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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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appealing a decision from the inside is one thing
appealing a decision from the outside is a whole other thing.... extremely irritating, long and drawn out.... also pert much at your expense.
Yeah I can imagine. I was at the recruiter today. I applied for Communications Reserve this time. Doing same trade. Anyway the way it was explained to me was that it is between the unit and the recruiting center. Im not 100% sure if thats really the case, as I seem to get different info from everyone I talk too. But if thats the case the process should be easier ( at least a little bit) than having my file go before somebody in Ottawa or Borden and just saying no I dont approve this application without even speaking to me. With the recruiter and unit at least I can try to plead my case with the medic staff and the captain. The unit has sent an Email to the SGT at the recruiting center saying as long as I pass with the recruiter they will hire me on strength..whatever that means...but anyway As I said..I will have to deal with whatever decision is made.
Skilled or Semi Skilled PLAR are sent from CFRG to the Managing Authority (MA) in your case likely someone in the Air Force who is either a FE or has access to an FE to ask. Sometimes the MA provides a matrix to compare training and experience with the applicants submission.  At anytime during the recruitment process you are not happy with the results or what you have been told ask to speak with another person or ask to see the policy. CFRG only has the authority to enrol what the MA's ask for and we cannot create vacancies such as FE without extra staff work.
In defence of the officer who told you that you could only be a AVN tech, Capt's do as they are taught and must follow orders, procedures and directives like anybody else. Their personal experience level and training may not have exposed them to such a special case as yours. 

Glad it all worked out for you and thank you for blazing a new career path for others.
I did not want to start another thread on this so here are a few questions with regards to my case. Hopefully someone can help out although I may already know the answers. As I have mentioned in a past thread I VR'd at the end of July 07 and have already decided to re-enlist after six years of service in the Regs as Cpl QL5. I was thinking of going Air Force but to be honest due to the loss of money now and postings available Im really thinking of going back to my old trade. Questions are: Would a PLAR still be conducted? Would I have to do the apptitude tests? I know the med and physical is coming. Note; local CFRC has already accepted my application but waiting a couple of months to request Med docs. Im just another one on the list who made a huge mistake!
Hi Everyone,

It's been a long time since I've been back in these parts.
The last time I was here I was 18 and was on my way to Basic in Quebec (NOV 19 2005). A few weeks in, I ended up on PAT Platoon with a fractured ankle after slipping off an icy curb during morning PT. Not too long after that , a serious family issue arouse and I had to make the decision to VR so I could be home to deal with it. I'm now 20. For the past 2 years in the back of my mind I have always thought about rejoining. For the first few months I even spent many restless nights awake contemplating about it and if I should try to rejoin.
It's 2 years later, and I still feel like crap leaving Quebec and leaving my platoon. I feel like not only did I let everyone else down, but I let myself down the most. Especially leaving so early into Basic (ended up leaving around Week 5). My Master Corporals and Sargent of my platoon told me to be sure about my decision as I might regret it. And at the time I really thought I was making the right one, but now I honestly do regret it.

I was just curious about what the Army's stance is on recruits rejoining, especially after how short my stay was.
Any info you could share would help me a lot.

Your best bet is talk to the recruiting office....there's no shame in having a fractured ankle, and as for the other....well, we all make decisions in life for a lot of reasons.....
Hey... some people with many years VR only to figure out that they had it pretty good in the military
If you released honorably, no problem - reapply but expect to wait at least a month for your old medical documents to be ordered from the archives before you can get booked for a medical/interview.  It happens all the time.  You won't even have to redo the written test unless you apply for a trade that your first mark didn't qualify you for. i.e. if you got a middling mark and now want to apply for another trade that requires a higher mark, you will have to try again.
I defiantly understand what your going through.
I did my BMQ and SQ courses and then had 2 weeks in between my SQ graduation and the start of my DP1.
I did not go on course and went NES and got a civi job.
At first it seemed like I was happy didn't want to go back.
But then, I'd see a soldier in CADPAT, or see a Canadian Forces commercial, or hear from one of my army buddies about their DP1 course.
I was starting to lose sleep over it and couldn't stand it anymore.
Finally one day I just cleaned my kit, shaved and showed up for my unit's muster night, and now 6 weeks later, I'm training again and couldnt be happier.
If you have that little feeling of missing it or have restless sleeps thinking about it, go back, I guarantee you wont regret it.

I hope whatever ur decision it works out for you. :)
  When I went through almost 2 years ago...in my platoon of 45, there were two people who were doing it again after VRing.  One guy VR'd at week 5, and the other VR'd after week 9!!!! 
  They had to wait 6 months to rejoin.  They were given a little teasing from the instructors throughout training.................." Are you gonna quit again private!!!??".....that kind of thing, but it was no big deal really.
  Actually those guys came in handy, because they would tell the rest of us what to expect from upcoming weeks. 
COD :cdn:
... Don't do it again.
If you decide at some time in the future that you've had enough, say so, put it in writing AND return your kit.
If you go NES you are released as "not advantageously employable" by the CF, Recovery action will be initiated against you for your kit (ie= collection measures for the $$ value) and, you might find it difficult to find another job for the government at a later date...
o i know believe me, i dont plan on goin anywhere.
I was lucky, i didnt have to go through any paperwork, i was only a few weeks away from having to go through alot of red tape to get back in, im just glad I did return.
Glad you've snapped out of it and are firmly back into service.
As a follow up to this....does anyone know off hand what the least I could expect as far as IPC is concerned if I was in fact to go back into another trade? Leaving as a Cpl QL5 IPC 3 Spec. Im thinking that I would return in another trade as a Pte IPC 3?

Any thoughts?
Do any Recruiters know if there is still the 6 month wait implemented after VR? I have heard many different opinions on this. Some say yes and some say its waived. If its waived is there anything in writing on it? I understand that a couple of Air Force trades are taking qualified re-enrollee's but it seems that those are the only trades.

First of all, Happy new year to all,

Here is my situation,

I was in the first time in Dec, 92 Army Reserve, transferred in the Navy in March, 94 as a NESOP 276 until Nov, 97.  I was an AB, QL5 qualified.  I met this girl and then left the Military.  I saw the light in 2007 (still with the same lovely girl) and rejoined in the same trade NESOP 00115.  They told me that I lost all my qualifications so I had to redo everything except BMQ.  I have just finished my QL3 so I'm officially a qualified NESOP again.  In my EMAA account it is written that I was enrolled as an AB but at the school they said it was a mistake because my first message was written as an OD.  They did that to get me in the system faster and did not have the time to wait for an answer back from Ottawa.  But know I'm stuck in between two ranks, I wear the OD slipons but at the BOR they think I' am an AB.  I asked to have my pay set to incentive 1 (it was at incentive 3 when I started in April) because I was scared they actually made a mistake and did not want to returned 1 year of over pay... been in before...LOL.  I can't find anything helpfull in the CFAO's, no one seems to to know really, I have asked the BOR to look into it (6 times already), still waiting for their call.

What appens if I' am really an AB, should I get incentive 3.  Some are telling me that it's not a rank and no pay increase should go with it, not like Leading Seaman.  But some other tells me that if they gave me my rank back, they also gave me the time in accordingly.  When can I expect to be promoted to LS.  My re qualifications will not fit with my time in. 

So if anyone knows anything about this matter, it would help me a lot.

This is what happened in my situation, I was reserve for 3 years prior to joining the reg navy as a navcomm, I was given only my BMQ as far as the navy was concerned (kept alot of my army quals though) I was enrolled as an OD but given a higher IPC (3), due to TCP (time credit for promotion) this will show on your MPRR in EMAA in the military data block (PFTPS). This was back before you no longer had to write a fleet exam to be AB Qualified, in your case however you may just well be an AB, one of my JR Hands when I was still a navcomm enrolled with 4 years previous svc (infantry reserve) and was granted his AB on enrollment, I suspect seeing as you have just completed your TQ3 you are or will be posted to a sea-going unit shortly, 1 your posting msg will have the rank the carreer manager thinks you are, and 2. the ship or FAP/FAA will fight a little harder for you than the school. The unfortunate problem with the school is they are short handed as it is and have so much admin to deal with stuff like this is often forgotten due to other things like the unit #@@# magnet who has to have an escort from cells in Vancouver every month (especially combat div at the school). Hope it helps if its a little muddy feel free to fire me a PM.
Thanks for the reply,

Thats what I figured so far.  My next course is the NETP then the ship.  And you are right about the work load for the staff.  We have problems with drugs and discipline.  I don't recall that from ten years ago.  Now they have people in birds permanently at Nellies.
