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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Damn that Woman's Suffrage!

Justin Trudeau Meme GIF by LookHUMAN
Plus not to mention the future voters in this country. The stuff I see my kids being "taught" in high school leads me to to have very little hope. When books like 1984, Animal Farm, even Gulag Archipelago are deemed not reliable written by old dead white guys. urgh.

History taught seem not even from the same planet. Funny story my son comes home.....Dad, the teacher told us he is going to break the rules and teach history a little different, he was going have a lesson on D-day and Vimy. He could get away with it because my sons class was off campus (hockey program) for that class.
The Education "system" needs a good kick in the hurt regions. Too many guilty "liberals" educated by pompous twits who were picked on in High School.
Nice hair and nice socks, so that's all the urbanites need from a leader.
Or, they take a look and see what the other leaders are like:
  • CPC: Poilievre is seen as courting the farther-right aspect of his party, esp after the CPC ditched O'Toole. Ottawans, in particular, don't like him because he is seen as pro-Convoy. His tactics/strategy of stoking the outrage may work as Opposition Leader, but what happens if they form govt and "The Man" he is stoking the outrage against is his govt?
  • NDP: Not big enough to form govt
  • PPC: CPC, but farther right
  • Green: Barely able to make a blip
That's my personal dilemma every election. I flip-flop between a couple of parties and pretty much hold my nose at the ballot box. I really gave a ton of thought btwn CPC and LPC the last election but once O'Toole was gone, so was my future vote for that party.
CPC: Poilievre is seen as courting the farther-right aspect of his party, esp after the CPC ditched O'Toole. Ottawans, in particular, don't like him because he is seen as pro-Convoy. His tactics/strategy of stoking the outrage may work as Opposition Leader, but what happens if they form govt
Interestingly the NDP in Alberta seems to be resurging.

I think cozying up with the further right is a bit risky. It's why I'm no longer dyed in blue.

I just got a lovely form letter signed by Pierre which besides looking for money has a ten part questionnaire to determine just how far right I am.

It does want to know if I wish to defund the CBC BUT doesn't give a rat's ass about my views on national defence or security but there are four lines where I can add my own concerns. I'm almost tempted to send it back since it comes with a prepaid envelope.

You can only either vote to slow the leftward slide down or to accelerate it. The option people think exists to move it rightward doesn't really work that way. Conservatives don't very often roll anything major back. If you like the leftward slide, keep voting that way.
You can only either vote to slow the leftward slide down or to accelerate it. The option people think exists to move it rightward doesn't really work that way. Conservatives don't very often roll anything major back. If you like the leftward slide, keep voting that way.
It's a ratchet not a pendulum.
Interestingly the NDP in Alberta seems to be resurging.

I think cozying up with the further right is a bit risky. It's why I'm no longer dyed in blue.

I just got a lovely form letter signed by Pierre which besides looking for money has a ten part questionnaire to determine just how far right I am.

It does want to know if I wish to defund the CBC BUT doesn't give a rat's ass about my views on national defence or security but there are four lines where I can add my own concerns. I'm almost tempted to send it back since it comes with a prepaid envelope.

The NDP resurgence here in Alberta is most likely an ill-considered consequence of encouraging all those easterners to move here 😉

I personally don’t get it. Everybody here remembers quite well her statements in the press & when down in the US to shun Alberta oil, and her lacklustre support for the industry.

Coupled with Trudeau, it would have been far worse than it has been - and that’s hard to even envision.

Smith might be batshit crazy, but I think she really does want to do what’s in the best interest of the province.

I think it’s been all but officially decided, just not announced - there will be an election called in the spring.

LPC MP’s were told to start fundraising a week or two ago precisely for that reason. Now it appears the CPC is doing the same…

I’m glad. Hella’ glad. I hope he gets the boot, heck we NEED him to get the boot! Trudeauistan has sucked.
The NDP resurgence here in Alberta is most likely an ill-considered consequence of encouraging all those easterners to move here 😉

I personally don’t get it. Everybody here remembers quite well her statements in the press & when down in the US to shun Alberta oil, and her lacklustre support for the industry.

Coupled with Trudeau, it would have been far worse than it has been - and that’s hard to even envision.

Smith might be batshit crazy, but I think she really does want to do what’s in the best interest of the province.

I think it’s been all but officially decided, just not announced - there will be an election called in the spring.

LPC MP’s were told to start fundraising a week or two ago precisely for that reason. Now it appears the CPC is doing the same…

I’m glad. Hella’ glad. I hope he gets the boot, heck we NEED him to get the boot! Trudeauistan has sucked.
I can’t be happy at an election right now if there’s no reasonable prospect of meaningful change. I see nothing convincing me that we won’t just renew a Liberal minority. I think Poilievre might survive one loss as leader if he can pick up enough seats to put CPC within striking distance, but that just continues the limp-along… I also think that another Liberal minority would start the process of Trudeau handing over the reins to someone else.

Frankly, if we’re saddled with another election, the best long term outcome might actually be another strong Liberal minority that forces the CPC to acknowledge a trouncing, face reality, and reverse the populist slide to the right. The healthiest thing for our democracy would be a stronger, more dynamic, and electorally viable official opposition. I don’t feel we presently have that. I want a Conservative Party I could comfortably vote for, with mature and forward-thinking policy positions, a leader who’s got real life experience outside of politics and a political pedigree other than as an attack dog. I was a CPC that eschews at least a reasonable amount of the bullshit. Not seeing it yet.
I can’t be happy at an election right now if there’s no reasonable prospect of meaningful change. I see nothing convincing me that we won’t just renew a Liberal minority. I think Poilievre might survive one loss as leader if he can pick up enough seats to put CPC within striking distance, but that just continues the limp-along… I also think that another Liberal minority would start the process of Trudeau handing over the reins to someone else.

Frankly, if we’re saddled with another election, the best long term outcome might actually be another strong Liberal minority that forces the CPC to acknowledge a trouncing, face reality, and reverse the populist slide to the right. The healthiest thing for our democracy would be a stronger, more dynamic, and electorally viable official opposition. I don’t feel we presently have that. I want a Conservative Party I could comfortably vote for, with mature and forward-thinking policy positions, a leader who’s got real life experience outside of politics and a political pedigree other than as an attack dog. I was a CPC that eschews at least a reasonable amount of the bullshit. Not seeing it yet.
Frankly, I would like a government that is smaller, less bureaucratic, and doesn't slide my Tax Freedom day to the right. I don't care who that ideology is.
The NDP resurgence here in Alberta is most likely an ill-considered consequence of encouraging all those easterners to move here 😉
If enough of them move, it could actually help the Cons’ vote efficiency back from whence the Orange Scourge comes.
Frankly, I would like a government that is smaller, less bureaucratic, and doesn't slide my Tax Freedom day to the right. I don't care who that ideology is.
Agreed. Not sure there’s anyone meaningfully on deck who’s really interested in reducing governmental power. It just seems to be a matter of different flavours.
Agreed. Not sure there’s anyone meaningfully on deck who’s really interested in reducing governmental power. It just seems to be a matter of different flavours.
We may see in a few months (and 2/3 Billion CAD poorer). 😔
Agreed. Not sure there’s anyone meaningfully on deck who’s really interested in reducing governmental power. It just seems to be a matter of different flavours.
And I am not liking any of the flavours right now.
Frankly, I would like a government that is smaller, less bureaucratic, and doesn't slide my Tax Freedom day to the right. I don't care who that ideology is.
Yes, less Government and less taxes, the better. I only realized how bad it actually was when I was on my "apprenticeship wage" in my new job.

For about half of this year, I was on a trainee wage but the difference in take home pay due to the graduated income tax system we have meant even though I'm now qualified and grossing way more money (and also working A LOT harder) the net pay due to income tax and other deductions is only marginally more and the juice becomes less and less worth the squeeze.

I was already infuriated when I was still in the CAF and saw how much waste there was in the Public Sector. Now I am even more incensed because I realize how little they actually work and how my labour is contributing to their decadence.
Yes, less Government and less taxes, the better. I only realized how bad it actually was when I was on my "apprenticeship wage" in my new job.

For about half of this year, I was on a trainee wage but the difference in take home pay due to the graduated income tax system we have meant even though I'm now qualified and grossing way more money (and also working A LOT harder) the net pay due to income tax and other deductions is only marginally more and the juice becomes less and less worth the squeeze.

I was already infuriated when I was still in the CAF and saw how much waste there was in the Public Sector. Now I am even more incensed because I realize how little they actually work and how my labour is contributing to their decadence.
We tax the competent.
We tax the competent.
That's basically it, which is why it's important to find other means of generating wealth other than income generated through labour.

Income from labour is the least tax efficient form of income there is.

I dedicate a certain portion of my income to company stocks and have a few other streams producing income for me as well.

My hope is to eventually have more of my income being generated passively than from my actual labour, that way the Government can't take as much of it.

Although reading the tea leaves, they will eventually try and come after other sources as well.

I will vote for a Government that promises tax reductions. Nothing else matters to me.