ObedientiaZelum said:Giving a medal to someone doing a job that a 12 year old can do that superceeds a medal awarded for being wounded in combat or for heroism is a wonderful idea. They should probably get some sort of danger pay while they're at it.
I used to think that the medal was placed too high. Now I'm not sure. Excuse me while I go off on a little bit of a tangent/rant:
1. What people seem to forget is that there are actually 2 versions of the Bronze Star (BSM); one with the V (for valour) and one without. There have been controversies that the one without the V has been watered down; see link below. Of course, that opens the can of worms whether the BSM with V should even be in the same category as the other one, but that's another rant for another day.
2. Yes, the missions are generally run out of places in the US, where the person can go home and see family, friends, etc. That being said, they have launch and recovery teams locally to land/take-off the RPAs who are on deployment lengths similar to (or longer than) those of us in OP ATHENA back in the day. If it's possible for someone in, say, KAF to get a Bronze Star, and the article above definitely thinks so, then why should the DWM not be rated higher?
3. As cupper said, it's not like every RPA pilot/sensor operator/janitor at Creech AFB is getting this. People seem to be getting worked up over a medal that maybe a few may get.