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The stuff the Army issues is Excellent!

Protractor, there's something I don't hear people talking about too much.... But still got a 30 yr old version tucked away in my FMP cover.  Never leave home (for the field) without it
OldSolduer said:
Anyone ever thought of CADPAT spandex?

Hmmm, on some, those tiny lil pixels would get huge very quickly, and lose all camouflage value.

And now that I am thought about it...

You are so off of my Christmas card list.
Oh I was issued a sense of humor.....lol....anyone else?
They said I had to turn it in when I was promoted to MWO....I ignored the directive.....lol :blotto:
I loved the CF watch, it came in a box marked “radioactive, do not wear except when in use” Take it out of box, attach to wrist, note time, take off watch place back in box, repeat as required
Colin P said:
I loved the CF watch, it came in a box marked “radioactive, do not wear except when in use” Take it out of box, attach to wrist, note time, take off watch place back in box, repeat as required

- Walking dead men, that's what we are.
I personally enjoy how the first thing one notices about the IMP bread is the "DO NOT EAT" on the package.  Then, after a few seconds, you realize it continues on with "Dessicant Pack" afterwards.
daftandbarmy said:
C1 Protractor. Do they still issue those? Awesome bit of kit, especially if you needed a field expedient windshield scraper.

Just how old are you? ;D
ArmyVern said:
Well, I have a cadpat bra and thong - will that suffice?  >:D

Will the pictures work? If cadpat is as good is claimed, will we be able to see it? Oooops, I don't think I like where this is headed. Anybody for a discussion of the merits of the button stick and the KFS?
I haven't had the IMPs for a while so not sure if these are the same quality but I used to pretty much worship the napkin that came with them. They were tough and sturdy, so I would use 1/4 of it and store the rest (in a ziploc, in a pocket). So, after a few days of IMPs, when nature called and you discovered that normal toilet paper just doesn't cut it... 
I would be all for spandex cadpat but only issued on a merit system - independent of seniority but associated with BMI  8)
Danjanou said:
Just how old are you? ;D

Old enough to still carry a set of mess tins around with me in the field, but not old enough to forget who I am because of that practise  ;D
daftandbarmy said:
Old enough to still carry a set of mess tins around with me in the field, but not old enough to forget who I am because of that practise  ;D

The aluminium helps with those memory problems.    ;D
Old Sweat said:
Whatever they were, Silvo used to make them look real pretty.

Ah yes my Senior NCO course, melmac was banned and we ate out of our mess tins for nostalgia. Of course no ione thought to bring a spare set of inspection mess tins and my serial was a chickensh*t one. Someone really should market silvo as a condiment.

BTW for the record D&B taught me how to march.
Well after he taught me the basics as a cadet I turned 17 joined the mo and fell under the evil influence of a dememted newly minted recently sun tanned M/Cpl who thought "order arms" involved a visit to the CQMS. ;D
Danjanou said:
BTW for the record D&B taught me how to march.

OK, now I feel old. And we will will restrain ourselves from using the term 'dancing bear' in connection with Danjanou's drill.  ;)