etc allowed to be used on the animals.  Consuming the flesh of a North American housepet would be a very dangerous proposition.
TCBF said:
I see nothing morally wrong with harvesting unwanted dogs and cats.  To me, it poses cultural issues rather than moral ones.  Go hungry for awhile and those cultural issues soon dissapate.  Civilization is a very thin veneer.


True, but South Corea isn't going hungry.

George Wallace said:
I alluded to this in a previous post.  It is quite common in Asian countries to eat dog....and cat.  There used to be jokes of it happening here too, but we won't go there.....something for the joke thread.

I was meaning more towards the gutting and skinning of a dog in the middle of the street and not so much being a source of much needed food.

Britney: I know for a fact that in China they raised a certain type of cat specifically for food, but it turns out this cat is dangerous for human consumption. There was a news link somewhere on Yahoo!News about a year ago on it.
"Consuming the flesh of a North American housepet would be a very dangerous proposition."

- Danger being relative. Cannibalism is not unheard of either, as a certain South American soccer team can confirm.   You are correct regarding the impracticality of some of the less popular options on the menu.

- All of this is making me hungry.  Fortunately, the ladies who work in the WSM kitchen have left out about 364,000 calories of brownies, and I am littering the TV room of the Mess with crumbs of evidence, as well as a "Mister Chocolate Mess" on the keyboard.

Gotta add an extra 3km to my run tomorrow (this) morning, I suppose.

I know for a fact that in China they raised a certain type of cat specifically for food, but it turns out this cat is dangerous for human consumption. There was a news link somewhere on Yahoo!News about a year ago on it.

Reputable cite please, because I call BS.
Britney Spears said:
Reputable cite please, because I call BS.

Here ya go:

Okay, so it was partially BS, just the part about it being from Yahoo!News.