Pieman said:
Thank you for your post. You certainly know your stuff! I have to admit I am going to have to think through the idea some more.
The biological theory for the biochemical reaction at the 8 week mark is certainly interesting. If true, there may be a possible intervention during the 8 week mark to ensure that the proper amount of TDT shows up when it is supposed to potentially eliminating the chance for a girl-brain in a boy-body. All done with my magical sci-fi medical imagination, but it's hard to say it's impossible to do if there is a physical cause/effect. Acceptance of others is great! Perhaps we could also be focusing on prevention, if it was possible? Just a thought.
Hi all,
Well since I have dealt with the peanut gallery above I can focus on the actual questions vice nonsensical rants. I read through the posts last night and decided rather than use a very long post to respond; I will take each theme in turn and respond as there were a few different tangents.
Pieman I want to start by saying I am not hacking on your post as you bring up a valid point for discussion so please don't take it the wrong way. [
Firstly I just want to confirm that my post about a plausible reason why transgender people are the way they are, is just a hypothesis. Specifically there is no body of research to support the hypothesis because the science does not exist to confirm so it is all just conjecture. In addition while it may be a plausible explanation, it does not take into account that several extraneous variables (biologically and socially) can feed into it. So it is highly unlikely that any one thing creates a transgender person.
However, in keeping with the theme of “
if you could prevent someone from being transgender, would you?” Well, I can say from a personal point of view I would not wish this on my worst enemy. It is emotionally draining, socially exasperating and you gain nothing from it. I would love to wake up in the morning and go about my business on a daily basis and not have to worry if some d-bag is going to take exception to me and start following me around the mall calling me “
tranny-fag” (happened folks). Or have four stellar examples of human cowards sucker punch me in a parking lot then proceed to kick me senseless (three broken ribs, several nice bruises, and a sprained back) because one of their girlfriends saw me use the women’s bathroom.
Having said that, I am who I am and I accept that because the good people in the world, those who empathize and see the person, not some weirdo . . . outnumber the d-bags. The guy who followed me around the mall was ejected by mall security when several people complained about his rude behavior. The four guys who tooled me up, were stopped by three men who happened to be passing by. I did not ask for this but I accept it in me. Folks self-acceptance is the hardest road to travel when you are trans because I hated myself so bad I got to a very dark place. So I live with it and relish each day I can be who I was meant to be.
When people give me a hard time for being trans (happens now and then), I always say to them “
Got it, I am a transwoman. So how does that affect you personally?
How does me being out in the world somehow make your life more difficult?" For the most part I get “crickets” from these folks and from others I get references to religion or my kind should be eliminated because we are perverse . . . that is my life folks and it is not fun. But again … how does my existence change the axil rotation of the earth? Short answer . . . it doesn't.
Now I understand why you might want to “prevent/cure/whatever” this in your children so they have a leg up sort to speak. So let’s say the science exists to do so. If the science exists to change that then it would also exist to change other things which would give your kids a leg up in life. So why not make your children tall, good looking, athletic, slim, smart, great teeth or whatever. After all short, squat, overweight, flabby, unfit, average intelligent people . . . well who needs these pimply faced kids . . . my boy or girl is going to be a superstar and reap all the benefits. The one thing about this scenario is if the technology/science exists someone is going to make money on it and who will benefit . . . the rich. So your average person might not be able to afford turning their son into Brad Pitt or daughter into Angelina Jolie but the rich will. So not to get all “Gattica” here, you will eventually have a genetically modified super race and a disenfranchised serving class. Not a world I want to live in folks. What you are talking about is Eugenics and that can never go well.
We (trans folk) don’t need curing (and I am not saying that is what is being implied in the post but a general statement). We need understanding, acceptance and the ability to just be seen as who we are . . . people who have the right to be treated with the same decency you expect you would expect.