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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

I made too much
The year I entered school I made (low) 6 figures. My estimate for the next year was of course lower as I was a full time student. The only place they asked for income was for my federal student grant, that still got me a small amount.

What is you kid doing wrong?
I'm going to resist the urge to pile on, and instead provide you with these

Welcome to ScholarshipsCanada.com!
10 Scholarships for Women in Canada - GrantMe

There is a tonne of scholarship and bursary money available out there, it just goes to the ones that go after it (applications/essays).
I remember our daughter applying to all sorts of bursaries and scholarships. Pretty much everything had some manner of restriction or condition; marks, program, school board, my employer, etc.
Out of curiosity, what’s the basis for your claim that white Canadian-born kids are being discriminated against in the entry level job sector? Because in the next line you suggest it’s a matter of parents not pushing them to take that first job. I live in a pretty diverse suburb in a pretty diverse city, and I see plenty of white kids working entry level retail and food service locally. I’ll buy there being a lack of interest; I’d need to be convinced of a discriminatory lack of interest. And why are you making the claim applicable just to white Canadian borne kids? If the issue is abuse of TFWs by entry level employers, that logic would apply to all kids born in Canada, no?
I totally agree with this post in the sense that you are using logic to try and understand an issue that I don't believe has really surfaced among the Canadian public yet, but is growing to be more and more of an issue.

Yes, white kids born in Canada actually ARE being discriminated against when it comes to entry level jobs in favour of kids who come from immigrant families.

Do I have any proof of this right now? No, I don't.

Does this mean that white kids can't get entry level jobs? No, it doesn't.

But I've witnessed this personally several times over the last year. (Not sure if I was blind to the issue before, or if it's just become such a problem that people are quietly discussing it more often now) but certain ethnic groups tend to hire people from that same ethnic group...

Nobody will ever post a job "Only available to Punjabi applicants..." But that doesn't mean the person doing the hiring isn't keeping that in mind when going through the resumes.

(Here in Edmonton there are even rental units advertised as only being available to Punjabi renters)
I totally agree with this post in the sense that you are using logic to try and understand an issue that I don't believe has really surfaced among the Canadian public yet, but is growing to be more and more of an issue.

Yes, white kids born in Canada actually ARE being discriminated against when it comes to entry level jobs in favour of kids who come from immigrant families.

Do I have any proof of this right now? No, I don't.

Does this mean that white kids can't get entry level jobs? No, it doesn't.

But I've witnessed this personally several times over the last year. (Not sure if I was blind to the issue before, or if it's just become such a problem that people are quietly discussing it more often now) but certain ethnic groups tend to hire people from that same ethnic group...

Nobody will ever post a job "Only available to Punjabi applicants..." But that doesn't mean the person doing the hiring isn't keeping that in mind when going through the resumes.

(Here in Edmonton there are even rental units advertised as only being available to Punjabi renters)
From the number of “now hiring” signs at Timmies and what not, I don’t think they can afford to be racially picky with entry-level jobs.
From the number of “now hiring” signs at Timmies and what not, I don’t think they can afford to be racially picky with entry-level jobs.

Youth unemployment rates are the highest in 10 years ...

The overall unemployment rate for youth (aged 15 to 24) rose 0.9 percentage points to 13.5% in June. This was the highest rate since September 2014, outside of 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic. On a year-over-year basis, the youth unemployment rate was up 2.1 percentage points in June 2024.

The unemployment rate for core-aged men rose 0.2 percentage points to 5.6% in June. The rate for this group has trended up from a recent low of 4.0% in October 2022. Among core-aged women, the unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.1% in June 2024, and was up from a recent low of 4.1% in January 2023.

The year I entered school I made (low) 6 figures. My estimate for the next year was of course lower as I was a full time student. The only place they asked for income was for my federal student grant, that still got me a small amount.

What is you kid doing wrong?
don't know its 5 years later. One of the questions on the application was list your parent's income
don't know its 5 years later. One of the questions on the application was list your parent's income
I'm surprised that's still a criterion. In my time I knew a few people who were skint and estranged from their high-earning parents. They sure could have used the money, but they sure had no hope of qualifying for funds that were restricted based on parents' incomes.
Like White people for the last 100 years?
I actually have to agree with your point here, it's absolutely true.

The issue that was being discussed (as I understand it anyway) was that ethnic groups tend to hire people from the same ethnic group, and that Caucasian Canadians are feeling discriminated against. (Which is understandable since the number of non-caucasian Canadians is now significantly more than it was in sat the 90's)

White people are equally as guilty, agreed
Suck it, Pierre!

Why though is it growing?
Is it due to more investment both domestic and foreign? Is it increasing productivity? Is it weakening or strengthening currency? Is it due to unmatched immigration?

Not all of those possibilities should be weighed the same.
Suck it, Pierre!

Of course it helps if you cherry pick the year that Canada won’t suck more…

Seems like USA averages 2.3% growth over 2024-2025, while Canada averages just 1.9% (0.4% less than USA) over the same period…


Beside, maybe they’re forecasting how much that Canadians will be happy that Trudeau’s getting voted out finally in 2025? 🤔

Awesome. Everyone is doing so poorly that a sub-3% projection leads the pack.
…other than the….rest of the Globe, which is above 3%… 😉

Well done, ‘developed’ world… 😆
Of course it helps if you cherry pick the year that Canada won’t suck more…

Seems like USA averages 2.3% growth over 2024-2025, while Canada averages just 1.9% (0.4% less than USA) over the same period…

View attachment 86674
Maybe I’m missing something but where did the 2.3 and 1.9 you mentioned come from?
Looking at that IMF report, it appears that they are talking about total GDP and not GDP per capita. https://www.imf.org/-/media/Files/Publications/WEO/2024/Update/July/English/text.ashx

Total GDP represents the overall size of a nation's economy, while GDP per capita is a better economic indicator for the average person's standard of living.

Canada's current population growth rate is about 2.4% per year. (The Daily — Canada's population estimates, first quarter 2024)

If our overall economy grows by 2.4%, and our population grows by 2.4%, GDP per capita will be unchanged.
Looking at that IMF report, it appears that they are talking about total GDP and not GDP per capita. https://www.imf.org/-/media/Files/Publications/WEO/2024/Update/July/English/text.ashx

Total GDP represents the overall size of a nation's economy, while GDP per capita is a better economic indicator for the average person's standard of living.

Canada's current population growth rate is about 2.4% per year. (The Daily — Canada's population estimates, first quarter 2024)

If our overall economy grows by 2.4%, and our population grows by 2.4%, GDP per capita will be unchanged.
And the US is trending 0.5% for 2024, so still a real/net 2.1% per capita GDP growth in 2024 for America…a less back-pattable -0.9% net per capita for 2024 for Canada (+1.3GDP - 2.4Pop = -0.9per cap)

Canada wins again at the *word salad wars!
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