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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

That's basically it, which is why it's important to find other means of generating wealth other than income generated through labour.

Income from labour is the least tax efficient form of income there is.

I dedicate a certain portion of my income to company stocks and have a few other streams producing income for me as well.

My hope is to eventually have more of my income being generated passively than from my actual labour, that way the Government can't take as much of it.

Although reading the tea leaves, they will eventually try and come after other sources as well.

I will vote for a Government that promises tax reductions. Nothing else matters to me.
Oh yeah, you can count on that. The Government is non-descriptive/deceptive in their sources of finance. Let's just pass a bill.
Yes, less Government and less taxes, the better. I only realized how bad it actually was when I was on my "apprenticeship wage" in my new job.

For about half of this year, I was on a trainee wage but the difference in take home pay due to the graduated income tax system we have meant even though I'm now qualified and grossing way more money (and also working A LOT harder) the net pay due to income tax and other deductions is only marginally more and the juice becomes less and less worth the squeeze.

I was already infuriated when I was still in the CAF and saw how much waste there was in the Public Sector. Now I am even more incensed because I realize how little they actually work and how my labour is contributing to their decadence.

You sound like one of Trudeau’s “Middle Class” minions. 😉 Aside from his reverence for China’s Dear Leader, Xi Jinping, he is trying to see what parts of American society he can leverage…notably D.C.’s benefits: “taxation without representation”…
It doesn’t matter what I think of which party or leader. As long as the suburbs think the CPC is full of cranks and hicks, they will vote for incompetence and corruption.

Judging by the by-election results, NDP voters are so scared of the current version of the CPC that they are flocking to the Liberals, just as I predicted.

Tories win when Dippers vote Dipper.
Tories win when they broaden their appeal.

And Tories also win when the electorate enters "Throw the rapscallions out!" mode.

That O'Toole kept Conservative numbers and support when the GoC was printing money was a success - unfortunately, he was deposed rather than giving him another run.
If O’Toole was allowed to stick around, I am convinced Trudeau would not be running again. He came close to losing it last time and the old attacks against O’Toole would have a lot less salience next time. Now Trudeau is facing an oppo researcher’s dream come true.
Tories win when they broaden their appeal.

And Tories also win when the electorate enters "Throw the rapscallions out!" mode.

That O'Toole kept Conservative numbers and support when the GoC was printing money was a success - unfortunately, he was deposed rather than giving him another run.
The problem with O’Toole was that by and large, nobody knew who he was or what his ideas were.

That last election was an easy win for anybody with good ideas grounded in common sense, and the ability to effectively communicate them.

I follow politics as much as the next person, and took an exceptional interest in the last election - and even I had to Google him just to figure out what he looked like.

I am genuinely curious, what is it about the CPC that people are leary of?

Pierre has stated clearly one of his first acts as PM would be to abolish the carbon tax, halt any planned tax increases, and reign in government spending.

He’s been quite vocal about the size of government growing roughly 30% (in terms of costs) yet Canadians are getting substantially less value than they did before.

He’s been vocal about promoting energy industry projects, scrapping the new firearms legislation, etc. He was the hard charger against C-11 (internet censorship) and is also the hard charger against C-21 (firearms ban)

What is it about the CPC that has people so nervous that they would continue to vote instead for the LPC?
What is it about the CPC that has people so nervous that they would continue to vote instead for the LPC?
@RangerRay said it better than I in another thread, so I'll just cut/paste (and slightly change) it.

It’s more the populist/nationalist/Trumpist/conspiracy theorist bogeyman I hear about. Tories, federal and provincial, don’t help the cause when they snuggle up to those elements. Despite their own press releases, that kind of stuff turns off normie voters in the suburbs. It might go well in Fort Bumfuck, SK where everyone is reading Facebook posts Uncle Bob is sharing from EaglePatriotMAGAnews.ru, but not in the 905.
The problem with O’Toole was that by and large, nobody knew who he was or what his ideas were.

That last election was an easy win for anybody with good ideas grounded in common sense, and the ability to effectively communicate them.

I follow politics as much as the next person, and took an exceptional interest in the last election - and even I had to Google him just to figure out what he looked like.

I am genuinely curious, what is it about the CPC that people are leary of?

Pierre has stated clearly one of his first acts as PM would be to abolish the carbon tax, halt any planned tax increases, and reign in government spending.

He’s been quite vocal about the size of government growing roughly 30% (in terms of costs) yet Canadians are getting substantially less value than they did before.

He’s been vocal about promoting energy industry projects, scrapping the new firearms legislation, etc. He was the hard charger against C-11 (internet censorship) and is also the hard charger against C-21 (firearms ban)

What is it about the CPC that has people so nervous that they would continue to vote instead for the LPC?
As they say: “You can build a thousand bridges, but you….”

As long as the LPC keeps using factual examples such as CPC private members’ bills to implement abortion-related legislation, the CPC can prattle on about being an alternative to the morally-corrupt LPC, but the voters will continue to question why the COC won’t shut the door on letting abortion legislation be proposed by its members, even if it isn’t a party policy. It is a de facto party policy because it is on the record saying it wouldn’t restrict such an effort from its MPs.
If most Canadians insist on being extreme outliers on abortion (pretty much unrestricted) and are willing to keep the LPC or LPC/NDP coalitions in government to avoid the insult of having to tolerate a party which might impose policies not much different than many other nations, there isn't going to be any movement in government until the governing parties become intolerable to enough voters. Ordinarily I would add "or until people really feel it in their wallets", but the usual tendency then is to vote for whoever promises the illusion of relief at someone else's expense.

Meanwhile, among the categories into which recent headlines fall, these are surely among the top 5: "health care in crisis", "people are going to lose their homes", "cost of living is rising out of control".
I am genuinely curious, what is it about the CPC that people are leary of?

Pierre has stated clearly one of his first acts as PM would be to abolish the carbon tax,

What is it about the CPC that has people so nervous that they would continue to vote instead for the LPC?
that right there for me
that right there for me
Getting rid of the carbon tax?

(I’m not trying to talk specific politics. Just trying to get a macro feel for how the party is perceived & why it is perceived that way, as my social circle won’t be of much help if I asked)
Getting rid of the carbon tax?

(I’m not trying to talk specific politics. Just trying to get a macro feel for how the party is perceived & why it is perceived that way, as my social circle won’t be of much help if I asked)
yeah for me its a major deciding issue thats going to make voting extremely hard
If most Since enough Canadians insist on being extreme outliers on abortion (pretty much unrestricted) and are willing to keep the LPC or LPC/NDP coalitions in government to avoid the insult of having to tolerate a party which might impose policies not much different than many other nations, there isn't going to be any movement in government until the governing parties become intolerable to enough voters.
I’d be happy to be proven wrong, seriously I would…but…
If most Canadians insist on being extreme outliers on abortion (pretty much unrestricted) and are willing to keep the LPC or LPC/NDP coalitions in government to avoid the insult of having to tolerate a party which might impose policies not much different than many other nations
Just so I'm understanding your viewpoint correctly, are you saying that Canadians are being extreme outliers by supporting pretty much unrestricted abortion?
Just so I'm understanding your viewpoint correctly, are you saying that Canadians are being extreme outliers by supporting pretty much unrestricted abortion?
Speaking for myself, I don’t support “unrestricted abortion”. I support it being a regulated act as per any other medical procedure.
Abortion Law. (Wikipedia) Scroll down to the table and see how many are with Canada as "On Request - Permitted". Note that the provincial limits are not criminal.
yeah for me its a major deciding issue thats going to make voting extremely hard
Except that most voters the parties need to form government think the world is going to become a burning hell scape if they don’t pay the government more money for their fuel.

Never mind that the carbon tax came out as a market-based alternative to taxing and regulating heavy emitters.
Except that most voters the parties need to form government think the world is going to become a burning hell scape if they don’t pay the government more money for their fuel.

Never mind that the carbon tax came out as a market-based alternative to taxing and regulating heavy emitters.
The carbon tax here in Ontario is making people feel a real kick in the ass.

However, last summer when gas was 2.20/liter, the "die hard liberals" blamed the "greedy oil barons" and not at all the Fed government. SO thats a major issue when people will warp their view of reality to make St Justin of Blackface be not to blame.

However, I have noticed something interesting. Many immigrants and ethical communities are starting to turn against the Trudeau brand of Liberals.

Kathleen Wynne thought she was untouchable (very arrogant) and then boom! The Ontario Liberals still can't form a party. And thats here in Ontario.

I think too many arm chair critics here are over analyzing it IMO.

It will come down to what happens to peoples quality of living, how much they get fed up with Trudeau and how popular PP is with the folks.

For the PP is "courting the far right...blah blah" Please. Have a look at where and who he has been canvasing since he became CPC leader. Like actually go to his page and have a look.

Will Trudeau win next election? Maybe or maybe not. My guess is, Canada is getting tired of his brand of politics.