SeaKingTacco said:
The thing of it is... Do the GOFOs truly not understand that it is impossible to have a military that will win you wars and that is risk adverse? I am not saying we should be reckless in how we train and mentor our people, but we do need to accept risk.
I think you're getting closer.
But it's not the GOFOs (not most of them, anyway) who are risk averse ninnies concerned only with media
spin, they (most of them) understand the business end of war ...
Nor is it the senior civil servants, who can be just as bloody minded as any admiral or general, they run the business end of government (the machinery of government) and they know there are prices to be paid ...
No, it's two groups who are at the root of our problem:
First, it's the people, often quite young people, who run the "business of politics," of
opinion making, of "Manufacturing Consent," they are the ones who impose nonsensical
standards on a rough and dirty business; and
Second, it's the people, often in the military themselves, who try to
bureaucratize the most human and idiosyncratic of all "businesses," and end up replacing a clear, simple, definition of battle procedure* with 17 f'ing steps!
They're the ones who change simple concepts, like a "start line" to something more complex, like a "line of departure" and who try to bend the nature of military service and leadership into something that suits prevailing (and ever shifting) public norms.
Battle procedure: the whole process by which a commander does his reconnaissance, makes his appreciation and plan and issues the order that commit his troops to battle.